whats it like at Indoor Ranges these days?

I prefer indoor ranges. I like the convenience of it being not too far from my house, no hoofing it downrange to check your target(s) and, most of the time, no annoying cease fires. I like the membership aspect; I certainly get my money's worth. Finally, I'm usually in and out in about an hour.
Noise and airborne lead are the reason I don't frequent indoor ranges. Most are well ventilated but I still don't like the concept. That said the ones I have been to were professionally run and safe. It can beat freezing on the out door range in sub zero temps.
That tells me that those ranges are not properly managed.
You are absolutely correct. Management is the worst of the offenders. Know it alls. One of the managers was always trying to tell me know to shoot. Telling me how I was doing it wrong. I finally asked him "How many times have you beat me in a sanctioned shoot?" His answer, "never." I then asked "How many times have I beat you?" He said "too d..n many!" and walked off.

The owners of one wants tocontinually whine about something the Police are doing wrong.

The owner of the third won't shut up about "you should really start shooting and training fist fire."

I am the kind who does not give and does not usually appreciate unsolicited advice.
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Ive been trying out indoor ranges several times recently, and I really enjoyed indoor range shooting, especially for handguns, the conditions are much better than the outdoor ranges Im use to, it's safer at the indoor range

I really like the automatic target holders, very easy to change a target , no interruptions

plus they let you stay as long as you like and dont charge by the hour at the places Ive been going, Im usually there for two hours per visit, and go with a friend that keeps an eye on my gear.

going to indoor ranges gives me more choices, can go in anytime rain or shine, or in the evening after dark.

having more places to go shooting is lots of fun, it costs a little more, but it's worth it just to get away from the groups of young guys that do lots of unsafe spraying and shooting garbage, and unsafe gun handling at the free public range outdoors.
it's safer at the indoor range
The ranges I frequent are all pay by the day. I have only felt the need to take a break due to safety while someone else did their shooting once at the outdoor ranges. I do so pretty regularly indoors. I'm not sure I could count the number of times I have been muzzled at indoor ranges. Part of that is most people indoors are shooting pistols and outdoors is rifles.

I really like the automatic target holders, very easy to change a target , no interruptions
That is the huge year round benefit. When I am doing a lot of pistol shooting the indoor ranges always tempt me.
When it is cold out I tend not to shoot. The indoor ranges either have enough ventilation they don't stay that warm or they have it disabled/lowered when it is cold.
at the indoor ranges you can also turn off the light in your stall to practice shooting in dim light or try out your night sights

I can shoot better groups at the indoor range because the conditions are perfect, no heavy winds / cold or wet weather , target is straight and your standing on a nice level surface

when people pay to use a range it seems to have more responsible shooters, since they will be asked to leave if they do unsafe handling or dont follow the rules, some places say no rapid fire, and some indoor ranges allow it.
Nowadays, there are two types of indoor ranges: the old school range and the current crop of guntry clubs.

Almost every new range built nowadays follows the guntry club model because they cost so much to build from scratch. I looked into building one, and the lowest cost possible, after land, permits, construction, etc, all in was $10,000,000 minimum. And that’s on the low side. The ROI on new indoor ranges is horrible.

That’s why I appreciate people who build new indoor ranges. I’m a member of a guntry club here locally, even though I rarely ever go to it. I joined and pay annual dues just to support it (and also because my wife prefers how clean and upscale it is). I much prefer the old school hardcore range, of which I’m also a member, and shoot there frequently.
We had a very nice range open up a couple of years ago. The first thing I asked the owner was it OK for me to pick up my brass and he said no. I told him then I wouldn't be shooting there. He must have had other complaints because he quickly changed that rule. My complaint is that it is too loud with certain calibers. And I feel a ittle funny shooting a rifle at a 25 yard range. I thankfully have a great spot outdoors on a friends land.
always wear good eye protection & hat

I was using an indoor range and found this near my stall, I also felt something hit my ankle that felt like a rock but was low velocity and I was wearing boots

I dont know how these bullet pieces made it back to my area? these are not mine they were from other shooters.

my guess is the bullets deflected off the wall or floor or ceiling and bounced back toward the stalls, they never made it to the trap.


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Well sometimes the trap can get deformed. If it gets really dinged up there's no telling what the result could be.

I shot at a range for .22LR and pistols where the whole back wall was some kind of metal plate from ceiling to a sand floor. The metal was at a 45 degree angle so pretty much as long as you shot 'down range' you'd be okay. Well somebody brought in a high power rifle and before anyone stopped him fired 3 rounds that made nice little nickel sized craters in the smooth sloping metal. A round hitting the crater just might come back at you. I'm not sure what they ever did about it powers that be weren't pleased about their backstop getting dinged up like that.
Twin Cities Shooter here - Stock and Barrel, Chanhassen. - Best so far for a city boy. RO sweeps brass to me - I'm nice and so is he. I have a Nylon Laundry Bag Brass catcher - no issues.

Lanes are 25 yards long, and can accommodate any caliber up to .50 caliber.
I do not consider the recent "rifle rated" bullet traps to be an advantage to this pistol and .22 shooter. Doesn't matter how good the trap is or how much acoustic tile they use, a rifle inside is LOUD.
It is also good for business, so I understand their viewpoint.