What's the odds of our guns being taken away?

It is very unlikely guns will be physically taken in one big operation.

Likely subcategories of firearms will be incrementally banned or heavily restricted. You eat an elephant one bite at a time. The incremental bans and restrictions will result in firearms becoming less and less common and support for their ownership will wane accordingly, allowing for the strategy to continue and maybe pick up speed.

As far as the method by which they will physically be removed from ownership, the authorities are not going door to door to collect them wholesale, that was never the point. A lot of people will voluntarily turn them in, if what we see in other countries is anything to go by.

Some won't. But keeping the guns won't do them any good. Once you can't legally own a gun, you can't compete with it, hunt with it, plink with it. You can't carry it for protection, you can't use it in legal self-defense, you can't sell it, you can't buy ammunition or accessories for it.

A little at a time, the government will get all those, over time. There's no rush. They've already accomplished their main goal by simply making them illegal to own and therefore to use. People will die and their illegal guns will be discovered and destroyed. People's houses will burn and their illegal guns will be discovered in the ashes and they will go to prison. There will be divorces and disgruntled ex-spouses will turn their exes in for revenge. Kids will tell their friends about their parents' guns without thinking. People will get drunk and brag about their guns. People will be stupid and tell other people about their guns. Craftsmen and repairmen will see things and report them to police.

It won't be a civil war, an epic conflict, it's going to be a long, drawn-out cold war. It will be a gradual thing. If you want to make a difference, you have to fight the strategy. Educate people tactfully. Take people shooting and make it a fun and safe experience. Get involved with local organizations, support gun rights organizations. Vote.

Remember, we can not win this battle because there will NEVER be a time we can relax and say that the attacks on gun rights are over from now on.

Our choices are to fight or to give up. Win is not one of them. We can slow the progress down, maybe stop it for awhile, maybe even reverse it in some cases. But the fight will never be over unless we have lost.
Bill DeShivs; ( If push came to shove, and the Supreme Court was forced to rule on the Second Amendment, the only way they could legitimately rule is that "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

Now what is "infringed?" It's exactly what the liberals don't want to hear.

Technically, federal gun laws would be null and void. )

ummm all Gun Laws would be null and void.

the constitution is "the highest law in the land" and that amendment would make ALL local/state/federal gun laws null and void, as they are all infringements.

while the first amendment is a prohibition against "congress" only, the second amendment is a prohibition against everyone, all entities.
Under Marshall Law (deliberately misspelled) with the UriNation here or as we've seen in Katrina, unconstitutional enforcement.

I don't see it happening not because of a sudden observance of the Constitution but because of the impending monetary collapse. Who is going to risk their life to seize fyre-arms when the pay is zilch? People generally don't do things without some benefit and if there's no payment involved, they're less likely to perform.

What we should guard against when the monetary system collapse is the tokenization of society (everything you own is given a token value and can be spent away on your card (or phone)). Say no to digital currency and your loss of privacy.