what would you do moment


New member
So this might be silly but what would you guys do?
I live in an apartment building and on the first floor (the only entrance/exit) one of the apartments door was open all day long with nobady in sight. Like from 6am when I saw it to around 10 pm. Its not empty and the lights are on leaving me to believe someone lives there. So would you have knocked and looked to see if everything is alright or leave it alone? Im not trying to be rambo and have the BG waiting for me but I wouldnt want someone hurt and im to scared to check it out. Would having a ccw change your actions? Im just asking because I want to be a responsible citizen.
See that's what I was thinking but it's friday and we wouldn't be able to get ahold of anyone until monday.
Haha no but id hate to cause a scene/problem for someone just leaving a door open. My friend came over with his girl ( who has seizures) for a dinner date and she had a bad one and started screaming bloody murder. I was little disturbed that no one even knocked if everything was ok. What if that was my girlfriend being murdered. Just somthing I think about. Sorry again if this is a stupid post.
The management of the property will have an emergency maintenance number available for the residents to use after office hours. Call the office number and you can get through to maintenance....
This isn't the big city, but around here I would not be concerned about a badguy being there waiting for me for 16 hours. A normal response here would be to beat on the open door and listen for a response, if none, then enter as far as comfortable and do it again. There could be a person with a stroke or who has fallen and can't respond.
Call the cops and cut the crap.

When I was a kid, I went for a swim in an Atlantic beach with a friend. We went out too far. Well, soon my buddy was sailing off to France. Buh, bye!

He was too embarassed to yell for help. So was I. Luckily a grown-up old fat guy (like me now), saw him and whistled to the life guards. Yes, they honked horns and launched a boat. Whee!

But my friend was saved.

Nothing more need be said.

Need I close this? I think we are done.
I'd probably give a knock on the door and a peek inside, just to make sure all is well. Maybe call the police afterward and see if they can spare a few moments to send someone by. I certainly wouldn't want to go too far in there and get familiar with the business end of the Castle Doctrine.
I've been an EMT for nigh on 6 years now and I can't tell you how many times I've been to calls where someone in an apartment building had a heart attack or stroke and died; when they could have lived, had the next door neighbor called 911 when they heard the yells and loud thud of the neighbor hitting the floor. We get a lot of people explaining that they didn't want to be nosy or cause any trouble for their neighbor. Most people aren't crazy recluses chopping up bodies on their kitchen table, so stuff that's out of the ordinary should warrant further investigation, if even just a knock and a "HEY IS ANYBODY HOME/ ALRIGHT?" I understand that it can wind up being awkward and embarrassing, or you could wind up in that long-shot hostage situation (hey, it could happen...) but like CLC said, I'm just being a responsible citizen.


Oh, sorry to disturb you. I noticed your door has been open all day. I live in apartment [X] and was concerned for your well being.

Nice to meet you, have a good night.
notify the apartment manager and if no response call the police. i'm disabled now and am not going to put myself in a position to be taken by surprise by possibly multiple BG.
I would definitely knock and inquire. If I got no answer, then I might call the building management or the police, but first I probably would take a look inside to see if anything was amiss.
Well in our defense my girlfriend did check it out and I had a long shift at work and didn't know the door was still open. She knocked and looked in but chouldnt see anybody. I was just worried and told her id take a look when I got off and didn't want her going in alone. Needless to say the door was closed when i got home. I guess i was just :confused:wondering if we handled it right.