What's the smallest compact 9mm out there?

Alex Johnson

New member
I was just considering getting a 9mm. I know they are making some pretty small 9mm pistols, but do they make any yet that are truly pocket size?
Kahr MK9 or Colt Pocket 9. There are also small Glocks, but they are fairly thick (just as thick as full size Glock). Kahr is propably thinner then Colt, but longer in the gripp and slide.
I am not aware of any other pocketable 9mm Parabellum pistols.
You might also consider a J frame. They are offered in 9mm as well as .38spl.
The Kel-Tec P-11 is one of the smaller 9MMs and the lightest.

Some people can put this gun and some the others mentioned in their pockets and carry. I can't, they MIGHT fit in my pocket but it would certainly be obvious something big was in there and it would be very uncomfortable too. I guess some people have really big pockets, some say they use the relatively heavy Makarov as pocket gun.
I'll stick to my Kel-Tec P-32 or Autauga .32
kel-tec p-11 should be the smallest in current production, unless american derringer came out with the 9mm version of the semmerling lm-4.

i think the lafrance nova (based on the star bkm) was smaller, lighter and thinner
kel-tec P-11 is a very small 9mm. Like the previous poster stated, it is a little too big for pocket carry -- "...is that a P-11 in your pocket or are you just happy to see me..."

The only true 9mm POCKET pistol being made today is the MK9. But since it's all metal it is pretty heavy. I've had the P11 and have a G26 and neither is a true pocket pistol!

I'll second the idea of a stubby 38. They are pretty easy to fit in a pocket.

I don't know which is smallest but the Glock 26 may be one of the finest small 9x19 pistols. This is my first Glock and there is something remarkable about the ergonomics.

It is pretty small for an 11 shot 9mm, very comfortable to shoot with the hottest ammo and there is something about the trigger and/or shape that allows me to shoot this mini-pistol with unbelievable accuracy.

In sunny Arizona
If you can handle it in two shots or less, there is always the Derringer.
Thanks for the info, I have a snub nose 38 and it is probably my favorite pocket pistol of the just barely qualifies category. I would be interested in a 9mm snub nose, but haven't ever seen one outside of magazines. Any ideas how they would compare with the 38 specials, assuming both were using +P loads?
The velocities out of a Glock 26 compared to a 2 inch snub should be pretty close in 9mm. The Glock barrel is 3.5inches, but that includes chamber. The actual barrel is close to 2 inches of useful length. I would take about 25-50 fps for cylinder gap pressure loss in the revolver.

As for "truly" pocket size pistols, how deep are your pockets? I have known people to say that they carry SIG P239's in a pocket!

Seriously, most pistols- at least in my opinion disqualify as true pocket pistols due to either size or weight. The G26/27- too thick, MK9 too heavy and the list goes on and on.
I would drop down to .32 or stick to my .38 loaded with Corbons 115 JHP rated at 1250fps for the .38 special for pocket use. Or better yet- get a 9mm revolver. The only drawback I would see it reloading. Full moon or half moon clips are a pain to carry concealed compared to speed strips for reloads.

Good Shooting
I wouldn't imagine that you would have to carry the half moon clips with you for a speed reload with the 9mm revolvers. I would think that having the pistol initially charged with the moon clips and than carrying a speed strip, or speedloader full of 9mms would work just fine. You would at least be able to clear the spent cases from the chamber the first time, it probably isn't going to be necessary for a fast reload more than once anyway's. Seems to me I had seen a 9mm revolver with a special mechanisim that would eject the 9mm without moonclips, wonder where those are now.
if you don't mind not being able to quickly eject the first reload, consider this...

a moon clip is quite bulky, they don't make speed strips or speedloaders for the 9mm rounds unless you are using the federal 9mm rimmed. however, you can carry spare 9mm rounds in a single stack magazine. you load by thumbing rounds out of the mag into the chambers.

ruger and smith both used to make 9mm wheelguns which worked without needing moon clips.

the smith used little fingers, set along the ejector rod, that caught the rims when ejector rod was pushed to clear the rounds.

the ruger used a ring of spring steel, set in the ejector star, which snapped into the case rim for ejection.

neither ever caught on...the smith system is more efficient and faster to load new rounds into
There is no TRUE 9mm that you can carry in your pocket without the ladies laughing at you.

