What would you do? "Police" robbers.

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Don't see any red lights on my patrol vehicle.
As soon as a criminal begins his unmarked car routine the local police need to ditch the unmarked cars, every one of them, and publicize that they have done so. At the very least publicize on every TV station and every radio station again and again that unmarked cars will NOT be making stops. Doing any less is providing cover for the criminal, regardless of the reason.

yeah, like that is cost effective. The reason why there are unmarked cars is because people break the law and cop cars can be spotted a mile away.
On top of that, it is difficult enough just to get enough police hired in a certain area let a lone buy all new cars to replace ones that are unmarked. Funding for police officers is worse than education funding.

It is the unmarked car that usually catches people in the act. It is also what the detectives, FBI, DEA, BATF, and every other agency uses.

Actually Batman, sir, I take extreme exception to that. I do not drive around with police light bars flashing behind my vehicle. In fact, the last time I saw State Trooper lights in my rear view was over 25 years ago. They used to be red back then, I have no idea what they are now. I think they were blue for a while. The city police lit me up a year or so ago, but I can't recall what it looked like other than blue. The Parish Sheriff has never pulled me over, so I don't know if his are red or blue or what.

If you are that animate about it, instead of putting a ... after my quote, and leaving out the line of "Use common sense" - how about looking up the laws (yes there are laws in every state) as to what colors the emergency vehicles lights can be.

It is most likely in the latest manual for your state's drivers license test.

Google your city's police department, I am sure you will get a good look at their vehicles.

Specifically in MN they can be multiple colors, but certain vehicles can be a certain color.
Being ignorant to the law is no excuse.

You are telling me you have not seen lights from a squad in your area in 25 years (other than being pulled over by State a year ago)?
Do you ever go outside?

If you have a problem with me confirming that you are indeed legitimate before I place myself and my family at risk because you have a twinkly light on your car you are nuts.

Not at all, but be ready for either incarceration for failure to stop for an emergency vehicle or more squads responding to a car not pulling over.
Although you guys are saying you can explain your way out of it, you have just put yourself in a very bad situation.

Do as you would like - but I would think as conscious of our surroundings as we have to be to carry as private citizens, we all should be a little better at spotting cop cars than what this thread is leaning to!!!!
OK Mr. Batman, you win.
I will not waste my time researching what your little twinklies look like. If I do not stop until I identify you, feel free to beat me to the ground. I will see you at a later date in court.

You are telling me you have not seen lights from a squad in your area in 25 years (other than being pulled over by State a year ago)?
Do you ever go outside?
Yes, it has been over 25 years since I have seen State Trooper lights behind me and I travel over 150 miles a DAY on business. You need to get out a bit more yourself and realize that you and your patrol car are not the center of everyone's world.

It is most likely in the latest manual for your state's drivers license test.
The last time I took a written drivers test was 28 years ago.

If this is your attitude towards law abiding citizens, I sincerely hope you find alternative employment.
this is unfortunately all too common

IIRC, the last time this came up (and I think it was in Houston about a year ago, but somebody from here please correct me if I'm wrong) the police specifically said that you have the right to immediately ask for a supervisor if you feel something is amiss. The real police would rather you do that than have to come on a call where you've been raped, robbed and murdered because you didn't.

If you do not RUN from the policeman, but just continue to drive to, say, the next corner store and turn in THERE and park, you're not resisting arrest or whatever, and you ARE making more certain (can't say "certain" absolutely, of course) that you are going to be safe when you DO talk to the guy with the flashing lights of whatever color.

As a woman, there is no way I would stop if the car behind me were not VERY CLEARLY a police vehicle, except in a well-lit, busy place.

A couple of years ago we had a guy posing as Law Enforcement and pulling over cars, usually with lone women and stealing from or molesting them. People were recommended by law enforcement to acknowlege the unmarked car but keep driving safely to the nearest law enforcement station or a well light place with people around before stopping.
Yes, it has been over 25 years since I have seen State Trooper lights behind me and I travel over 150 miles a DAY on business. You need to get out a bit more yourself and realize that you and your patrol car are not the center of everyone's world.

I just find it hard to believe you drive 150 milse a day and have never seen someone pulled over and the cop has their lights on.

Like I said, do what you want, but educate yourself.
I just find it hard to believe you drive 150 milse a day and have never seen someone pulled over and the cop has their lights on.
That, sir, is not what I said. I said it has been 25 years since a State Trooper pulled ME over.

I do not study the hue of flashing lights as I continue to drive past a traffic stop. Perhaps you do. I suspect you do, as it seems to be very important to you. Other citizens have more important things to do than memorize various law enforcement agencies choices of colors for their flashy lights.

Even at that, any light bar that sits atop a police cruiser can be purchased. Any strobe that fits behind a grill can be purchased. Law enforcement does not have control of who buys these things. Almost every month I get another catalog from Galls who sells these. I am sure there are others. How about these? Or these?

If you desire to enter law enforcement to contribute to society rather than be a corrupt leech, then it would behoove you to try to understand the position of the civilian. Otherwise, you are just a thug with a badge.
Another thing too is license plate type...here in Texas, any city/county/state
owned vehicle is normally going to have "exempt" license plates whether it has a light bar or not...If I see dash light and just see a regular texas license plate, they can kiss my trailing end. And I will get on the cell phone to 911 to report the situation to see if they do belong to anybody. but stop...no way till a marked unit can meet up, or we go straight to a substation....if it dont look right it probley isnt.
I dont think FBI, DEA and BATF agents make routine traffic stops?

Here in Texas a local PD uses red and blue with a yellow light in the middle, the yellow in the middle may be optional?

The drivers manual for the state of Texas says flashing red lights....

If the driver is unsure of an unmarked unit thay should probably call 911 and give thier location to the dispatch and they will probably get an answer shortly.
If you desire to enter law enforcement to contribute to society rather than be a corrupt leech, then it would behoove you to try to understand the position of the civilian. Otherwise, you are just a thug with a badge.

Instead of being an ignorant ass, you could educate yourself.
That will give you info about the state cars.

In fact, the last time I saw State Trooper lights in my rear view was over 25 years ago. They used to be red back then, I have no idea what they are now. I think they were blue for a while. The city police lit me up a year or so ago, but I can't recall what it looked like other than blue. The Parish Sheriff has never pulled me over, so I don't know if his are red or blue or what.

And here:

Never once did I mention about you traveling through MY area - yet once you saw that I was taking part in LE training you attacked me. This is why lines are drawn between the community and LE. Get a grip.

Like I said, use common sense.
springmom said:
As a woman, there is no way I would stop if the car behind me were not VERY CLEARLY a police vehicle, except in a well-lit, busy place.

A very wise precaution indeed. Better cynical and safe than trusting and attacked.
Sometimes cops use certian colors to mark off the "unmarked" Patrol cars.

Here in Ontario I see that the majority of unmarked cars are almost a dark purple that are on the streets. And they have a dull white/gray markings on them with the normal police markings that you cant see from farther away but you can notice them up close.

So when your looking at one flashing there lights at you up close to pull you over you can normally see that they are cops. :)

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