What would you do in this scenario


New member
Your on a back road trout fishing. Your of course are armed with your favorite
pee shooter. You leave the creek and proceed to walk down around bend of
dirt road carrying your fish pole and other goodies. Your tired ,sweaty and can,t wait to get back to your truck to get into your cooler for some realllly cooool drinks.
You see movement around your truck, your trucks being riffled by 3
hoodlums. Thing is, they haven,t seen you approaching.
Be honest and realistic about this and think hard how to dissolve this matter without a deadly confrontation.
Remember your actions determine the results , it,s their words against yours
if something bad goes down. After all ideas are in I,l explain what I really would have done. Any law officers reading this, Would appreciate their response also.
As I posted elsewhere, I'd probably let them have what was in my vehicle. I make it a point to travel light everywhere I go, so my car will have in it a few CDs, a pair of jumper cables and maybe my book bag. Nothing completely irreplaceable. See if they have a car (which they likely do out in nowhere) and get the plates. If they spot me and want to make trouble, then I'd likely free my hands fast and move in on my "pee-shooter" but not show it unless they were armed. Hopefully this will be sufficient to dissuade further activities.
In my state the use of deadly force is only if you have no other options, so this would by no means be a draw your weapon situation and if you did and had to use it the state would look upon the gunowner as the criminal. I guess just get the best description you can look for thier vehicle and if you have a cell phone dial 911. A macho attitude and a gun usually ends up bad, some people have a six inches taller and 50lbs heavier mentality when armed.
I'd draw my pistol to ready position and in a loud, commanding voice order them away from my truck. Something to the effect of "GET THE F.... AWAY FROM MY TRUCK". If they bolt and run, the issue is resolved. If they don't.....they don't. If they further escalate by bringing their own deadly weapon into play we have further issues. My guess is they run if you're addressing them from a distance (40-50 feet) and you're at the ready with a visible handgun, not actually at a sight picture yet.

The distance and them not officially targeted yet allows them a back door to escape.

I would not confront them. If I were fishing at my favorite spot, I would simply walk up the road a piece, lock the gate, and call the police on the cellphone I always carry. If I were where there was no gate, I would stalk around until I could get their license number and a good description, and do the same.

I don't carry anything worth dying over, nor do I carry anything worth killing over. I carry for preservation of my life, not for preservation of my property.
I actually experienced a scenario similar to this a 5-6 years ago.

I came out of a store and saw a guy rumaging around inside my truck. He was kind of sitting on the seat with one leg inside and one leg outside while he went thru my glove box. I eased up behind him and slammed the door on his leg a couple of times. He ran off limping badly and cussing back at me.

I got a real nice pair of rabbit fur lined leather gloves out of the deal that he left behnd on my seat!
came out of a store and saw a guy rumaging around inside my truck. He was kind of sitting on the seat with one leg inside and one leg outside while he went thru my glove box. I eased up behind him and slammed the door on his leg a couple of times. He ran off limping badly and cussing back at me.

:eek: That's great! I love it! :D

If it's 3 on 1, I'd do my best to get their tag number, IF they have a vehicle near by. I'd then find some good cover and yell at them to get a way from my truck. The rest depends upon them! :confused:

But, this would never happen to me...I never go fishing! :p
Find their vehicle, light it on fire, then watch from behind a tree.

Ok, not really :) I'd probably let them take what they want, and go from there.
Similar story happened to me.

We were all out camping (well, not really, just partying by the beach). Everyone had gone to sleep. I was in the front seat of one of the trucks. Couldn't sleep well though.

I notice 2 guys who had been invited earlier to party with us are trashing everything. Pouring condiments all over the tent shade (after they tore it down). Dumping out all the food and drinks. They are just tearing everything up. And to boot they both are now carrying ~24 inch tent poles and talking crap to each other.

The odd thing was that I was the only one awake that I could tell.

Well, I watched them for a while. Then they carried off the cooler of beer.

The next morning I was first up. They literally trashed everything. I walked around the beach area and see 2 people sleeping on top of the lifeguard bldg. I walked over and sure enough it was them. They were sleeping, must have been a long night... Then I noticed footprints still in the stand. I followed them down the beach to behind some large rocks. Sure enough, there's the cooler.

One of the other guys finally got up, Fred. Country boy, 6' and big. I told him what happened and we go and recover the cooler (big cooler, to big for me to lift alone when full of ice & beer). After we get it back to the camp, I still wasn't satisfied. So I went back to where the sleeping jerks were. They had removed their shoes and placed them next to them. I took one shoe of each and buried them where we found the cooler.

They had the nerve to actually come back over to where we were camping adn b1tch about someone stealing their shoes. And they didn't say anything about the cooler I was sitting on.

