what would you do moment

I know this sort of thing is usually Just Not Done in the big city, but life is safer and more pleasant if you maintain at least a passing acquaintance with your near neighbors. Doesn't hurt to introduce yourself when possible, so that you don't feel quite so awkward looking out for each other.

As others have said the best thing you can do is call the apartment managing office, and or then the police.
Call the police and monitor the door FROM A DISTANCE, concealed, until they arrive. Call 911 if you notice suspicious activity before the police arrive. Easy peasy, you are not in any risk, and you can sleep good that night.
What Pax said.

And call the police. It's their job to investigate odd circumstances. The guy going into the bank with a ski mask might only be cold. The apartment door left open might be accidental. Not for me to determine. Call the Po-Lease.
but life is safer and more pleasant if you maintain at least a passing acquaintance with your near neighbors

I agree, when we moved in years ago, folks were neighbors came with small gifts like fresh baked bread, each introduced themselves to us and had a cup of coffee. We all watch each others places when we go away. Having a summer party and inviting them also helps us maintain the relationship.

Door is open? did you see a huge flat panel tv? :) just kidding....
I would NOT go in. If it is a crime scene you just put yourself at the scene and a lot of times the cops are suspicious of the guy that calls in. That said, I would still call the police but it is not a 911 situation and you don't want to tie up that 911 line for those that need it. Use the situation for an opportunity- like asking the local police if they would do a free safety seminar for your complex.
I call the cops- a lot. I use the regular line. I have never had a complaint from them. In fact I think they like the idea there's a neighborhood resident that calls if something doesn't look right.
Most cops are good guys-call.
Call the cops...

If the door has been open, and you have not seen anyone, report it. Go with your instinct. Let the guys with the guns check it out. Someone may need your help, but if they don't, then you at least made sure your neighbors were OK.
What Pax said II

Similar situation at my house a couple months ago where my next-door neighbor's garage door was up for 48hrs or more and as far as anyone in my family could tell, his little blue Saturn had not moved in or out of the garage. It just wasn't normal, Ted did not usually leave the door up for any length of time. Talked to my family to make sure none of us had seen him recently, then went over and rang the doorbell. No answer. Feeling pretty anxious at this point, I get back home and call Ted's cell number thinking if he doesn't answer, I'm calling the police switchboard (not 911) and ask about a welfare check. Fortunately, he answers the cell, I think I've woke him up, and he says he's had the flu for two days. He has no idea his garage door is up and he tells me he is pretty sure the door from the house to the garage is unlocked... I'm completely embarassed and sure Ted thinks I stalking him or something, and I've apologized a few times since this happend. Ted tells me not to worry and he is glad my family watches his place.

I guess I over-reacted, but Pax is right, know your neighbors and communicate with each other...
Call the apartment manager. If that doesn't work call the police and tell them that you may have a burglary. How are you going to feel if it turns out that someone was sick in there.
Around here a simple helpful or concerned call to the cops gets you put straight to the top of the suspect list, been there, done that - never agian. Getting involved when it's none of your business can result in attorney fees, lost work and possible jail time. Heaven forbid if your foot print, hair, dna, etc. were to show up at the scene.

Possible issues with castle doctrine too as stated in another post.

Good time to let someone else be the hero.
So??? What happened? Whats the "Rest of the story" ? How did it all end up?

I see that "Life alert" comercial and sure can see a need for that in some lives.
I had just the opposite 12 years ago. My elderly mother (87), had move to Arizona to be closer to the grand kids and great grand kids. Naturally they just ignored the old lady. I generally called her every night from SoCal.

I had to take a trip to Seattle, and talked to her on Wed night, told her I could not call until Friday night when I got home. Called at 5PM Fri, no answer, tried again at 8pm, no answer, called my niece and sister that live in the area (1 mile and 14 miles away) they had not talked to her for weeks.

Called the police to check the welfare, and they said only one light on, could hear nothing when the knocked. however one mentioned he could see a walker.

Well no walker, no mother, so I asked to to break the door down. Had to pay for a locksmith to come out at midnight to open the door.

Well there she was on the floor. Had fallen Wed after talking to me on the phone trying to hang the phone up from bed. Dehydrated, and knees/elbows bloody from trying to claw her way back to the bed.

Well a week in the hospital, and I pulled the plug on her "dream" moved her back to my home where we could look after her. She died at 95 still asking why nobody ever came to visit her.

Sometimes you just have to take the personal initiative.

Had another buddy that lived in a little cabin in the mountains. He disappeared for a week. I went to see him, had to break in (I already knew what had happened by the smell), His 4 cats had been dining on him for a few days. Heart attack.

Neighbors said the family wasn't often seen coming or going and their children rarely played with neighborhood kids.

Joann Barber-Smith said she'd noticed the family pulled their blinds shut about two weeks ago and neither of their vehicles had been driven.

"It was kind of odd and strange that I hadn't seen them," she said. "I wanted to go over there, but I didn't want to seem nosy."

It makes me sad for the little boy's sake that the neighbor didn't want to be nosy. Maybe if she had, he'd still be alive.

+1 to Pax, PK, and others...

... who recommended meeting the neighbors, when feasible.

I've lived at both extremes. Grew up in a small town, where all the neighbors were also friends, or at least acquaintances. I can remember a couple of occasions where my sister and I, latch-key kids (Mom taught high school, Dad worked for the state), got sick or injured at home. Yes, we called our parents, but by the time either could respond we had one or two neighbors already there taking care of things.

On the other hand, after lots of years in the Navy, and lots of moves, I've lived in apartment complexes that had very high turnover rates, where I really didn't know anybody.

I greatly preferred the first sort of neighborhood. But it was my own fault for not making much effort to meet the neighbors. In large part, I never bothered because I had friends from my squadrons, or the dojos where I'd train. Still, I should have made more of an effort to meet the people in my building.

Knowing the neighbors makes one much more comfortable about doing health and welfare checks.

But.... even if I don't know the neighbors, if something looked odd, I'd either knock and inquire, or else call the police.

Then again, I'm the type who calls *FHP, 911, etc when I see a stranded motorist on the highway, or a road obstruction, etc - assuming it's not a scenario where I feel I can correct the problem myself. I figure that's what the police and EMS are there for - investigation and, where possible, prevention.
I had posted this:

when we moved in years ago, folks were neighbors came with small gifts like fresh baked bread, each introduced themselves to us and had a cup of coffee. We all watch each others places when we go away. Having a summer party and inviting them also helps us maintain the relationship

We do the same whenever a neighbor moves into the area.

Have one place is rented out, 13 acres and a barn etc, the guy there now had a large motor home. He is a mechanic on these, well he sets up a burn barrell fills it with trash sets it on fire then rides off on his motorcycle. Well we called the fire dept and told them his motor home was on fire. It burned to the ground. We have called them 2 times now cause he does silly stuff like this sso I keep a sharp eye out on that place.

We have had 2 funerals in 12 years of neighbors passed on. Hate to lose them.
So simple. Call the police. They will be happy to help. Do not go in alone and you will never be a suspect. The place was open how many hours? What difference can 15 minutes make? Is common sense dead?