What would you do in this scenario

Oh, I just wanted to add........

If I could get to their vehicle, I'd place a pebble under the needle valve cap on a couple of their tires. They will soon be on foot.

Chances are they would never get my fishing truck started. Not unless they knew how to use a hand crank. ;)
Seems to me it would depend on state laws. I sem to recal that some states allow for protection of property as well as life and limb...

Me? Well, I don't fish, but there are other reasons to be out in the wilderness. Would depend on how far away I was when I noticed them, and wether or not they saw me. Not much in the car worth stealing when I'm in BFE, so they can loot to their heart's content. If I'm seen (and close), becomes a horse of a different colour...
Well now if you want, we can apply legal laws from different states.
I,m from New York State and here you must be backed into a corner
and threatened with lethal force before you can whip out the old magnum.

Texas I guess you can pop,em on your property. Need more imput here,
not sure.
We all in a way discuss different kinds of weapons we carry for protection
muzzle energy. velocity, killing power etc. , but as we read the law or legal system, their very strict on this use of lethal force.
We,ll I set this scenario up to read different reactions and view points and
to learn on it.
I,m happy with it,s results from it.
What would you do.

Retired LEO. U.F.O. is right on the money. Take a hike or shall we dance.It is all up to the BG :D
Thx. haskell. I was beginning to think everyone here supports having their own property stolen. In my state of Tennessee an average citizen has the right to effect a citizen's arrest if they view a felony being committed. That doesn't mean running up to the car in this fishing example and with no conversation or challenge spitting lead, but it also doesn't mean one has to skulk off and hide in the woods either. Grand theft auto is a felony.

Grand theft auto is when you steal a vehicle. This is vehicle theft of
property which could be grand larceny or less.
Pulling a gun on teenagers growing up and maybe on pot or whatever
going through your vehicle could set up a deadly situation for them.
They may turn out to be aggressive enough and run at you because of
their growing up lack of maturity, mental state of mind and get shot. In general, statistics usually stay in this age category.
I.m very far from being scared of them, this is human life were talking about here and legal reality of takeing it.
I am expressing my feelings as all others have . The thought of the legal aspects that could come out of setting up the use of lethal force here is mind boggling.
respectfully, Boomerdog
Hey Boomer. How would you know in that situation that car theft wasn't in process as you first saw them? Grand larceny is a felony also. Your truck's radio would attract a high enough dollar value to stick that charge. I do appreciate the importance of human life and getting into a shootout with 3 guys trying to steal/burglarize my vehicle wouldn't be my idea of a fun Saturday afternoon.....however, I do feel that at least a verbal challenge would be in order. Best!

I don't fish much, . . . but if I did, . . . they would be rummaging through a 77 Ford F100 on its second engine & second transmission. It's also got a floor shift conversion where Reverse & 1st are flip flopped as well as 2nd & 3rd.

That ain't saying nothing about the fact that if you don't know how to start the old girl, . . . you'll be walking, cause the battery just went south.

Besides that, . . . Xavier mentioned my sentiments: "I don't carry anything worth dying over, nor do I carry anything worth killing over. I carry for preservation of my life, not for preservation of my property."

Once I saw them, . . . if my pounding heart didn't give me away, . . . I would like to think I would just melt back into the landscape, be a good witness, observe all I could, and the most important aspect I think most missed: get into a good defendable position, where I cannot be flanked or anything.

These jerks may get nasty when all they get outa my truck is rust and a hard time, . . . they almost have to be locals, therefore they know I am not and will probably come looking for the cheap dude that didn't give them any pickings. At 60 and physically challenged to a degree, I can only defend, but if they find me and want to push the envelope, . . . well, . . . like I said earlier, be in a place I can defend against all three.

May God bless,
I've had my car broken into enough without a chance to confront the jerks. I would definetly yell at them to get the f away from my vehicle with my pistol at low ready. If they run...good. If not, that is their choice and I would do what I had to. I don't want to hurt anyone ever...but I won't disappear into the woods knowing my property is being violated. :mad:
Well this fireing line forum is really neat. It allows all of us to express
our feelings and talk about all kinds of different issues that relate to firearms,
ammunition, reloads,different calibers/ you name it.
While I sit here and drink my coffee i,m smileing because today i,m buying yet another handgun. A Taurus Tracker 44 in Stainless, 4" Barrel. I,ve hear good results about Taurus and bad results .

All of us expressed different viewpoints on this trout fishing scenario, but we,ll never know how they would have come out if
actually took place because it,s a what if.
U.F.O., you have a good point, there is a felony takeing place here. I did know that. Burglary is a felony.We all have our ways on how we would handle
this situation. Hey gotta go/ I will read back later.
Actually the charge would not be burglary. Burglary would be breaking into an occupiable structure. A vehicle break in would be breaking and entering and/or theft of property. In most cases if you combined the value of the stolen property and the cost to repair the damage you would have a felony even if the vehicle was not stolen.