What will this guy face?

Follow up on Pasadena shooting...


PASADENA, TX -- There are new details about the two suspected burglars who were shot and killed by a Pasadena homeowner. Investigators are now looking into the possibility the two men were connected to an illegal driver's license scheme. And as we found out their method of attack is very similar to other cases.
Though they're similar, as of right now, Pasadena police tell us there is nothing to substantiate a link between the two suspects who were killed and other crimes, including a rash of burglaries. Yet, the circumstances surrounding this case and the others are remarkably similar.
Hernando Riacos Torres is one of two suspected burglars shot and killed by a Pasadena homeowner who believed he and his accomplice were breaking into a neighbor's house. It turns out Torres had a fake ID and was using an alias, going by the name Miguel DeJesus. We've learned he and Diego Ortiz, both Columbian nationals, may be connected to a driver's license scheme involving immigrants who may have been using fake documents to obtain Texas licenses.
A Texas Department of Public Safety spokesman tells us, "There has been an influx of Columbians trying to obtain driver's licenses through what we have determined to be fraudulent methods."
Authorities arrested more than a dozen people in Houston, suspects who have since been charged with tampering with government documents and misuse of identifying information. Those arrests, we've learned, were made over the last several months.
DPS investigators have since contacted the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
While we still don't know if the two men were part of a larger crime ring involving Columbians, their method of operation is strikingly similar to crimes committed by a group of men believed to be members of a Columbian crime gang.
Last year, a rash of burglaries and home invasions were reported, stretching from Harris to Fort Bend County. Victims described their attackers as black men with Spanish accents. Authorities say were known to target families of Asian descent. An Asian family lived in the home Riacos Torres and Oritz allegedly broke into last month.
We did get a call back from federal immigration officials. A spokesperson tells us Diego Ortiz and Hernado Riacos Torres were both in the US illegally and that Ortiz had been deported but came back.
Pasadena police plan to hand over the findings of its investigation to the DA's office on Monday.

So now what do you think....
Did the neighbor have guns in the house? If it was believed by the actor that they did, and that they were being stolen in some venues that warrants deadly force.

At least that is what we were told in registered S.O. class in Virginia, 1999.

I wasn't there and don't know what actually went down. Definitely the comments to the dispatcher were less than tactically sound from an aftermath survival standpoint.

The citizens arrest at gunpoint is fraught with peril and in my estimation best avoided. I would try to avoid capturing felons at gunpoint where I live for fear of being shot by arriving LEOs.

Because police are third parties responding to unknown situations they shoot the wrong person more than armed citizens. Once they are called it's their show and this guy is going to try and stay out of their way.
While this crime may not be "heinous" in some's eyes, it is to me! They go into a home not knowing if it is occupied or not to steal! If the house wife was in there and did not come to the door due to fear and they enter they may have to advance their crime to cover their tracks! Also many of us live paycheck to paycheck and the cash they stole could decide if bills are met or food is bought! I faced this dilemma twice! The first time I was evicted and had to sleep in a car cuz my rent money was stolen. The second time my church helped out. Yes I felt violated but worse I have to think about what if my scared wife is involved! I sure hope a neighbor helps me out! As for THIS case if the 2 homeowners EVER discussed "you watch my place I watch yours" than in texas this was a fully justified shooting! I don't care how long the 911 operator was on the line if the cops ain't sliding their tires to engage the CRIMINALS this than this ol' guy was just continuing to watch his neighbor's house when he fired! Now it appears these thugs were involved in crime previous, like we couldn't a guessed!
Other interesting facts that were on Fox News the other night:

There was an eye witness - a plain clothes policeman watched the whole event but had no time to react before the event took place.

When Horn threatened to shoot, one of the burglars initially moved towards him before starting to move away.
I forgot to mention i have a cousin who made the "Armed Citizen" column in the NRA magazines. Her Brother and another cousin are "partners in crime" that smuggle dope and do B&E enterings in resort communities on "empty" dwellings to feed their dope habits! Their MO is to BOOT the front door and get all they can with guns a priority! I would report them if I knew their whereabouts but they are FORBIDDEN from EVER contacting me! I have told many cousins to "just steer clear of me and mine as I will be your downfall and no one will miss you!"
hence it has been near 15 years since any has contacted me!
latest FYI


Rosenthal wouldn't discuss the particulars of the Horn case, which he is still waiting to receive from Pasadena police. And police haven't revealed all the facts. A police spokesman disclosed last week that, according to a plainclothes detective who witnessed the Nov. 14 shootings, Horn shot the two men in the back after they'd ventured into his front yard.

The fact that they were on his yard may provide Horn with even more protection.

Rosenthal said he won't let the controversy surrounding the case influence his office's handling of it.

And the prosecutor won't make a recommendation to the grand jury, which Rosenthal said is standard for such cases.

"We'll take it to a grand jury; we'll present it straight up, and whatever the grand jury does, we'll follow it. And if they decide they want to indict the guy, we'll handle it and we'll suffer the slings and arrows, but that's part of the territory," Rosenthal said.


Corbett believes neither Horn nor the men knew a police officer was present.

"It was over within seconds. The detective never had time to say anything before the shots were fired," Corbett said. "At first, the officer was assessing the situation. Then he was worried Horn might mistake him for the `wheel man' (get-away driver). He ducked at one point."

When Horn confronted the suspects in his yard, he raised his shotgun to his shoulder, Corbett said. However the men ignored his order to freeze.

Corbett said one man ran toward Horn, but had angled away from him toward the street when he was shot in the back just before reaching the curb.

"The detective confirmed that this suspect was actually closer to Horn after he initiated his run than at the time when first confronted," said Corbett. "Horn said he felt in jeopardy."
When I grew up, this is what neighbors did for each other, you protected your neighbor and his property as if it were your own and knew if you weren't home, he would do the same for you.