What will the military do with m16s when they are done with them

Silent Trigger, I agree with you, on three counts, I'm an AK fan and I don't see a real need for full auto weapons unless it is a S.A.W. either. And that XM-8 is ugly. :barf: I have a nice M-1 garand and a nice M-1 Carbine and my M-1911A1 too. If the SHTF here again, I'm ready to roll. I even have the bayonets for the Garand and the Carbine too. ;)
E5 82nd AB said:
Silent Trigger, I agree with you, on three counts, I'm an AK fan and I don't see a real need for full auto weapons unless it is a S.A.W. either. And that XM-8 is ugly. :barf: I have a nice M-1 garand and a nice M-1 Carbine and my M-1911A1 too. If the SHTF here again, I'm ready to roll. I even have the bayonets for the Garand and the Carbine too. ;)

Yep the AK-47 is a great weapon indeed as far as "assault rifles" are concerned but for overall "Battle Rifles" I'd have to pick the M-1 Garand or the BM-59 Beretta variant that pre-dated the M-14, and strangely enough I prefer the BM-59. Though I won't sell short the Enfield No.4 MK 1, especially when utilized in the Sniper role in the battle rifle department, and is my rifle of choice over even the Mauser 98K for old fashioned bolts. I've seen too many problems first hand with the AR-15, and a lot of the NAM Vet buddies of my father's early on who used to visit the house and actually trained me a lot of things they shouldn't have to a child between the ages of 8 and 12... well all they did was cuss out the M-16, and most favored the AK-47 and would carry them every chance they got.

As far as SAWs go, they're good but I'd rather have me an M-60 or BAR over a HROF 5.56mm SAW. When I saw the XM-8 however, I just shuddered and talked with more than a few who have tested it out. To me it's nothing more than an over glorified H&K G-36 Assault Rifle, which I had the pleasure of shooting about a year ago at a "Tactical Range" not too far from where I live along with the glorious MP-5 SMG. For whatever their reasons the DOD wants to make that the next main line rifle, at least all things point to that, and while it may prove to be a better functioning and reliable weapon, I'm from the old guard (Brown Shoe and/or "Dog Soldiers") even though I'm just a bit shy under 30 yrs of age. A military rifle should be above all else reliable, but it should have a rugged exterior, though like with everything else it seems even the firearms of the future are incredibly candy assed in outward appearance. I used to own an M-1 Garand, damn sure miss it, along with my M-14/M-1A1 brand spankin' new from Springfield Armory... but I recently bought a Town Home Condo so they went bye, bye to pay for the closing costs. :( These days I've got my trusty .30WCF M-94, the AK-47, a .22-250 bolt action rifle and a Cx4 Storm, that mainly the wife uses.

I'm ready to rock & roll should the SHTF as well. :cool:
S.T., I also have a nice custom No4 Mk1 Carbine in .303 British too. Fajen stock and black caps with white spacers too. Real purdy. I have an old RC Mauser K98K in 7.92x57mm in trade for a nice sporter M-93 7mm Mauser. I'll take a BAR over the M-60, feed tray problems with the M-60. H&K MP-5 = garbage in my opinion. I'm in my mid 30's and what I saw in the service with the M-16's / variants left me sick. I'd love to have an M-1A or the SOCOM Carbine as well. I like certain semi auto rifles, none of the commercial stuff mind you. I prefer milsurp stuff. ;) Hang onto that .30WCF and the AK and the .22-250. I want a .220 Swift bolt action so bad, I can taste it. ;)

If I may ask. May I E-mail you? I'd like to talk about milsurps with you "in person". ;)
E-5 82nd AB said:
S.T., I also have a nice custom No4 Mk1 Carbine in .303 British too. Fajen stock and black caps with white spacers too. Real purdy. I have an old RC Mauser K98K in 7.92x57mm in trade for a nice sporter M-93 7mm Mauser. I'll take a BAR over the M-60, feed tray problems with the M-60. H&K MP-5 = garbage in my opinion. I'm in my mid 30's and what I saw in the service with the M-16's / variants left me sick. I'd love to have an M-1A or the SOCOM Carbine as well. I like certain semi auto rifles, none of the commercial stuff mind you. I prefer milsurp stuff. Hang onto that .30WCF and the AK and the .22-250. I want a .220 Swift bolt action so bad, I can taste it.

