what would you do in this situation?

I personally like that Australian anti-theft device...I think it was 60,000 volt charge when the goblin sat in the driver's seat and touched the ignition without the proper pass key.
From the commercial (spoof) that I saw, you just run a vacuum cleaner over the burn area.

I did meet a little old lady who was tired of the attempts on stealing her car, so she hooked 110 house voltage direct from an outlet to her car door handle...sad thing was her dog died from the electrocution when she went outside and the dog touched the car door waiting for her to get into the car.

Met another guy who put a snake (non-lethal) inside his car...stopped the break-ins after first try.
Tprt, first of all It won't be my son because I raised him to know better.And no I woudn't shoot someone in the back as they were running away.But people have no business stealing either.If you are going to steal and someone shoots you for it than you probably had it comming.also when people just lay down and let other people violate them and their property You are just encourging them to keep doing it,and I think that is what is wrong with the world today.fortunatly I live where there are more guns than people in most homes and I can leave my keys In my truck and my four wheeler on the back porch with out having to worry thankgoodness.

"first of all It won't be my son because I raised him to know better."

Not saying your kid is bad but...heard that song before. Remember what would have happened if the police brought you home when you were young? Believe me times have changed. Now it's rare when I talk to parents and they say "Don't worry trooper we'll take care of it!" It's always..."not my kid. He knows better."

"And no I woudn't shoot someone in the back as they were running away."

That wasn't me that said anything about shooting in the back(however...under the right circumstances it could be legally justified).

" if you are going to steal and someone shoots you for it than you probably had it comming."

Agreed. If I steal something, I do. But that's my value system. That's not the law.

"also when people just lay down and let other people violate them and their property You are just encourging them to keep doing it,and I think that is what is wrong with the world today."

I didn't say this doesn't deserve punishment...trust me I believe it does. This thread is about confronting a radio thief in the middle of the night with a gun and the subsequent possible consequences. My opinion is the legal, moral and civil risk far outweighs the possible good that can come from stopping a radio thief in the act.

"fortunatly I live where there are more guns than people in most homes and I can leave my keys In my truck and my four wheeler on the back porch with out having to worry thankgoodness."

What you should say is thankgoodness I haven't lost my property yet.
Do you have any idea how many burglaries to houses of people who said the same thing I've investigated?


If not you, then who?
Something all of us need to keep in mind during threads like this is to not get too caught up in our own rhetoric. It is not our job as armed citizens to punish wrongdoers, any more than it is the job of the police to do so. You have the right to defend the yourself and your loved ones, and to a lesser extent your belongings. That's all.
tprT, you are right and I basically agree with you,that is the law.I have a ccw and out in the public I would do exactly as you say.the last thing I want to do is get in a shooting scrape and I know I would end up loosing even if I was dead to right legally.But just the same I dont think I could stay in my house and let someone violate my property right in front of my eyes without doing something,Just like there is no way I would travel in a car across this great country of ours without a gun for protection.I would try to obey the law as closely as possible but I dont think I could leave home without one on a long trip,And If my famliy was traveling with me I am dead certain of it.
I guess I'm repeating myself, but I'm with tprT. I have $1000 deductible insurance on my car. I know a fellow in a neighboring state that got involved in a very minor use of force (he sprayed someone with OC who desperately needed to be sprayed). It cost him $20,000 in legal fees over the course of several years. If someone is breaking into my car (brand spanking new, I might add), no way am I going outside to try to stop them. It just isn't worth it. It isn't worth the physical risk. It isn't worth the financial risk.

I can replace the car. I can't replace my life.

