What would you do in this situation?

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amazon shooter

New member
Hi guys,

I suspect most of us have never encountered a life threatening situation thank God, but some of us have had some close calls - this was my close call.

I have been living on a farm in the Amazon for more than 25 years. Some twenty years ago I was visiting a friend at his farm one night for beers and pizza. I left at 11 pm to return to my farm 10 kilometers away. It was a typically warm, humid, and starry night. The night creatures were making their eerier sounds and the pot holes and huge bumps kept appearing on the dirt road to keep me awake. Normally, not a creature was stirring - no people or vehicles. As I approached a chicken farm on my left, a man steps out from the shadows and into the middle of the road. He is holding a shotgun with the barrel pointed down and raising his arm motioning me to stop. The first thing I thought was, don't argue with a man with a gun. I didn't know what the hell was going on. I thought of putting my foot to the pedal and running over the guy, but if I didn't get him, he certainly would have unloaded his single shot, 16 ga. shotgun into the back of the cab as I tried to escape. If I were hit, I would probably bleed to death before I could get to town for help. So, I decided to stop. He came over to my door with the shotgun still pointing down and asked me where I had been and where I was going - I told him. He didn't identify himself. The guy wasn't a policeman or a soilder. Was he just the guard of the chicken farm? If so, why is he stopping me on a public road in the middle of the night carrying a shotgun and asking stupid questions? Next, he asked if I was carrying a gun - Gulp, I told him no. Then, he said, "Get out of the pickup truck".

The moment of truth has arrived. What would you do? You have seconds to assess the situation and formulate a plan or do you just do nothing and go along for the ride?

I''ll tell you later how it went down.
Well, were you really carrying or not? Jungle protocol is WAYYYYY different than how things work here in the burbs.

How did this guy rank in terms of physical size comparatively speaking? This would have some bearing on my reaction. A large bearing actually.

Were you carrying a knife? If I lived in the jungle I'd never leave home without one, hell I rarely leave home without one living in a suburb. Just cause its handy to have but also could be used to defend myself.

Another consideration is you did say it was a shotgun and it was pointed in the dirt. Shotgun is not something he could pull up as quickly as a pistol so you stand a better chance at close distances to be able to grab the gun and keep it pointed elsewhere while you struggle to get it away from him or facilitate firing the only shell in it away from you.
Its hard for me to assess how I would have handled this situation due to the fact that don't live down there. Are you stopped frequently on the roads? Did this man have any legal authority to ask you to stop?

If I was on a forest road late night here in AZ and I was passing some settlement and that happened to me, I would not have stopped. I would have attempted to swerve around him, but had he been insistent on being in front of the vehicle, he would have gone under it. I would lay low and take my chances against a single shot scattergun in my back window.

In my opinion, if you are in serious trouble and need to flag someone down in the middle of the night, in a remote location, its best not to be carrying a shotgun in your hand.
Doesn't sound like a good situation to be in. For a chicken guard I probably would have divert away from answering any gun / no gun questions.

Once he said to get out of the car and noting the gun is pointed in a safe direction, based on prior counter-terrorism training years ago, I'd first overtly look in the rear view mirror and say something like 'Hey, who's that walking up on us way back there' to divert his attention to the rear, simultaneously put it in drive if not there / pop the clutch and rapidly accelerate to 35-45 mph until out of range, then speed up. I'm also going to duck below his line of sight for a 1-2 seconds should he shoot through the rear glass. With a little distance, it's a little safer to pop up, check my direction and his location. Since it's a single shot, it's a lesser threat than a guy with an AK or Dragunov.

Lots of options, will be interesting to see what you did.
Some Answers

Here are some answers to your questions.

+I wasn't carrying a gun. I left my 12ga. Winchester pump shotgun loaded with 3" mag slugs, 00 buck and Nº 4 buckshot at the house along with my two male German shephards. They are my welcoming commitee at the farm for meeting strangers at night.
+Gringos have been killed here before and since this happened.
+The physical size of these guys are mostly less than me - 5'10", 170 lbs. The guy was about 5'7" and 160 lbs.
+I wasn't carrying a knife either.
+He never pointed the shotgun at me.
+I was prepared to act immediately if the situation became worse.
+I'm never stopped on the road, unless it's with people in uniforms and if it's the police, they have AK 47's and if it's the army, they have FAL's. The guy had on como pants and a como hat - military and police don't carry single shot 16 ga. shotguns.

