What would be the appropriate action if you see someone breaking into your car?

call the cops first, before confronting...coward or not, that's my car, on my property....i worked hard for it!! i'll be damned if i let some crack head make off with my stuff....i'll be careful about it, but....
Tell him to stop and get the hell away from my vehicle. The cops are on their way. If he decides to attack me over it, then I get to change tactics. My life/physical well-being are being threatened. I know what to do about that one, too.

Or I could always get a nifty car security system like the one in Robocop II. Electrocution behind the wheel.
Yet another reason I'm glad to reside in the great state of Tejas...options here are so much simpler. Coupla years ago, some guy 86'd the repo man with a scoped .30-06. One shot -one kill. Defendant was declared not-guilty. Funny stuff, clayton...
Thumper, Sounds like repomen in Texas might want to knock on the door first and inform the owner of the siduation before just stealing the car back.Sounds like the polite thing to do anyway.An armed society is a polite society or at least it ought to be.
NRS 200.120 "Justifiable homicide" defined. Justifiable homicide is the killing of a human being in necessary self-defense, or in defense of habitation, property or person, against one who manifestly intends, or endeavors, by violence or surprise, to commit a felony,

NRS 205.2195 "Property" defined. "Property" means:
1. Personal goods, personal property and motor vehicles;

NRS 205.228 Grand larceny of motor vehicle: Definition; punishment.
1. A person who intentionally steals, takes and carries away, drives away or otherwise removes a motor vehicle owned by another person commits grand larceny of a motor vehicle.
2. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, a person who commits grand larceny of a motor vehicle is guilty of a category C felony and shall be punished as provided in NRS 193.130.
3. If the prosecuting attorney proves that the value of the motor vehicle involved in the grand larceny is $2,500 or more, the person who committed the grand larceny of the motor vehicle is guilty of a category B felony

NRS 193.240 Resistance by party about to be injured. Resistance sufficient to prevent the offense may be made by the party about to be injured:
2. To prevent an illegal attempt, by force, to take or injure property in his lawful possession.

NRS 193.330 Punishment for attempts.
(3) Attempt to commit a category B felony for which the maximum term of imprisonment authorized by statute is 10 years or less, for a category C felony
(4) Attempt to commit a category C felony, for a category D felony

The way the law reads, lethal force is justified in Nevada when preventing a felony from occuring.

But I'm not gonna be the one to test it.....:D
I have the wife call 911 while I get a hold of my 870 12 gauge loaded with 00 buck. In florida you can not use deadly force unless he tries to get into the house.so I would open a window and scream at him to lay down on the ground while I pump a shell in the chamber and also the wife will be armed with a handgun for backup. If I am in the yard and the perp makes any sudden moves towards me after being warned he will know what a 230 grain hollow point looks like coming to you. In florida you can carry a weapon in your property concealed or exposed legally.
I happen to live in a corner house in very nice neighborhood but a neighbor told this was the house were a home invasion robbery took place years before I lived here
therefore I stay on condition yellow.
You all be safe
Happy new year
Obviously I'm missing something...

Its your Car! not a life! Not worth pulling out a pistol over.

The reason there are too few "real men" left is because most of them are sitting in prison for having done the right things and not being able to afford a decent lawyer to defend themselves.

Did I somehow miss the gist of the American Revolution?

Did we go to war with England because the Red Coats were roaming the countryside, indescriminately killing passersby?

Did Patrick Henry say, "Give me life, or give me death"?

So, it's just a car. Your deductible is only $500.

So what if you've only got $2 in your wallet.

The object being stolen, or the value of the object, or the difficulty or expense at replacing it are irrelevant.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

If you come for me (my property, my freedom, or my life) you'd better have a warrant. If not, then you'll have already made the determination of what your life is worth.

(If in doubt, refer to SIG -- hey, now there's a double-entandre!)
Geez - talk about armchair commandos.

Pump the shotgun as soon as you are able. If you wait to you get to me to rack it - I will be shooting you dead while you try to impress me.

Next - so you don't care about the money. Ok - you got between $5000-$100,000 to mount a defense.

If you don't, Bubba and/or the Bloods/Crips will be mounting you in the old jailhouse.

Nice to spout off nonsense on the Internet isn't it?
FTR if your car is being reposessed, then you don't own it, and the reposessor isn't stealing it.

Killing or shooting people over property will get you charged everywhere and definitely get you convicted in some if not most places.
Guy in TX shot the repo man and got off given TX laws.
However, his life wasn't pleasant after that.

He might have killed himself but I'm not really sure of this
or I remember some other poor soul after a DGU that
went bad.
Brothers & Sisters-in-Arms,
One other point of note regarding Texas law and law enforcement. The DPS, (Department of Public Safety. Covers anyone certified as a "law enforcement officer" from Baylor Medical Security Officers to line-of-duty gendarmes.), seems to abide by taking the complaint of the first person that speaks to them and arresting the next person that speaks, or cannot speak, to them. Old West "Last Man Standing" interpretation of the law. Your 9-1-1 call makes you the 'first person'. A pocket video camera with sound is an excellent weapon...Take a picture - it'll last longer. Additionally, it supports your contention of the "conditions" in lieu of some defense attorney prodding you to explain, (and then for you to defend), just what "dimly-lit", as well as "other conditions", means as though you carry a weatherman and a professional photo-journalist with you.
When it's "up to the court to decide"...make them do THEIR job!
By-the-bye: If/when you were to sing out that the perp needs to vacate the premises and he shoots you, his defense will be a "self-defense" pleading by that counsellor mentioned above. "Your Honor. My client believed that his life was in imminent danger from the decedent. Ergo, he defended himself with whatever means necessary."
Evidently there is a large grey area regarding just what form of excessive litigation all this can take. (Not that I would know anything about grey!)
Charged if you do and charged if you don't. Gives being a victim a whole new palette, hmm?
Lance Gothic
Another alternative is to do what I do: 2 nine-year-old nondescript vehicles (Buick sedan, 12-pass. Dodge van) and a 22-year old Chevy pickup which evidently stood outside during some heavy shelling practice. Nobody wants any of them. Chevy has 4.10 pumpkin and 300+HP, 325ft-lb 350CID. Fastest junk in the township.
Runt you say the right to defend you property ends when the crook flees. I feel sad that you belive that way I say we owe it to the people we love to try to run these animals down and take them out like the dogs they are.
I would call the police. That way, when I call the insurance company, the situation is on file with the police dept.
I had fun once in this situation...

Twenty some years ago, fresh out of the Marines and back at home, I awoke to the noise of someone breaking into my brother's little blue Datsun. What actually woke me was the sound of the idling getaway car with a driver inside.
About 4:00 AM, no firearms handy, with more guts than brains, I opened the sliding window and yelled "You better get out of that car or I'll blow your (insert profanity here) brains out!"
The BG in leaning in my brother's car bashed his head trying to stand up while still inside. The driver of the getaway vehicle started heading down the street with his buddy madly running after him.
Called the cops, described bad guys as best I could considering I only saw the backside of one and outline of the driver. Good description of the car, though. Cops had an idea who it was. Never saw them again in the neighborhood.
The USMC had strict rules for the use of deadly force against criminals during the 70's. That situation (granted it was civilian, state of Oregon, maybe different) would not have qualified. As it was, the nearest firearm was my Dad's 16 ga. shotgun, and I didn't think to retrieve it.
Sure was a lot of fun watching the bad guys run away, though. I had to hose off the parking strip in front of the house afterwards. Biological hazard.

Steve Westby