Try this (I'm serious, it's really cool and won't hurt anyone).
2 Forks
1 Pickle
Old lamp cord with plug still attached.
Stick one fork into each end of the pickle.
Then attach the wire to each fork.
Lay the pickle on a concrete floor or other dry, non-conductive surface.
Then, plug it into 110AC.
Stand back a couple feet.
Do this outside, or in the garage.
Why? Cause it stinks, ALOT.
What does it do?
The pickle begins to fizz and steam, and in a little while it will begin to glow orange.
My physics teacher in HS showed us that.
Then, for extra credit I made an electric chair (about 10 inches tall) and dressed up a pickle in dolls clothing.
I brought it in and executed the prisoner.
Fun stuff!