Hey guys - I went through all of those options in a few seconds. Believe me, the situation wasn't getting better and all I wanted to do was go home and go to bed.

Am I going to escalate the situation to a point where it's either him or me?
Act as if I'm getting out and open the door fast, (if he's next to the door) slamming it into him and floor it while ducking down. He's got one shot and can't reload fast enough to hit me again.
+1. Definitely if he was standing close enough, I'd hit him with the door. Either way, I'm going to duck down and floor it. If he fires at me as I flee, I can only assume he was going to kill me anyway, so no sense in making it easy for him. If it was completely different and he needed help, then it's too bad he didn't know how to ask nicely.
Just guessing

I learned, in a hot zone, you never stop for anything. While you were not in a technically "hot" zone and running the guy over was probably not a viable option (though, as already pointed out, was ONE option), I speculate that if this guy was part of a team set on ambush, there may have been a few that you had just passed before you saw the one. To block your retreat.

If this happened in a town in the U.S., the conventional wisdom is to let him have your vehicle as long as the car-jacker doesnt want to take you (or any passengers you might have) along.

But it appears, in the best case scenario, you would have been left on a lonely road, some distance from your home and weaponless.

Unless you think he was alone and only wanted your truck (in which case you might try the risky move of trying to ransom your truck a freedom on the spot), making a break for it looks at first glance to be the option of choice.

Lost Sheep
I'm gonna guess that the guy just needed to shoot something. Maybe he was out of ammo and wanted to barrow your gun? .... ahahaha right?

really though, I would not have stopped for him if I was unarmed. That being said, I am hardly ever unarmed.
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Well, are you going to tell us what happened?

I think that the problem with stuff like this is that it happens so fast that you don't have much time to think. I do know that if someone pointed a gun at me I'd be pretty cooperative if I was unarmed.
I would be thinking stranger, armed, night. He is going to kill me. Run him over if possible if not open door and hit him with it. Attack any way possible. Sort it out later.
If the guy hasn't threatened me and asks me to get out of the vehicle I'm asking why. He's basically a neighbor. People have to depend on each other in the wilderness for survival. He probably has a need for assistance and isn't well practiced at social interaction.

If the situation warrants it using the vehicle as a weapon isn't out of the question. Put it in reverse, crank the wheel to the right, and mash the go pedal.
My first choice would be to slow as if I were to stop, then gun it and duck. If you assessed the weapon correctly odds would be in your favor.

If I did choose to stop and get out, I would be sure to stay close enough to him that if he started to bring his weapon up I would be able to be inside his shooting radius. It does make it easier that he has a long gun (and a single shot at that!)

Of course it's alot easier for us to second guess, not having the pressure of the moment.
Yup, I considered all of those options.

He said, "Get out of the pickup." Dad always said, "Never argue with a man with a gun."

So, I stepped out of the cab. My senses were as finely tuned as a hair trigger - waiting for that one indication that says it's him or me. He does something stupid, he gets within a foot of me and pats me down with his free hand - checking to see if I was carrying a pistol - no cigar. Then, he steps between me and the opened door, his back to me, he bends over with his flashlight to look under and behind the bench seat presumely looking for a firearm - no cigar. This was the perfect time - I had him. But .......
I would have stopped about 50 ft short of him and yelled out the window what he wanted.If he got closer,I would back up.You never should have pulled right up to an armed man like that.
I dont know your state or laws but in NJ he clearly put you in imminent danger( does not matter if he pointed it at you or not) there fore you were justified to run his *** over. If I was 100% positive it was 16ga single shot I would have made the call to not stop and aim for him centered on the hood :cool:

- that's also not arguing with a man with a gun ;) -
Wow, there's an awful lot of chest-thumping going on here. Guy with a rifle in the wilderness in South America, outside of what could presumably be his farm... and there's a whole demographic that would Run Him Down No Questions Asked? Come on. You aren't impressing anyone here.

"Scuse' me, Sir? I was out hunting the Amazonian equivalent of Raccoons, came back and my house was on fire. Do you have a cellular phone so I can call emergency services?"

That guy would have a hell of a bad night having his house burned down and being murdered on the street by some macho neanderthal.

Now we've seen that this wasn't exactly the case so far, but please cool it with the, "Single shot shotgun? RUN 'IM DOWN!"-talk.

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