What would be the appropriate action if you see someone breaking into your car?

Depends on the State you're in. I understand that in Texas, on your property, and after dark, you could legally shoot the bugger where he stands. In some states you can use deadly force against someone if they are in the process of committing a felony.
I would attempt capture ... but I'm a little crazy.
I don't reccommend this to anyone. Things get a little flaky sometimes.
Thats simple! Call the cops. Its your Car! not a life! Not worth pulling out a pistol over. You will spend a HUGE amount of cash$$$$ for a defence. More then the car is worth! Now if he's comming through my front door. Thats a different story! 230grn lead is headed down range. Lights out!
I would shout STOP!!! at the top of my lungs(I can yell VERY loudly)with my hand on my still-concealed weapon. Most likely he would crap his pants and run like a scared rabbit, and that would be the end of it. However, I would be prepared for the alternative.
Just to throw a wrench into this question. What if your car had say a shotgun in the trunk while they were trying to steal it?
Depends on the situation. If he/they be peaceful, keep them till the sheriff can arrange transportation. If they not peaceful, use appropriate alternate plan.

Response time for an attempted rape here a couple of years ago was about four hours. Last year it took fifteen minutes to get a 911 call through.

Well, I know one thing, If I was a thief I could make a good living as long as everyone would just stay in their house or wherever they are and call the police and leave me alone to go ahead and take whatever I want.I will be gone before the police get there, and I will do it again the next night or when ever I need a little extra money.This is what is wrong with society today.If a thief knew that he would be confronted when caught and shot if he resisted there would be a lot less stealing going on and our women could walk down the streets of our cities after dark without worry.But it won't happen because we are too worried for our own personal safety and the finacial risk is too great. And that is why we are where we are at today.There are too few real men left today that will stand up and say " no! I won't put up with it".Too BAD.

[Edited by Nevada Fitch on 12-10-2000 at 12:57 PM]
The reason there are too few "real men" left is because most of them are sitting in prison for having done the right things and not being able to afford a decent lawyer to defend themselves.

Supersoaker prefilled with stiny sewage water would probably deter the buggers. I know I'd split if I was getting a face full of sewage water.

Bucket of cold (or scalding?) water. Bucket of gas with threat of matches would definately work, but might not go over to well with the law.

Fire extinguisher works very well. Aim for face if needed.

Shotgun in trunk? Wait till they break into the trunk and before they get the gun, blast them. Perfectly justifiable shooting since they were an imminent (spelling?) threat to your life. Wait till they actually touch it so their prints are on it.
Car break-in.

Here in the People's Republik of Kalifornia, us commoners are not allowed to have CCW's...the best we can do is skulk in the shadows and use our cellphones. Oh yeah, and be a good witness.
Best we can do is use discouraging words...not disparaging words as we might be sued for slander in the PRK. Not too harsh, either as we might hurt the young people's sensibilities.
See? Isn't it a lot easier when the government gets to decide for you?
Wait until they are in car with door closed. Use car remote to: lock doors, disable motor, and release tear gas. :cool: Call police to come pick up loser crook.
Here in MA, if you try some to act like a "real man," you'll end up in jail. On the other hand, in my yuppy suburb the police will usually arrive within two minutes or so. I've got a $500 deductible on my insurance. A decent attorney would probably want a $10,000 retainer up front. I'll be a little girly main and stay inside, call the police, and try to be a good witness. Frankly, my car is not worth possibly killing someone or losing my own life or spending time in jail.


[Edited by M1911 on 12-11-2000 at 12:59 PM]
Nevada Constitution

Article 1
Section. 1. Inalienable rights. All men are by Nature free and equal and have certain inalienable rights among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty; Acquiring, Possessing and Protecting property and pursuing and obtaining safety and happiness[.]

Sec. 11. Right to keep and bear arms; civil power supreme.

1. Every citizen has the right to keep and bear arms for security and defense, for lawful hunting and recreational use and for other lawful purposes.

Given that, tell them to stop. If they refuse, well, that would be very bad for them.
I think I would call the cops and than creep up behind the jerk and whack him behind the knees with my baton. Then I would restrain him on the ground. He would most likely be gone by the time the cops come if I don't do anything, and I probably couldn't get my vehicle back until he robs a bank and crashes it into a couple of cars and a tree.
runt: Ok, so you're out there creeping up on the guy. But you didn't notice his lookout, who creeps up on you...

Or you creep up on the guy, step on a stick, he hears you pulls out a knife...

Is saving your insurance deductible worth taking these sorts of chances?

Where my residence is in location to my parking, I have the advantage of spotting most anybody before they spot me, especially if I go out the back door. Most of the surrounding area is pavement, which provides for silent maneuvers, and is lit well. Whatever maneuver anyone thinks about doing, it should be based on the particular situation and your skills. If there was more than one person, I would not do anything. I would however, take down one person if I felt that I could do so.

Should the would-be attacker whip out a knife, I have been trained with my baton to remedy that situation. I would also not venture out without my pistol anyways, should I have to use that.

My insurance deductible does not phase me. The money is not an issue. It is what the bad guy does after he steals my vehicle (he would be stealing my vehicle, since there is no CD player or anything worthwhile to steal inside the vehicle) that worries me. People who steal cars use them in crimes, such as drug dealing and robberies, getting chased down the highway by cops and causing car accidents and killing innocent people. I do not want that to happen with my truck. If I have a chance to stop something while it's small, than I will do so. I don't think I can bear to see a family of four on the six o'clock news who were killed after running head-on with the psycho who stole my truck.

I believe that:
A. You have the right to protect your property. (see C.)

B. You have the right to defend yourself in protecting your property.

C. You do NOT have the right to shoot anyone fleeing the scene. (I have to add this here, based on a recent incident where a business owner shot and killed a man who was fleeing after he broke in and stole from his store. I believe the right to defend one's property and person ends when the suspect flees.)