Sorry for the long post. But it goes along with the above scenario. If I had had a gun, I would have done the same thing.
I'm a very large guy, and I feel I have quite a bit of courage...BUT there's no way in the world I'm going to confront 3 wrong-doing men in an isolated area over an ashtray full of change and some CDs...that's just ridiculous...sure, they'd probably take off running...but what if they didn't?

I'd probably have my cell phone and digital camera with me, so first, I'd call the police and tell them the situation and the location...then, I'd take a few pics with my digital camera and remain hidden...
Would let them take what they wanted. Even if they stole the truck. If I Monday Morning Quarterback the situation before it starts, I figure there's nothing there worth the $10-$12,000 it would cost to pay defense lawyers if it came to defending myself with the peashooter. Insurance would pay for the truck, so I'd be out a couple hundred bucks max. Risking serious injury is not worth a couple hundred. And I'd call the police on my cell phone.

If it changed to "You were putting your fishing gear away and 3 guys came up... never mind-different scenario.
Ah yes, the cell phone refrain. Except, there is zero to minimal service where I fish. I though the cell phone would have been great one night when I locked my keys in my car while out fishing (THAT is another story... :rolleyes: But I have learned to keep spare house and car keys in my wallet! :D ). Took one by the next day, nope, no service up that way, none, zero, zip, ain't happenin'. So...
My favorite fishing hole is 56 miles from the nearest anything so I would consider the situation as potentially life threatning. Cell phones are not an option, they don't work. My "pea shooters" are always my M-50 Reising and a 1911.

The contents of the vehicle are not of concern but if the vehicle were stolen or disabled it would present a very real problem.

I suppose I would find a good position and observe from a distance. A little intelligence gathering and planning works well. I know if my truck goes bye-bye I could be camped out for a week or two waiting for someone to pass by and pick me up. The other choice would be a very long walk to the closest paved road.

My vote would probably be to avoid contact and let them have whatever they want. An altercation is just not worth the risk.
If I had my pee shooter I guess I'd urinate on them...............Now if I had my pea shooter then we're in business. :eek:

Seriously, I don't think it's worth dying over and I'd try to avoid killing over it as well. But is it just me or does it seem like as a society we always say, "it's not worth dying or killing or the lawsuit?" When is enough enough. When these reprobate maggots realize that we as citizens will do nothing and the courts will just extend the suspended sentence they are already on. Are we part of the problem as well.

As a LEO I would attempt stop the crime in progress. If they run off, fine. If they turn on me there is a disparity of force issue that would be life threatening so I would have to defend myself.
Wow, That really sturred you guys up, fantastic response.
First reaction I would have is a adrenalin attack. he he The vehicle they probably have has license plates stolen ect..
Cell phone may not work because of your location. As things usually go , the cell phone wound say: sorry dude no service.
I would back off if not spotted and slip back into woods and sit tight. If by chance their vehicle was nearest you, try to remember what it looked like
and also plate numbers just in case their not stolen. Of all things, totally avoid any confrontation , this is so very important . Any confrontation rather they were armed or not could really put your legal rights to the test.
More than likely if they do spot you,they,ll split.Just wave and smile, turn around and walk the other way and hope they don,t follow. Get lost in woods fast. If your a trout fisherman, you definetely would find your way out later.
Remember you cannot pop your pee-shooter unless your body is threatened with lethal force. You walked into a situation where it didn,t exist. So retreat.
It is a sad state of affairs these days. Of course with our current legal system it would be unwise to engage them with a deadly weapon, as you would likely risk some serious legal hastles at best. Three on one is not a good situation even armed as they could be as well, but I believe that you should legally be able to challenge them without fear of legal ramifications to defend your property.

We could be walking the street with our wife or daughter, and a couple punks could strike our females, could offer terrible insults, and could leave you in doubt whether or not the intended to do worse, and yet we must be aware of the legal ramifications of retaliating, or drawing a weopon to protect those things most valuable to us.

We do not live in a day when Honor and conviction are rewarded. If someone wants to insult my your wife, you should be expected to cave in his head, and then receive accolades from those watching. Ah, but these are just fantasys.

I say hose the truck looting punks and feed them to the neigbors hogs! :D
I would sneak up and drop a wet, slimy trout down the back of the closest BG's shirt :D .

Seriously, I would keep my distance, order them to get out of my rig NOW, and draw my weapon. Not point it at them, but clear the leather. Anybody who I see drawing on me gets two to the chest. If they do not clear out then, we have a stand-off, giving me more time to think. If they advance on me, then I draw a line and anybody who crossed it gets shot.