BUT the Glock 26 is the best subcompact out there. bar none. The Kel Tec needs some F&B. The Kahr has had some reliability problems. And the Colt has the worst trigger pull in the world.

Many cops carry the G26/G27 off duty. What does that tell you?

Join the Glock collective. We've already assimiliated most of the worthy law enforcement agencies. Resistance is futile. Polymer power!
Kahr MK9 or a S&W 940. If you can wait until next year you might see a Kahr MP9, in fact some smiths are cutting down the P9 to take an MK9 magazine, but the barrel is still a little long.
I would'nt forget about the HK P7M8 or PSP. These little bad boyz are 9MM with 8 rd capacity, 4 inch barrels and are compact. They are some of the most accurate pistol out there with a 4 inch barrel and are the fastest into action. Very reliable and awesome....yeah they cost a little more.


The P7-PSP is my main CCW weapon. I carry it IWB but the G26 is much smaller and suitable for ankle carry.

A good friend on Phoenix PD turned me onto the G26. They carry a full size Glock on the belt and a baby Glock on the ankle. Off duty they normally just carry the ankle holster (a Renegade). A few years ago PPD switched to 40 S&W so the G27 is on the ankle. I am happy with the smaller G26 in 9x19.

In sunny Arizona
I can carry my Kel-Tec P11 in my pocket, or for that matter my Model 60. The problem is getting it back out. I carryed my P11 that way yesterday because I just bought it and I don't own a holster yet. Sure there is a bulge in my pocket, which is covered by my shirt tail. Almost any practical carry mode requires you to leave your shirt untucked. But, you could never get it out in a hurry not because of size but because it twists and turns and catches on everything. I don't know if that is the smallest 9mm out there or not, it is the smallest that I know of and that was the question.
The Glock 26 is a fine gun, but way to thick for my pockets. The HK P7 is also a fine gun, but for pocket carry? NF way. Same for the Sig P239.

JTDuncan said:
"There is no TRUE 9mm that you can carry in your pocket without the ladies laughing at you."

"The Kahr has had some reliability problems."

I have three Kahrs: a K9, MK9, and K40. They've all been among my most reliable guns. When the K9 first came out, they were known for having tight chambers, which Kahr fixed for free. I haven't heard anything about reliability problems with the K9 and MK9 in years. The new P9 has had some reliability problems to do with the slide stop, which Kahr will replace for free. So I don't know what jtduncan is referring to here.

I can, and do, carry my MK9 in a pocket. It is a bit heavy for pocket carry, but in my pocket holster from Rusty Sherrick, it prints no more than my S&W airweight.

Now hold on there JT...

The Kahr P-series did have some reliability problems, but the K and MK series, AFAIK, have been trouble free and stone reliable. The 3 I've owned have been... YMMV

As to your other point, I certainly won't disagree that the G26/27 is by far the most popular sub-compact, full caliber pistol around. Not everyone likes them, but A LOT of folks do. Had one of those too (27) didn't like the feel of the backstrap... wish the G27 felt like the G30 in the hand! Even better, a G36 sized .40... :D I'd buy THAT for a dollar!

As soon as Kahr finally makes an MP9, THAT will be the smallest, lightest 9mm around, albeit a 6+1 rounder, but then that's still 2 better than the snubbie, and faster reloads to boot :) .
"Many cops carry the G26/G27 off duty. What does that tell you?"

It tells me that cops spend very little to get a Glock. I like Glocks but I know that a Glock costs me a heck of a lot more than it costs for a LEO to buy.

The original question was asking which was the smallest. It wasn't another invitation to defend Glocks. It seems that no matter what question is asked, someone has to defend/recommend their Glock/SKS/870. To these people everything else is junk.