What's in your pack?

I have a fairly extensive first-aid kit at hunt camp, which includes some fairly stout pain-killers. When I asked my doctor for a prescription, he looked a bit puzzled and asked why. I told him that if he was hunting with me, and broke a leg, I didn't want to listen to him scream for the two hours of driving time over rough jeep trails to the pavement.

He wrote just really, really fast.

:), Art
Giz, cell phones won't work, back in the Solitario country. (That's why I like being there.)

I keep telling folks that GPS doesn't work back there, either. :D Some of them even believe me! :D :D

My daypack contains:

fire starting kit
rubber gloves
small DMT sharpener
extra ammo
small first aid kit

That and what I wear, hook onto my belt, or sling over my shoulder is all I need. I try to keep the weight to a minimum.
I can't believe you guys all forgot the most important item of all. You need a big, premium cigar to light up in celebration after bagging that big trophy buck. Make mine a Partagas #10.
I carry a
-Arrows if I'm with bow, 10 round with rifle
-Two knife, one skinnning, one leatherman
-one buck grunt/moose call/elk bugle depending on what I'm hunting.
-and in winter/remote hunting I carry a blanket

I keep it light, and simple.


Typically, in the steep hills of the Ozarks in Mark Twain Nat'l Forest, I try and stay simple and lightweight.

On a typical handgun deer hunt, I carry:

pistol with full mag and holster
1-2 spare mags
extremely large, sharp folding knife
about 10-20 feet of thick rope (for dragging/hanging deer)
deer tags :)
walkie talkie for calling back to camp or "home base"
blaze orange

This time of year, pretty much the only things left in season are varmints, and so I usually only go for half a day. I carry:
~25 rounds (5 in rifle, 20 in cartrige belt)
2-way radio
6-in combat knife
Snack bars
Facemask (for wind)
Predator call
Blaze orange

This can all be either strapped to me, or carried in a fanny pack. If I am after deer, then add these to the preceding list:
Additional 20 rounds (I am always afraid of running out of ammo)
BB pistol
A gazillion BBs
At least 10 CO2 cartriges
Extra clothing
More prepackaged food
50 feet each of chord and rope

This is placed in an external-frame pack (the frame can be used to haul out the deer, or half of it at a time).
lots o good stuff

-knives of various sizes and styles (big one i made myself, gerber gator, swiss army knife, crap knife for crap work)
-Hatchet and hammer for field dressing
-habitat certificate
-spare gloves usually
thats about it more or less i dont go very far and i know the terrain so i dont take a survival kit with me
I carry

just about the same stuff that has been mentioned here already.
Flashlight, poncho, snacks, water, knive, cellphone, ammo, rope,
gloves, RUBBER gloves (actually the latex ones), I hate getting my
hands all bloody.
The one thing I have started carrying the last few
years is one of those single-use disposable cameras. They are
about 5 bucks at Wal Mart.
If I am lucky enough to get a deer, or turkey, or whatever, I like
to get a couple of pics of it right where it went down. And you never
know, you might need a picture to back up your story about the one
that got away.

10 rounds extra 30/30
25 feet dragging rope
.5 gallons water
bug dope

handgun, knife are on my belt. Spotting scope has been forbidden by husband as it leads to total blocking out of hunting in pursuit of bird identification. :rolleyes:
Here's what's in mine:

binoculars (when they are not around my neck)
spare ammo (what's left in the box most of the time)
drag kit (includes rope/cord)
dressing kit (game bag, gloves)
large hunting knife
small folding knife
small game saw
two quarts water (minumum)
snack (vienna sausages or the like)
"british scarf" (that's what we called it in the 82nd; it's a small camo net looking thing that you can use for a drag, personal camouflage, etc.)
Sweater (probably after taking it off from the early AM)

I used to wear military LBE with butt pack, but the first time I had to deal with a deer I graduated to a small backpack/daypack fast.

I usually make it back to camp around lunch, so I can refill with water. If it looks like the game plan for the day won't allow that, I carry more. I recently got a hydration-capable pack, and with this additional capacity, I can carry close to a gallon of water. Even though I hunt (mostly) in the desert, it's usualy the cooler months, so I can get by with two canteens. My friends will go out with only one, regardless of the temperature, and I have to say that drives me nuts.
OK, here goes, what is actually in my pack:

17 ounce plastic bottle of water
Knife sharpener stone
24 inches of string
Single use camera in its sealed container
Copy of Erica Jong's "Fear of Flying"
Two 3x5 file cards
Pair of 7 inch heavy duty side cutters for cutting briers

I usually keep a small flashlight in it, but I had to go outside tonight so 'borrowed' it. The pack itself is an old gas mask bag and it has room for the above plu 2 apples and some peanut butter crackers.
I guess I killed the thread with that Erica Jong book. But what the hey, I'd never gotten around to reading it before and it can double as TP. :p

my dad just won a handheld GPS so ill be extending my hunting trips a bit i might carry some more water and things like that along with the new GPS