What's everyone fill their shooting bags with?

Dirt. Took a little out of the corner of my driveway. Just had some excavating done, now there's a pile of sand. How considerate and handy. Making sandbags out of old worn out jeans. Just filling them with pure whiteish sand now. I will soon have enough to make my own sandbag barricade.
Dirt. Took a little out of the corner of my driveway. Just had some excavating done, now there's a pile of sand. How considerate and handy. Making sandbags out of old worn out jeans. Just filling them with pure whiteish sand now. I will soon have enough to make my own sandbag barricade.

Legs off old jeans work great. Zip tie ends shut.

First one I used soybeans. Wouldn't want to leave that one out to get wet so second one I used pea rock. I actually like the beans better.
Dirt for me. I just go out in my pasture and fill them. It's no problem to find DRY dirt out there and I've never had any leakage. Protektor builds excellent bags.
I have a few different things I have used:
Took a old pair of my military issue socks and stole my girls stockings....filled stocking with birdseed, tied end then put that in the sock....dense but flows easy enough. Tried another using same stocking and sock but this time a large amount of airsoft pellets that we found cleaning out the garage. Both work nice and allow for solid bases when squeezing