What's The Best Revolver For Concealed Carry?

Tim Croley

New member
I am looking for the best revolver for concealed carry. I want to know which one would be the most accurate, have the best trigger, best grip, most comfortable to shoot and carry, etc.


The best revolver for concealed carry is the one which you can personally conceal best, which you shoot most accurately, which feels best in your hand, and with which you feel most comfortable. AND which you will be most likely to have IF you ever need it!

The best any of us can do for you is point out our personal favorites for you to try. For example, many people like the Colt Detective Special. I had one and while I found it a good firearm, I personally could not shoot it well enough to feel really comfortable with for concealed carry.

On (in?) the other hand, S&W K-frame revolvers, with the proper grips, are usually good choices for me. Some people like Rugers, some like Taurus', other brands.

You need to find a way to try several different brands and see which seems to fit you best. Then buy one and practise, practise, practise.

Good luck!
S&W Model 29 with 8 3/8" barrel. :eek:

Mine's an S&W 042 Centennial, a hammerless airweight in .38 Spl.

I've also been known to carry an S&W Model 19 in a shoulder rig, either 2.5" or 4", depending on my mood, or also in a shoulder rig a Model 28 4" or a Model 58 4".

The 28 and 58 really aren't regular carry guns, though. They're simply too heavy and bulky for long-term comfort.
I second Jim Keenan. I just traded for one, and intended to trade it off myself, but I don't think I can part with it now. Some models become classics for a reason. Definately a keeper.
The first answer was right on. Fo myself, I have a love affair with a Colt Cobra made in 1964. It rides in a Milt Sparks Executive Companion and is quite accurate with regular practice. My wife prefers her S&W 642.

Best of luck

Reverend Dickie:)
Meeting all your criteria,

Is the Smith & Wesson vintage model 60, in .38 Special.
The very first all stainless steel handgun ever produced,
way back in 1965.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.
Okay, maybe I should have worded my question like this: In your opinion, what is the best revolver for concealed carry?

Below is a little more info on what I've had experience with
and what I am looking for.

I am considering and auto and have owned several over the years, but most of what I've carried concealed has been a revolver.

I have owned a few .38's over the years, including a Charter Arms Undercover with 3" barrel, a Rossi, a Smith and Wesson 442, and I currently own a 3" Taurus 85. Of all of these, I like the Taurus the best, but the best for carry was the S&W 442. The problem that I had with the Smith was that I couldn't hit the ground with it.

The Taurus conceals fairly well, but I would like to have something with one or maybe two more rounds. How do the other Taurus guns that hold six or seven rounds compare in size to the 3" 85?

Are all the CH Taurus guns DAO? I would like a gun that doesn't have a full hammer that still could be shot single-action. Is the S&W my only option for a gun like this?

Would a DAO revolver be easier to master than a DAO auto?


Suggest only 'best for you'.

I prefer a S&W M38 snub, but I wear a 5.5" Redhawk. Or a 1911. Or many others..........

Best is too nebulous; perhaps what you want to do first is UNDERSTAND, specifically, WHAT you want to accomplish.

Are you L.E.? Will you wear this gun always, or have choices? What, specifically, are your real AND perceived threats? Are you automobile-based, or are you normally walking? What environment will your defense gun be used in? More...............and more info will get you better opinions on what --MIGHT-- work best for you.

Help us..........make sense?

I live in a small town, but we do have our share of crime. We have convenient store robberies fairly often and once in a while a bank robbery and drive-by shooting.

I live in a good neighborhood close to the county courthouse and downtown area. But also about a half mile from a store that has been held up recently and fairly close to neighborhoods that are high crime; drugs, auto break-ins, etc.

I don't lead a lifestyle that carries me into any real bad places such as bars. I don't stop at convenient stores or service stations late at night. I don't hang with the wrong kind of people.

I do go to the local Wal-Mart and grocerie stores sometimes at night and sometimes alone. Mostly with my wife and or teenaged children.

I do a good bit of visiting around the rural areas and in the town that I live, sometimes into questionable areas, checking on church members.

The worst place that I go would be to Montgomery, which is about 50 miles away. We go there for shopping, Orthodontist /Dr. appointments, etc. We don't go there on a regular basis and try to never get into any bad areas. (Although crime seems to be in alot of places in Montgomery.)

So, I guess that I am not at a very high risk of facing a BG, but you never no when and where something will happen.

I don't think that I need to be heavily armed, but I want something that I can have with me most of the time.
For me, given my needs at present, the best so far is a S&W 940.

I like the 9x19's greater efficiency (that is, with bullet weights from 115 to 147 grains) as compared to the .357, its greater power (given same bullet weights) than a .38 spl, the cheaper cost of full-house practice ammo, the S&W j-frame's trigger/size/weight, the anti-snag concealed hammer, and the rapidity of a moon-clip reload.

The best gun would be the largest caliber gun that you can shoot the dandruff off of a gnats a** at a hundred yards, every time you pull the trigger. Shot placement is more important than the caliber of the gun. A .38 in the right spot will end the fight better than the .357 that missed, or only wounded. Just my slant on it anyway.
The Best.......

Well, I am extremely happy with the following combination:

S&W 649 BodyGuard (Best if you can find it pre-agreement)
Barami Hi-Grips
.357 mag, 158gr. SJHP (Winchester or even Magtech)

Wear this convination inside your trousers without holster (thanks to the Barami Hi-Grip). I place mine at 3 o'clock (more 3:30 than 3:00) and it just desapears. Very comfy to carry and great during driving or seating. I just forget its there.

I carry I speed loader on my rigth jacket pocket.

S&W 649 allows S/A and will not collect lint if cleaned on regular basis. This hump-backs are snag proof and pack a nice bite!

The best revolver for CCW is the "snub nosed" .38 special

Colt's Detective Special for steel frame or go with the Colt's Cobra for lighter aluminum frame.

Colt has six shots over the five shots of the S&W J-frames.:cool:
I personally carry a 17 oz Taurus mod 85 Ultralite in an Uncle Mike's size 3 in my right front pocket. Over on the "pistolsmith" forum, many of the contributors are raving over Smith and Wesson's new model 342 PD. It only weighs 11 oz, has an internal hammer and an excellent trigger.

On my Taurus, I've put on custom rosewood boot grips to make it even smaller and slicker. Although it's a bit on the heavy side for my tastes, the mod 85 is a sweet handling shooter.