What's in your Bug Out Bag?

Do you have a BUG out Bag

  • Yes

    Votes: 61 40.4%
  • No

    Votes: 25 16.6%
  • No, But I am going to put one together soon

    Votes: 44 29.1%
  • No, and you are paranoid for having one at all :)

    Votes: 21 13.9%

  • Total voters
Lets say there was a wildfire in CA, why would this require you to have a bag of such contents?
So are you saying that because a BOB would not perceivably help you in particular in a certain situation that we should not be prepared for other situations where it would definetly come in handy.
A BOB is not a majic talisman that will guarantee your safety it's simply something that might

And what about those questions asked of you?
Unless you live in the woods or move slower than the fire, aka you're a moron,
Have you ever been in a forest fire?
How fast do you think they move and how much time do you really think you will have to evacuate. And where do you think you're gonna go.

No offense here but you sound like someone with very little real life experience and a whole lot of advice to give based on it

And how about those questions asked of you earlier?
What questions?

I'm still waiting for 1 scenario that is likely to happen in which all these supplies are going to come in handy. So far nobody has posted anything relevant to that. A forest fire? Give me a break.

Sometimes I wish we didn't have to cross the bridges. Then we could just avoid the trolls. I really hope that you never plan to have children.
My daughter also has a challenge question that requires a specific reply. But that only makes me paranoid right. Cause children don't get abducted in a Republic like ours. It just can't happen.

coleman27 I am glad you get so much amusement from showing your education level. You throw around words like "moron" to everyone, and you cannot offer one piece of insightful advice yourself. Let me clue you in to something. A forest fire burns faster, and longer than you can ever run! But I guess those fire shelters the parajumpers carry only make them paranoid huh?

Would you at least put forth some effort to contribute instead of only insult.
Thank you
Have a good day then
Bye-bye now
Wipe, flush, and wash will ya?
Thanks gentlemen

Guys - thanks for this interesting start - it will certainly help me put together my BOB. Lots of good suggestions and info here. :)

You never know when the next terrorist attack / natural disaster / other world shattering event might occur.

Like Robert Redford said in Spy Game: When did Noah build the Ark Gladys? Before the storm. Before the storm. :D
Coleman, you have crossed the line with your insulting behavior. I am putting you on my ignore list, and I suggest that everyone else do the same.

That makes you the only one on my ignore list. :D
Actually I see that you are actually trying to stay around this time, for some reason.

The problem is that your tolerance for your own ignorance is getting in the way. That's not an insult by the way, we all tend to do that occasionally.

If you truly want to find the reason that we feel the way we do try dialoging and not simply throwing out unsubstantiated claims and indefensible arguments.

Besides I can't put you on ignore, I'm waiting to see if you will address just one question
Here's one now
What imminent emergency exactly are we not planning for?
It was asked in response to this post by you a while back

Why would you prepare for something that has a extremely miniscule chance of happening, but not prepare for something that is several thousands times more likely to kill you?
The problem with a BOB is eventually it grows to the size where it is necessary to have a "Bug Out Truck" or even a "Bug Out Motorhome" :)

I have set my personal weight limit at 50#. Good Pack with the Boy Scout 10 essentials. Add some more food and a good .22 cal rifle. with a brick of ammo. Since I have my 9mm Carry piece at all times with 2 extra mags, it goes too.
So are you ready to answer the question or are you simply here to continue your ongoing mission to prove that children should be seen and not heard
here is another item that may or may not have been mentioned in this 6 page extravaganza!

magnet powered flashlight.

This is basic, science fair technology, and I bet you have all seen them at radioshack. You shake the flashlight, which has a magnet inside that charges a capacitor and lights up an LED. I bet there are non-led versions out there, but I was using one similar to this last night out in the woods.

shake light
how did it work for you?
Is it worth the money?
A friend told me about these a couple of years ago, but I am very slow to jump into new technology.
The problem with a BOB is eventually it grows to the size where it is necessary to have a "Bug Out Truck" or even a "Bug Out Motorhome"

I have set my personal weight limit at 50#. Good Pack with the Boy Scout 10 essentials. Add some more food and a good .22 cal rifle. with a brick of ammo. Since I have my 9mm Carry piece at all times with 2 extra mags, it goes too.

Actually you are quite correct. That is why I have the trailer. All of the emergency kits, bags, firstaid, survival, and individual bags for my family are all going in there. I of course have one bag that I carry always that should see us through a 24 to 72 hour period. Or at least long enough to get to the trailer, and get it hooked up.
All i pack is ammo. I figure I can just start whacking all the people who made well-prepared bug-out bags ;)

Just kidding :D

I'm in the "Not yet, but I'm making one soon" category. Just paid off all my tuition, and literally have $42 to my name until three fridays from now.
If food ever got shut off they would just wring their hands and watch the squirrels and coons play in the backyard and wonder what to do

have not had a any grilled coon in a while....you made me hungry. :(

when I first moved to this part of Texas all the old timers called armidillos Hoover Hogs......lol

To be honest if the price of meat goes up any more.......I might have to break out the guns :eek:
Joab>> Those shake lights are a handy unit, it's the flashlight listed in my inventory. Not a spotlight by any means, but it allows enough light to see by in a pinch---and of course, no batteries to die at just the wrong time. I want to say the LED's have something like a 60,000 hour life, or something rediculous such figure. The one I bought I got in a truckstop for $10. It's waterproof, and practically indestructable. So yah, I'd say it's worth the money. :D
how about stuff like:

a tent
multi-gas stove
a sleeping bag
the compass that you mentioned

....maybe try staying out in woods for a while. What you do and don't need becomes clear quickly.
I tend to think of a tent and bag as just basic camping gear, not survival gear. I can do without them. And a stove? That's lazy-boy camping gear. Not that I don't take a stove camping, I DO like the easy life out in the sticks (fire up the burner, put the coffee on, and scramble some eggs), but I keep my BoB as high-speed/low-drag as I can while trying to cover the essentials. Yes, I could do OK on a whole lot less, and be a lot more comfortable on a whole lot more. But what's the trade-off with either one? What I have now i can grab, sling on my back, and have a good chance where ever I am, coupled with what I normally carry all the time. And that's the thought behind it. If it comes right down to having to use it for what it is intended, I may not have time to do anything else. Every minute beyond what I need to sling a pack and move out is just a bonus.
Stoves and tents are a regional/elevation thing. If you can't melt snow, you might have trouble getting water. All around it makes things easy... and i am talking about the minimalist backpacking stoves, less then a pound empty.

Maybe I'm just being lazy because my backcountry backpack is already packed. I can't see why I would need anything else to atleast keep myself alive for many days. I wouldn't substitute my tent for a tarp when shtf.

add one more thing to the list:

a pot