What’s the most handgun rounds you’ve shot in 1 day?

Most in a day? When shooting a 2700 Bullseye match, 270 shots....plus a leg match of 30 shots...So 300.
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I usually shoot 300 to 350 in a trip to the range. Most I’ve ever done is right around 425. Mix of 9mm, .38 Special, .45 ACP.
The most I recall was around 400 rounds of .45ACP from my 1911 but I also shot my M28 S&W and a couple rifles that day. I don't recall the total round count since that's never been the measure of a good day shooting.

To be honest, I'm not sure that I've ever kept precise count of how many rounds I've shot, and if I did, then I probably lost track between all of the different firearms I shot.

When I go out to the range, I usually just shoot as long as I can, and I'm having so much fun that I'm not really keeping track unless I only brought a specific amount and shot it all.
My number is 270 rounds in one day. That number has been shot hundreds of times. An outdoor Bullseye match is 270 rounds.
22LR a couple of bricks. 9mm 400 to 500. I generally average 2 to 3 hundred 9mm every trip (before this stupid shortage). I'm still shooting about 1/2 brick of 22LR every time even now but trips are cut down to once a week. Man, I need things to get back to normal!
600 rounds a day for close to six weeks straight. I had to soak my hands in ice water every night towards the end of it.
I can't recall how many rounds it was. Here is the story. I was in the Navy. I got "volunteered" to go with ten guys to an ammo depot the navy was turning over to the Army. We had to check every bunker to insure there was no live ammo anywhere. at the beginning of the 2nd day we found a pallet of 30-06. it was boxes of bandoleers with full En-block clips. I informed the LT. He crapped. It isn't suppose to be there. If I report it its going to be a ton of paper work. He just stood there for a few minutes then said. If it was empty brass I could report as scrap. Go back to the HQ and get everyone and M1 and turn it into scrap brass. It took us all day and my shoulder felt like hammered crap.

PS for you army-marine types a Navy LT is the same as your capt. You know railroad tracks on his collar.
I have been averaging about 350 per week for a few weeks now because I had to slow down.

I used to shoot more when things were better component wise.

Most total? 1000+ on a vacation, in one day. About half was .22 the other half was various calibers.
600 rds 9mm in a defensive handgun course. It was a great day other than the fact that both thumbs felt like raw hamburger from loading mags. I had no mag loader at the time.
38 357 200 9MM 400 40MM 200 DW 375 50 44&44Mag 100 =950 and 300 of 223 in my AR,S =1250 That is a full day at are gun outdoor gun range 25yd 50yd 100yd 200yd there is no charge at this range only 15 miles from the house
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Honestly, I don't shoot that much in a single day anymore, since the range I am allowed to use is literally 2 miles from my house. WAY back in the day when I was young and ammo was dirt cheap I think I shot maybe 300 rounds in a day, mostly stupid spray and pray garbage.
Edit to add - I don't get to shoot in matches with my weird schedule over the years, so I have no idea what a match useage would entail.