If I may ask. May I E-mail you? I'd like to talk about milsurps with you "in person".

#1> I salute you on your NO 4. MK 1 Carbine Enfield. That's a damn good rifle. One I'd like to own actually, and sooner than later too. Was just reading an interesting article on how to properly keep the bore clean from salt residue that the Corrosive .303 ammo would foul up the barrel, even after people used high grade cleaners. Seems pouring Boiling Water through the bore takes care of built up impurities and then you can run several patches through it and clean it with whatever you want, (I love me Bore Snakes) and it should be fine. **Just in case you didn't know about that, but you might have. Do you know if today's .303 calibre are still corrosive or are there companies manufacturing non-corrosive ammunition these days?

#2> As for the MP-5, I like the way it holds in my hand, but my all time fave SMG (which I haven't had time with) is the British Sterling L2-A3 side magazine mounted SMG. It just looks BOSS, but I understand the Brits finally put them away when they went over to the L85A1 assault rifle, but were used from like 1951 until the mid 80's by the Airborne Infantry Specialist and SAS units. Gotta' give it to them, they make (and have made) some damn good weapons. After that I really like the tube magazine fed Russian BISON/BIZON SMG, but those are some pricey bastards indeed.

#3> Yeah I'd have to agree on the BAR > M-60 sentiments, however I never liked how it only had the 20 round detacthable box magazine in lieu of the belt fed system on the M-60LMG. I'd really like to find me someone who owns a 1941 Johnson LMG that the US Marines used exclusively in place of the BAR in the Pacific Theatre in WWII. A lot of my (now dead) WWII friends (yes as a kid I was "Friends" with vets, some who taught me stuff before I learned from the NAM vets) who served in the Marines remembered it well, though I've never seen one up close and personal.

#4> I prefer MilSurp stuff as well, but sometimes I gotta' go with what's openly available to the open "commerical" market. These days, and now with a baby daughter on the way (any day now) spending the $BLING for my collection/hobby/ethusiast passions isn't priority one.

#5> Yeah man, my email address should be accessible through the link in my profile. Always enjoy hot breathing with fellows of the same interests. Shoot for now though... I'm off to bed finally.

S.T., Most any commercial ammo is NON corrosive for the .303 British caliber. Too bad the old HXP Greek stuff dried up. I have 20 rounds left I'm hoarding for that rainy day. ;) I know all too well about corrosive ammo, I mix Ammonia and water or I use the REAL Windex with Ammonia D to rid my bores of salts, I do not use corrosive ammo in my .303, Match grade bore there buddy. ;) I see your point number 2. M-60's had aluminum feed trays, not good in my book. Baby is more important. I'll send an E-mail soon, like later today, need to get some shut eye meself. ;)
They go to Israel. Nuff said. lol A lot more will be getting shipped there now that the army is phasing out the m16 for the m4 and we Marines are phasing out the A2 for the A4 (though thats mostly just an upper receiver fix IIRC).
Semper Fi!
Say, just how many of you have Jewish friends or acquaintances and how many have Muslim friends or acquaintances? Or South African or Rhodesian?
After the military is done with M16's, they'll be so old, worn out, and used up, who'd want one? Some of them that are still in service barely work.
Basic training flashback!!

In basic, many kids in my company had overhauled lower recievers from A1's in their rifles. The armory milled out the script for auto and stamped "burst" in its place, then put on an A2 upper, butt, trigger group, and pistol grip.

The A1 lowers will get recycled until they are no longer serviceable, then sliced, diced, and sold for scrap.
It occurs to me that no gun manufacturer, like Colt, for instance, would want surplus guns, especially M16's, sold on the civilian market.