What would you take to Afghanistan?


New member
Ok this is kind of out of topic, doesn't discuss box cutters or CCWs but I was wondering ... I'm surrounded by all these catalogs and I am stuck with the burning question:

What do I take to the Middle East?

I'm thinking maybe a few cigars to maybe barter with, a few dollar coins, wolf-sling for my M4, random stuff ... what would you take ... and if you couldn't get it here that leads to:

What would you buy if you could over there?

I've read the Sovs traded gasoline for food and hash ... is that wise? Is there anything else I can get? Like a rug or something?

Suggest using the www

Might suggest that you look up trade goods of Afghanistan or something like that. WWW shoudl be of great help....as long as you don't bring back anything with a white powder like substance on it. Okay?

By all means, bring yourself and all your buds back alive, too. Thank you for serving, it is appreciated.

LaSur5r had a good idea about looking on the web for stuff. I would suggest gold coins rather than yankee dollars over there. Probably buy more given the current climate. You mentioned a sling for your M4, how about a Hydrastorm or Camelbak for drinking and a good pair of Oakleys or the like to protect your eyes from that harsh desert sun.:cool:

After the last 8 years politics, and the recent 3 month long election "day" you might have doubts about how us civies perceive you. Speaking as one who flew the flag before it was "stylish" we are damn proud of you and what you do for this country every day. Hooah!!!

I second LaS comment, bring yourself and your buddies home safe. God Speed and Good Hunting.
oh okay

LASur5r, how about a brown gooey substance that gives off copious amounts of smoke when lit? :D

WaltherP99Man - Good call on the gold coins. Will try to get some ... already have the Hydrastorm covered. Thanks for flying the time but don't cheer us. Most of us suck. Especially on Mondays. Trust me LOL

As for my buddies? Some of the guys in my current platoon are going to zap themselves whatever I do ... 13 million land mines. :eek:

What sort of knife would you take? I have a SOG 7 inch tanto that's going into a Blackhawk Airborne Sheath.

Does anyone know any good recipes for goat?
Zippo's always seem to be good bartering material, take a couple. Also Playboy and Penthouse are very popular in the Mid-East, who knows how much stuff they'll trade you for one! BTW, the hash pipes are everywhere, and they look cool, but, they still are paraphernalia.
How about a first-class ticket back home, scheduled for the very next day...
The various Crisisstans were never high on my list of must-see places, even before the started hating us.

Small inexpensive pocket knives, zippos,

you would be told to leave paraphernalia and porn alone

small bibles


Randall no 1 fighting knife
glock 19
good goggles or sunglasses with low reflectivity
scope for your m16 or some type of binocular for spotting
IF you're allowed, take a good camera and bring back lots and lots of pictures. Some of them may be valuable one day...
lightwheight easy packing chlothes to keep you warm. A good multi-function tool...I recomend a Swiss-tool by Victornox...as cheap or cheaper than Letherman and Much better quality and 20-25% bigger...

Good Bauch And lomb type sunglasses...

A good big knife, like the New generation Stainless Ka-bar In a Leather sheath (Kydex rattles!) should cost only 100-130 bucks no more...Great Steel! A good Diamond sharpener...

Extra canteen..( I Figure this can be liberated/Requsitioned no?) Or other hydration gear... make sure to keep a couple of MRE Rats in the pack as well just in case...

For barter? Hmmm How about Ivory soap! Good for wahsing self, laundry, pans etc. Remeber in a war zone the basics are rare...all the more so in the "Stans." Also think cheap disposable Cricket lighters...think of getting more for your buck than tradings aZippo...and worst comes to worst they are much more handy than a constantly in need of fuel Zippo...

a good compact compass just cause I'm paraniod...hey, cheap Silva compasses would be a great barter item as well... try and batre for well made rugs...afghani rugs ain't cheap in the US.. best will be vegtible dyed (Pastel, natural, les vibrant colors+ Worth more) and have a wool backing...not cotton...try and pull the pile out with fingers..if it gives no deal...

