What would you do in this situation?

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More information & the end of the story.

+the guy came out of no where and walked into the middle of the road, not on the side of the road. If was either gun it, and run him over if he didn't jump out of the way, or stop.
+I couldn't throw it into reverse and backup because 1) I had no back-up lights, thieves stole them the week before, 2) It was pitch black out, 3) the road was dirt, filled with pot holes, bumps, and mud. 4) I was only going a little faster than a guy could run anyway.

When I told my friends about it later, they ALL said, "Are you Crazy? Don't Stop, gun it and if that means running the SOB over, tough luck!" Most of you guys said the same, I agree - you're right. I won't make that same mistake again.

But, this is what I sensed, 1) the guy was alone, 2) he never raised or pointed the shotgun at me, 3) he never threatened me, 4) he seemed too stupid to be an armed robber. Was it just a ruse to steal a handgun from a gringo - I'll never know. If there was two or more of them, if they pointed their guns or knives at me, if they verbally threatened me, if they acted a notch above a moron - yah, then I would fight for my life.

Well, after he finished looking and found nothing, he turned to me and I said, "I'm tired and I want to go home, are you finished - can I go now?" He said, "Yes." I got the hell out of there asap. I made a beeline to the police station and reported it to the police. They yawned, nodded, and continued watching TV.

I'm sorry that it ended on a flat note, but no one was hurt.

NOW, put on your seat belt. The next story is true as told to me by the gringo who experienced it. This happened years ago too. I won't mention names.

The gringo and his wife were living in a little river village an hour's boat ride from town. After seeing off a group of tourists, they had dinner and settled into bed. Later that night, three men announce their presence as they barged through the door with shotguns (single shot 16 ga.), and demanded money. The gringo was armed because one of the tourists left him his S&W Chief's Special - he probably thought the gringo needed it more than he did and going through US customs with a gun might be a problem. The gringo kept the gun in his cash box. As he went to get the cash box, the moment of truth had arrived.

WHAT WOULD YOU DO? - Are you going to shoot it out (in a bedroom with your wife in bed) with 3 guys with shotguns looking at you and you with your Chief's special, or are you going to do nothing and play it by ear?

Remember what I said,

"If there was two or more of them, if they pointed their guns or knives at me, if they verbally threatened me, if they acted a notch above a moron - yah, then I would fight for my life."

Think about it - what would you do? I'll tell you in a couple of days when I return to town - I don't own a computer, I use one in town.
Well, although quite a boring end to such a DRAWN OUT and suspensfull story, I'm glad to hear no one was hurt. As for the second, thats a tough call. I'm going to presume, due to the location, that the odds of the men taking the money and simply leaving are slim to none. I would, in my own mind, believe that once I give them the money, I would be done in anyway so...... use the tactical advantage you have, suprise. Open the box, throw it at them, in hopes of drawing their attention to the box instead of you, and then open fire. I'm willing to bet after you drop one of them, the other two would run. A horrible situation to be in no matter how you react. I would rather go down fighting then lay down and die. I'm anxious to see what others think of the scenerio.
this game is old. lol. just kidding but it really is.

answer: it would all depend on what my senses told me but I'm not fighting three armed men with shotguns over some lousy cash unless there isn't any choice.
Tell them to take the wife instead of the cash. And when the three of them are argueing over who gets her first you can either A. Start shooting or B. Start running.
Let's keep one scenario to a thread, OK?

You can start a new one with your latest literary masterpiece if you wish, Amazon, but as much as we all like suspense, let's try to keep from re-writing "Romancing the Stone" on that one. ;) :D

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