What would you do??

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If I were armed I picture myself going with the "draw and yell to stop" crowd. If not I picture myself jumping on his back and going for a choke hold. However, the way I picture things going down, and the way things actually go down are not always the same.
be a good witness....

in short, if I were in a crowded fast food place or small business(check cashing shop, dry cleaner, store, etc). I'd get to a safe location, contact 911/local LE then give a detailed description of the events.
Unless I was directly assaulted or a bystander was hurt or the subject(s) made a hostile move, I'd keep my concealed weapon(s) secured.
As a licensed security officer, I can tell you openly that many confrontations & street fights are fluid, chaotic and can you can be over-run quickly.
I 100% would not rely on any of the other patrons/citizens to help you or be honest with the local PD either. These "lie-witnesses" :D will watch you draw a sidearm then freak the $%&* out!
CCTV & security systems are a great benefit. I'd also keep all your licenses/records/qualifications up to date if possible so any prosecutor/media reporter/criminal investigator can't twist your words or dispute your documented proof of carrying a loaded firearm concealed or using force if needed.

About 6mo ago, a local NBC station ran a media item about 2 homeless men who assisted a sworn deputy as he fought a subject in a fast food restaurant. The newscasters critized the other patrons for not helping. I disagree with the news anchors. I'm not going to jump into a active fight when uniformed LE officer with 4-5 weapons is rolling around a crowded area.
There are a lot of risk factors and legal issues involved in a high stress event like that. it's better to be a good witness if you are not a sworn LE officer sometimes.

This incident coincidentally took place in OH. I'll see if I can find the appropriate ORC.

The video is definitely a bit less clear cut than the OP's post, it's definitely a one sided beating, but the guy engages the lady verbally after throwing his phone down, escalating the situation.

Unfortunately for him it seems his initial attempt to ignore the lady, led to him not seeing the other guy enter, which may have affected his decision making to verbally engage the lady had he seen the guy enter.
I am a big dude myself and have wrestling experience, i'd choke him out, I hope I wouldn't stand by. but then again I don't know. I-ve used it to protect myself, not necessarily get out on top every time but atleast some damage reduction.

We lack your gun-laws/traditions but given the chance I would carry, as i work in schools and our neighbouring country has had school shootings akin to you guys I dread a similar thing happening and not having the tools to protect the children I am supposed to care for.
Tough to say what I would do. All I know is each one of the guys on the video who stood around and watched should feel shame. Turn in your man cards.
Why assume if you choke him out, that he is not carrying a knife. It quickly comes out as you apply the choke and does damage to the choker. They teach that in knife class. Probably in prison too.

My point is that if you are in the mix, it escalates. The woman could easily start stabbing the good samaritan wrestler.

Guns gave us distance benefits. You don't want to physically engage unless you really, really have to. Romanticizing one's physical abilities is dangerous.

Whether you should intervene is another complex story. We've done that endlessly.
I'm on my work phone and haven't watched the video. If its the one I'm thinking of the attacker is a monster sized convicted felon. 7 guys might be enough to take him down, but how do you know the other six are going to jump in?)

I'd tell someone to call 911, back up and draw. I'd tell the guy to get off the victim, and if I thought the victims would be killed, and I had a clear shot without endangering others, I'd do what I had to do. It's clearly a disparity of force. If he stopped the attack on the victim and attacked me, again, I'd do what I had to do.
along with a gun to back you up. Don't bring lethal force into it until you are completely justified in doing so. If he or she pulls a knife, bang. The kick lets you stay out of reach, if you miss, nothing lost, really. Just jump away. If he pursues you, then he's not beating the other guy, and you are at least justified in drawing if he switches his attention to you. If he actually charges you, well, then, all the holes in his chest/head are on him, as they say.

You might want to watch the video before deciding that you'd have the freedom of mobility to do all this.

I'd be curious as to how it would play out, if you assert you did not need to use lethal force, and by involving yourself by kicking him or attempting to kick him, you escalate the situation to needing to use lethal force.
Well now, this happened to me in south omaha one time. I intervined, no carry weapon on me cause it wasnt allowed in them days.

At 350 lbs this guy is smaller than me. FYI.

Another note, a gal and guy were getting into it in the bar. I get between em and ask them to take it somewhere else, that gal hit me with her purse hard upon my head the guy tried but my backup caught his arm and almost tore it off the guy. So in this situation if anyone got at the guy that gal would leap on him too. Be carefull, you may get hurt.