Hatzlacha! (Sucess!)
Nothing other than what Uncle gives you. War zones are places rife with thievery, often by your own "buddies." Study history and talk to some vets if you don't believe me. Handguns and knives are the two most frequently stolen items, save perhaps for money/gold/precious gems. Taking an expensive knife, like a Randall, with you is like asking to have your heart broken when it is stolen. Take a Victorinox with scissors and maybe Leatherman's bottom of the line. Neither is so expensive that its loss will tear you up, and both will prove far more useful than a big expensive "fighting knife." If you do need to stab somebody, Uncle will provide you with a bayonet for the purpose.

Trade Goods:
Butane lighters, silver coins (cheaper for you and easier to do transactions for small things), food (hisorically GI's traded stuff out of rations for all sorts of goodies), plain old US currency.

Stuff for your own comfort:
Good wraparound sunglasses (guard them, they will be targeted by thieves, too), magnifying tweezers, nail clippers, vitamin supplements, sewing kit, a supply of those little French hard candies that come in the round tins. The candies themselves are tasty and provide quick energy and the tins themselves are endlessly useful. Just don't take them on patrol, they rattle.

Good point! Bring a padlock for your duffle bag (makes it obvios someone stole..)! I still think a good knife is improtant..if you wear it all the time (ie Use it!) that will minimize the chance of theft.

I read that one seviceman was bitten by a snake and died...Get a Sawyer Snake bite kit, the only kit that is currently medicaly reccomended, will pull venom out from uncut skin with powerful suction...
Re: Goat recipes

Cabrito (kid) is some might fine eating. Just quarter the carcass and grill it over charcoal. I used to eat a LOT of cabrito when I lived in south Texas. Adult goat tends to be tough and rather rank in flavor. Stews, ragouts, etc. that involve a long period of cooking together with copious amounts of spices are the order of the day. Remember, with goat younger is better.

Ok I have tons of TA-50 (extra canteens, etc) ... will stock up on lighters. Thinking of getting tins of cigars.

Porn ... er, NO.

Great ideas for the rest of the stuff. Going on a field problem for a while so will test out what I need and correct deficiencies.

Thanks to everyone. Will return shortly.
If I were going, I'd get a FN FAL with a bipod and a good, rugged scope. Longer range than the M4, so you could do some sniping. Also, the trade goods and other personal items are good ideas.
What I would take

I have a desk job right now that is very low risk and always have my handgun on me. That said if I were in country I would probably take it into the shower albeit in a plastic bag. Therefore it would be pretty damn hard to steal. Since you are in the military I would take a 1911 .45acp or a Beretta 9mm if I werent already issued one. Also take 6 or more magazines for it.
I would also take a good strong combat utility knife I would pick up something from Mad Dog knives or go with a blade from Cold Steel just depending on your economic situation. And of course take the Multi-tool there are a lot of good ones I am partial to the Gerber.
Take some good sunglasses. I would take some Wiley-X shades they block out the sun fine but their main strength is that they are very impact resistant.
Seeing as how it gets colder then hell out there take anything Gore-Tex that you can afford. Along the same lines take 2 good reliable lighters.

Hope my .02 helps

Already have a SOG switchplier. Firearms seem to be a big NO. We'd need the CO's permission anyways. I have a Cold Steel Tanto folder (lent out ...) and a SOG 7-inch Tanto (on my desk ...) and I should be ok. I'm going to a field problem for a few weeks, so that should give me an idea of what my equipment deficiencies are ... please note that anything I carry with me other than the mostly crappy government issue stuff is liable to get dumped or stolen if things go bad (i.e. some jerk cuts into my A-bag.) I already have a combo lock (forget a key lock ... we have to give that to one of our buddies for 'safekeeping.' yeah right) and that should serve me. I took a key lock to the field last time and sand got into the keyhole, so ... took me a while to bust my bag open.

Wiley-X shades? Everything I've heard about them from guys who've taken them to Haiti says they suck. I'm looking for other choices?