What would it cost to "unwildcat" a barrel?

FrankenMauser said:
The cost of custom dies would probably run about the same as a rebarrel.
...Something to consider.

CH4D has the dies for $150, so I doubt the average guy could get a new barrel installed that cheap. I'd just leave it alone and shoot it as is.
Point,striker impuse is significant.

that is something you have to decide among other reloaders; I have asked the question; "Do you understand the case/primer is setting still when the firing pins strikes the primer"?. And now? You say the impulse is significant.

A reloaders should be able to determine if the shoulder of the case made it to the shoulder of the chamber before the bang.

Again, I have chambered 8mm57 ammo in my 8mm/06 chambers, when fired the there is no evidence the shoulder moved and then there is that thing about case head separation. My 8mm57 ammo when fired in my 8mm06 chamber has .127" clearance.

Again my cases do not have head space, again, it is not necessary for a reloaders to make all of these guesses. If my cases are going to take off for the front of the chamber when hit by the firing pin I know when and why it happens. And then there are simple test to determine if it can and or will happen.

F. Guffey
I bid on and won an auction, I paid $120.00 for the rifle. Members on reloading forums had a field day making themselves feel good at the owners expense.

I was concerned the attention was going to drive the price up. The rifle was ugly, I could not figure how anyone could build a anything that ugly without knowing what he was doing. Sure enough, there was nothing I could do to improve on the accuracy and if all else failed I purchased the rifle for the sum of the parts.

I purchased another rifle from a member on a forum, I checked the rifle, it was in great shape but the chamber was .002" longer than a field reject length gage. That meant the chamber was .016" longer than a minimum length/full length sized case or .011" longer than a go-gage length chamber.

I already had 2 30/06 forming dies I used for different purposes. I simply formed 280 Remington cases by adding .014" to the length of the case body from the shoulder to the case head, when finished I had my .002" magic clearance.

No case head separation; I could have fired minimum length/full length sized cases in the long chamber even though I had .016" clearance because the case was going nowhere. The case was not going to take off for the front of the chamber when the firing pin struck the primers.

And then there was the miracle, the shoulder of the case did not move when fired, the shoulder of case that was formed was not the same shoulder the case started with.

F. Guffey
Yawn! Same old story. Out of spec P-17,.270 brass,and word games. So old,so boring. It was old five years ago. That and loading 8x57 in your 8mm-06.
You screwed up and the extractor held the cartridge back. So that now becomes a pillar of knowledge that makes you the only reloader?
Has it been that long since you learned anything new?

Try that Varmint Al link. Watch the animations.
Try that Varmint Al link. Watch the animations.

Cartoons and animations is where most of this got started. You do not remember when reloaders got started, They thought the datum was a line called a datum line and the best they could do. In the beginning they finished with "And that is how they do it" because that was all of the information that was available.

F. Guffey
Yep,Guff,I've only been reloading just over 50 years.A Colorado Gunsmith named Claude Simmons was among my mentors.

As far as cartoons,its called finite element analysis.

I am capable of learning new things.

You keep abusing the word "datum" in ways that assure me you do not know what a datum is.

But it reminds me of a scene in "The Wild Bunch"

Something about having a thumb misplaced and a handful of washers..."Silver Rings"

Hah hah hah " I got DATUMS!!!900 datums!


You cannot buy or own a datum. They only exist in theory. You can buy a ring gauge or bench centers or a surface plate to represent the theoretical datum,but it is not the datum.
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You cannot buy or own a datum. They only exist in theory. You can buy a ring gauge or bench centers or a surface plate to represent the theoretical datum,but it is not the datum.

AGAIN: I was at a gun show when I noticed a box of miscellaneous box of stuff, good stuff, stuff that would be useful to me and considered as junk to others. I said to the dealer; "dautms" he responded with " I do not have any datums".

It was a little crowded, the happy shopper ahead of me ask "Where?", then next happy shopper ask "What does a datum look like?" and another said he did not see any datums.

In about 1938 L.E. Wilson designed the case gage, they did not name the Wilson case gage a case head space gage, that was because the case did not have head space. The case did not have head space until after the Internet was invented. After the invention of the Internet all someone had to do to become a reloaders was to sign in to social media and claim they were a reloader.

Before the Internet the Rock Chucker was not a cam over press; before the Internet a reloaders should have been able to determine the difference between a cam over press and a non cam over press. The Vise-Grip plyers have been with us for over 90 years; the Vise-Grip plyers have 'leaver lock'. The Rock Chucker press has 'leaver lock'. The Rock Chucker is not a cam over press, if it was it would be a 'bump press', meaning the ram would bump once on the way up and again; and once' on the way down.

Bump? And now reloaders believe they can bump the shoulder back on the case with a die that has full body support. And I ask; "How is that possible, how do they do that?" all I get back are responses from socially dysfunctional members that claim they are reloaders.

The Wislon case gage is a datum based tool, Wilson built the case gage with a datum that has a redius, Hornady/Sinclair makes a comparator, the Hornady Comparator also has a datum:confused:, problem, the Hornady comparator had a datum with a radius.

The Wilson case gage is accurate to .001" and the Hornady comparator is a comparator because Hornady has never found a way to zero the gage with a datum that has a radius.

I do not believe it is fair to you for tool manufacturers to sell you tools without datums. I made sure my first Wilson case gage had a datum; for me that was not a problem for most reloaders ? They never knew there was a datum in each and ever case gage made.

I know; you believe making a cast would give you all the information you need to check for a datum, there are very few smiths and reloaders that are better at casting than I am, And I taught him.

We have had the Sinclair/Hornady comparator with us for decades without an understanding why it is necessary to verify the accuracy, we all should know the comparator is off, what we do not know is 'by how much'. Well that is not correct, one of us knows, he does not use the Hornady comparator. 'UNLESS I MEASURE BEFORE AND AGAIN AFTER BECAUSE THAT IS NECESSARY WHEN USING A COMPARATOR.

And then? Where you when the Digital Head space gage came onto the scene. It was not a head space gage, it was a dial indicator stand, in my opinion it was a cheap one. And the man claimed he invented the 3 point contact at the shoulder of the case. Because I did not start reloading after the invention of the Internet I gave credit for the 3 point contact to the first person that build the first milking stool and the man that leveled his furniture in the beginning back when they had dirt floors because the 3 legged stool, table and chair always made contact with the floor at the same time.

F. Guffey
Was there a point in there someplace? Reading the post is like listening to the neighbor's dog bark.He can go on a long time but I never found much useful in listening.
Yes, you were not there when it all started. It all started when? That is the problem, you do not know when it started and or how it started. It started with a cute little drawing with an explanation that went something like; "and that is how they do it".

Even then I did not make any friends because I was the only one that knew what the drawing was about and I understood what the member was trying to say when he said, "and that is how they do it".

Even then it drove them to the curb and or just locked them up.

F. Guffey

We have a member that was claiming he invented the phrase' "deck Height". A bench rester on the bench rester forum informed him he did not invent the term. He claimed he was very good at searching the Internet. He informed the vain individual he found the first two mentions of 'deck height' and he was not the author.