Best to call 911 now we have cell phones first, then act if you can. Many folks will hesitate to take on a huge man and that is OK too.
By the time a 911 operator gets done asking the questions so you answer them the way they want them answered the guy is already beat to hell. Compel someone to call while you, if you choose to, engage. The victim could be dead before the responding officer gets the call.

Maybe I'm not very smart, but I can't see myself standing around while another human being is being beaten. This guy survived, but freak things happen and the beating this guy survived may have been enough to kill someone else. I'd have a hard time living with myself if I didn't at least try to help.
I just don't know for sure. Possibly draw and order him to quit. If he turned to me, I'd have to shoot.

Some years ago, here, a man was beating hs wife. A good samaritan told him to quit. When he didn't, the GS shot him until he was dead. No charges were filed either.
I watched the video just now. The guy is about 300 pounds and slow as cold molasses but he could still have a knife (or the girlfriend could). I still can't say I would physically intervene for that reason and ones already stated although I've probably got a 70-80 pound advantage over the guy. Also, the victim's injuries were not quite as severe as the OP originally believed. In light of all that I would probably have still drawn down on the man.
No way I would stand there and let some guy get beaten senseless, a swift kick to the knee cap will take down anyone regardless of size. I wrestled a couple years and am alot stronger than the average guy out there, but trying to wrestle someone to the ground who outweighs you by that much is a pretty big feat.
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In 1974, I took an oath to uphold the law and protect and serve the residents of the state I served in. In 2001 I retired but, as far as I’m concerned that oath was not for the term of my employment but, whenever possible for life. With the information given, an unprovoked attack by a very large human who was repeatedly striking an unarmed person with the intent of causing serious harm or death, I would have to get involved. The attacker made a decision to use deadly force against another human, so he has to understand there are consequences for his actions, and one of those may be getting shot at close range.

In my 28 years in law enforcement, as most cops, I saw way to much mindless violence and I abhor it, yet there are some people who will only respond to a violence that exceeds their capacity for violence. I also abhor the fact that we as a nation have become a violent society that folks such as me, rightly, feel the need to go armed much of the time.

I don’t know what the answer to our problems is, but I do know it’s time the majority of good honest folks stop coddling the small minority, and let them know their days of trying to run rough shod over the rest of us are over.
Sorry for the rant, but boy do I feel better now.
I thought I would toss my nickel into the fray and say.
I would do my best to distract the assailant verbally, and I expect he would turn twords me in some form of attack mode at wich point I would give him a one and a half second block of instruction concerning the Mozambique Drill. If his Gelatinous Twinkie Queen decided to join in, then a follow up course of instruction concerning the Mozambique Drill would coomence.

But then this isn't a perfect world, :rolleyes:
I'm surprised no one mentioned the use-of-force continuum. It may not completely apply in this situation but it does make sense here.

First and foremost, if I were with loved ones, I'd send them away to a safe place. In this situation I would have yelled for the guy to stop. I carry pepper spray because one can't always utilize deadly force. If he didn't stop pummeling the victim, I'd spray the guy to at least slow him down. After spraying, I'd get the hell out of there. At least that would break up the beating. Shooting the guy would be the last option.
Wheeew man that was tough to watch. I HAVE TO BELIEVE that at least one person in there thought it was a random act that should have been stopped. But based on the group reaction to her and her 500lb gorilla boyfriend....I think every one of them was scared. Period.

I dont know what I would have done in that situation in such a confined room. PArticularly if it was VERY late night and lets assume half of them were drunk with munchies.

I honestly dont know....but I for sure would like to think I would have tried to stop a massacre like that when it rolled out in front of me like that. Someone should have stepped up
I would have left the pizza place when the woman went off. I would have been out of the parking lot well before the real problems occured. That is, if I were a bystander. If I had been the person she was trying to poke in the face.. I would never have allowed her to get that close to me.. I would have kept 6-8 feet between us and left the pizza place. If her and her bfriend tried to prevent me from leaving,.. then I would have reacted. As long as I can safetly leave a problem area, I will. The game changes if I cant.
Thanks for the comment Old Bear. Thanks for your service too.
Not fully understanding the legalities in this instance is what would cause most of us to pause and pond instead of react on instinct.

Hamm0ckjames put it best. Getting the BG to turn aggressively towards me, him, us, would clarify the need for force, as opposed to shooting him in the back and trying to explain it.
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