whats out there comparable to S&W model 28

Since none of you mentioned the issue of round-butt versus square-butt N-Frames, I'll do it.

All current N-Frames, and probably all those younger than 10-years old, are round-butt. With the round-butt, the chances are better for a person with smaller hands to find grips that are just-right.

As it happens I am searching for grips to replace the rubbers that came on the 1980 Highway Patrolman I recently bought. I'm leaning heavily toward the Classic model sold by Eagle Grips.

Anybody use those grips on an N-Frame?

Bart Noir
Who loves the N-Frames, old action or new, fixed or adjustable sights etc.
I don't know where you live but if you lived around me in North Carolina I could hook you up with a next to new S&W Model 25 Classic in 45 long colt with beautiful narrow walnut factory grips for $650.00.

It's price has been reduced twice now. There is barely a turn line on the cylinder.

Those narrow grips would be ideal for a lady over the normal target grips that usually comes on them.
I would get a M29 or M629 (stainless) in either a 4" or 6" (ish). You can shoot the 44 Specials in it and it will handle the recoil very nicely. Then you can slowly work up to 44 mags.

Other choices.... Colt Anaconda (discontinued years ago), Charter Arms Bulldog, Dan Wesson (used market), Taurus, and Ruger. I would probably be looking at either Ruger or S&w personally. A 4" Ruger Redhawk (stainless) would make a fun shooter and much less expensive than the M29 or 629. They are good, but aren't fitted as nicely as Smiths. Your choice... your money....