What's the most unusual firearm you've ever fired?

Danger Dave

New member
Hey, you've been asked about motorcycles, cars, dogs, and socks, what about guns?

For me, it was a prototype Atchisson Assault-12. Full auto 12 gauge! Yeah! YEAH!! I still drool whenever I think about it.... Too bad the full-auto ban went into effect before they could be marketed. Sigh.

Beginner barbarians probably had the idea that every house they broke into would be full of untouched loot and frightened, unarmed victims. It just doesn't work that way, my friend.
French World War 1 Artillery piece. Gun range I shot at when 12 years old used to fire it off for tourists. The owner of the range, a highly decorated WWII vet name Tom McCool let me pull the Lanyard.
Quad .50 MG; Twin-40 Ack-ack. They were fun. An 8mm Lebel carbine, and some kind of break-open British revolver. They weren't.
Well, there was the DShK M1938/46 in 12.7MM Russian and the KPV in 14.5MM Russian.

A Tippman minature M-2 Browning in .22magnum.

A pair of Glock 18's (at the same time).

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
A Vulcan. A friend was on the design/test team at the Baltimore plant. He allowed me to touch off a "few" shots.
Stoic: Was that the "second barrel" in the LeMat ? And did you fire shot with it - it can be pretty awesome... I'm now getting an Italian replica after shooting one.

A MAC 10 in 380 was most unusual (for me here, where smg's are not for us ordinary folk)

El Chimago Pete (aka Peter Knight)
"A .50 LeMat beats a 44 which beats 4 aces"
Not me, my 15-year-old brother, back in the 60s. Burnside Civil War carbine. Didn't use a brass case, just filled the chamber with black powder, topped by a .54 cal ball. When fired at dusk, it lit up the woods with a sheet of flame a foot high out of the breech. God knows where the ball went. I wasn't home then. He didn't do it again.
Twin 20mm Oerlikon cannon. Thousands of rounds. No cost to me. Just sign your name on the line, kid. (Oh by the way, duck when they shoot back.)
Bullpup .50 Browning sniper rifle with a 1" long bolt that you removed by pulling off the buttpad. 'Scope was mounted too far back, so that about half the people who shot it on that outing needed butterfly closures for the wounds on their brows.

Silenced version of a .30 Whisper with Swarovski scope with calibrated mil dots. Incredibly accurate to well beyond 200 yards, and shot without ear protection, it sounded like a pellet rifle with 180 gr. bullets.

For the legal to all but unbelievable, how 'bout a Peterson High Grade double 12 ga with perfect blue and wood, cut down to 18" barrels and the buttstock cutt off so that from the pistol grip to the muzzle-tip it measured 26". A crying freaking shame.
American Derringer 44 Mag Upper Barrel 3" and .410 Gauge Lower Barrel 4". Only shot it once, do not know which went further the .410 Shotgun Shot or the Derringer itself as flew from my hand.

Society is safer when the criminal does not know who is armed
A tennis ball soaked in gasoline launched from a cardboard tube used to carry blueprints. Powder from unwrapped fire-crackers as propellant. My parents were not amused.

Y'all ever make cannons out of empty soda/beer cans? Back in the good old days, cans were more substantial. We would use a can-opener to remove the tops and bottoms of five cans. The sixth can was left intact, except for a nail-hole in the bottom. Tape all of the cans together securely with, of course, duct tape. Squirt a little lighter fluid into the hole in the sixth can. Aim away from your face - you mustn't forget that - and light.
Ewok: I forget the year-model of Pontiac drive shaft which has an ID the size of a beer can. Cut off one end, drill hole near the other, use oxy-acetylene mix...You get the picture...

One of those deals where, after shooting this No-Serial-#, unregistered weapon, you merely use the torch to cut the other end off, at the "touch hole", and POOF! the evidence is in the scrap heap...

Do you realize how many dead drive shafts there are out there? And there're beer cans, orange juice cans...And all that stuff from the grocery! Unlimited ammo! Uncontrollable!

Lessee, now: How to make a silencer...

Well, just a little bit off-thread...
The strangest gun I ever fired was back in 1989. It was a Glock 17!
Durn things seem to have caught on though...


"It's a hell of a thing, killin' a man....you take away all he's got, and all he's ever gonna have" - William Munny (Clint Eastwood), The Unforgiven
Homemade "cracker" (fireworks) gun:
(Many moons ago!)

Dad's old manual car pump, with top unscrewed and insides removed. Air hose pulled off, leaving a small "nipple".

Sixpenny bomb (a l-a-r-g-e firecracker) dropped in, with fuse fed through the "nipple".

Projectile was a one-inch steel ballbearing, rammed in with lots of cotton-waste wadding.

"Aim" by jammimng between bricks, light fuse and run like hell!

• a 4-inch split in the body of the pump (the old man killed me!!)
• the ball bearing went through both sides of a galvanised household rubbish bin (including the rubbish), through an asbestos fence, and then ..... God knows, but it was still travelling mighty fast....

No wonder they banned fireworks in this State ;(

57mm AA piece "liberated" in Iraq. We were out looking for bunkers to bust, came across it, and like any kids on a war memorial AA gun, decided to climb on and traverse over to a group of abandoned trucks. Discovered that Hollywood had it right in "1941". AAA DOES have foot pedal triggers!!!

Crud, that doesn't count as a firearm does it? Okay, Dragunov SVD.

Hey! How did I make "Senior Member" so fast?!?! Do I have to join AARP? ;)
[This message has been edited by UKGrad (edited June 29, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by UKGrad (edited June 29, 1999).]