What's the most unusual firearm you've ever fired?

Hmm, you guys have fired some neat stuff....

Here's one I heard about, but never did...

A friend of mine who was in the Reserves told me all the guys in his unit would scour around at flea markets & garage sales for bowling balls and gather up some of the big air tanks (like helium comes in). Then, before their annual 2 weeks in the desert, they'd cut the bottoms off the tanks and unscrew the valves. When they got to the desert, they'd bury the closed end of the tank 2-3 ft in the sand (open end up, of coursed), add 1 can FFFF black powder, cannon fuse, and bowling ball, light it and run like heck...

I'm told, after 3-4 shots, the cannister was buried completely.
Some of the more memorable guns I've fired...
o M1928 Thompson .45 SMG with type L drum--
o UZI 9mm SMG with folding stock--
o 460 Weatherby Magnum with scope--
o Model 70 Win African 458 Win Mag--
o Model 70 Super Grade 375 H&H Mag or, for you purists, 375 Belted Rimless Super Nitro Express--
o M60 MG (I was a gunner in the Army)
o 454 Casull--I still remember the kick!!!

Yankee Doodle
my grandfather bought me a Big Bang carbide cannon when i was a lad


that started a bunch of innovating :)

forth of july is coming!

Well I wouldn't call it unusual, but is sure was a lot of fun, HK MP5.

Ewok, I made those cannons out of pop cans too. They were also pretty good at launching tennis balls. Used to drive my mom nuts :).

Soup cans work well too, but it sure is a pain getting the tomato soup out of the last can.

The Gat from a Black Hawk was a little unusual, as you dont get to every day - but it was not a weird gun...

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


I was in the Submarine Service during the cold war (61-64) and as a FT, it was one of my jobs to push the firing plunger and launched 500lb HBX Torpedo's. One went out the tube and went out about 400 yards and went straight down (about 500 feet) and went off on the bottom. As a young lad of 19-20, I thought we were hit...What a tooth jarring experience. Oh well, back to my 338 Mag and them monster elk's.

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.
The weirdest gun had to have been a contrivance that was (is?) made to hold two or four AK-47's. You turned a gear & chain driven wheel to fire this quasi gatling gun. It fires six rounds from the AK's for each full turn of the crank. After you get adept at turning crank "at just the right speed" you can dump 2-30 round mags so quick that the first pieces of brass are just hitting the ground as the last are leaving the guns! Lots-o-fun, no accuracy, big and bulky, tough to clean, impossible to store safely (w/o disassembly) and one h%(( of a bullet waster. But guaranteed to put a smile on your face and aid in planting potatoes!

If everyone thought like me, I'd be a damn fool to think any different!
Well, I don't know about exotic, but definately fun to shoot. The Army's M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW). Lotsa fun specially when you don't have to pay for the ammo. Then there was the one and only time I got to fire a life Dragon (M47) anti-tank weapon. Clearly not a firearm but non the less a blast (pun intended) to shoot. But my all time favorite is the HK MP5. No doubt that it is the finest sub gun in the world. Wish I could afford one of my own. Oh well, I can always dream.
I think the most unusual weapon I ever fired was an M231 Firing Port Weapon. The M231 FPW is about 18"OAL, no sights (as it is locked into the firing port and you are looking through a periscope), full-auto sear lower and has a cyclic rate of approximately 1200 rd/min. This gun goes through 30 round magazines faster than M11's, and it's throwin' 55gr death at over 2,500fps!

May your lead always hit center mass and your brass always land in your range bag.

Yeah boy, is an eight inch howitzer a firearm? Had four of them field training in the Army Reserves. Broke three of them firing FULL charges just to keep from having the detail of burning the excess bags of powder from short charge firing.
The broke guns would slam back into battery as violently as it came out of battery when the piece was fired.......really ugly! I think the lanyard was twenty feet long and the percussion BEHIND the gun would move the guy on the lanyard six inches.
Won some bets on being able to see the 235 lb projectile in the air ( have to be up-wind standing less than ten degrees paralell to the bore focusing on the cloud the howitzer is pointed at ) (& don't blink!)
Twenty seven pounds of smokless powder in six individual bags including the base charge with eight ounces of black powder at its base ignited by a primer which resembles a heavy 38 sp casing with 19 gr black powder with a pistol primer in its base. Twenty plus mile range with 2700 mv.......Quite a Big Iron.

Ralph in In.

[This message has been edited by GreybeardB (edited June 29, 1999).]
A .75 cal blackpowder muzzle loader...knocked me on my keister

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Go Greybeard! I will not comment on the field cannon at the frat house!
God bless me for some of my stupidity!
Would have to say a tompson 45 full auto. Took a firearms class in Jr. College and the instructor (an LEO) brought the department's gun out to the range for us to shoot. We had to supply our own lead. Back then (in 60's) cost me $6 a box of 50 for the 45's. Could only afford one box to shoot :(. Lasted maybe a sec & half. Did learn the proper way to shoot full auto.

Chinese Type 64 suppressed 7.62 x 25mm submachinegun. Those commies are, to use the Red Guard's vernacular, "running dog capitalistic pigs." Give them the money and they'll let you shoot it.

I also wanted to shoot a 23mm double barrel AA gun and a 120 mm mortar, but they wouldn't let me. I guess they didn't need my money that bad. :(

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
General Electric M61/A1 20mm vulcan cannon. Served in Air Force as a "weapon system specialist, F-15 weapons delivery systems specialist, to be exact. On occasion they would chain down the landing gear to mooring pots in a "wetfire pad" about a mile from the main ramp. once all safety regs had been met,you loaded the weapon, then called to notify the ops guy,and if all was good you then ran the gun, either by running the left engine or using a hydraulic mule. Officially you had to be signed off to perform this but my crew chief on my loadcrew was pretty cool and was told that I could tear off about 500 rds (MAX CAP. OF THE DRUM IS 940 RDS.) no sooner than I pulled the trigger,and started thinking "this is cool" it was over. But Ill never forget it. and before someone tries to get me on a "technical", YES the W.O.W.(weight on wheels) circuit breaker was pulled!

Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of cool weaponry! My American Dream!
OH, and I ALMOST FORGOT! my class II S.O.T. buddy took me out to fire his MP-40 SMG, it was most nice! we had a good time w/ it until the bolt handle fell out! Turns out that when they (der Krauts) originally installed it it was "swedged" ( the best descriptive word I can think of) in place and it finally gave out. We then went to my house and reinstalled it and Mig-welded it from the inside of the bolt and then machined out the excess weld. If any of you ever get a chance to shoot a "Schmeiser", DO IT , you will never regret it,or forget it.

Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of cool weaponry! My American Dream!