What went wrong?

around here we have the three S,s for yotes, shoot-shevel-shut up. here they have been seen eating a fawn as its being born and the mother to. no pity, we trap-shoot- snare them when we can. eastbank.
"Coyotes are not the the evil creatures of the night than folks make them out to be. "

Do you have livestock???

Not anymore. Back when I did, we had more problems with stray/neighbors dogs running loose than coyotes killing/damaging livestock. Still, we realized there was the risk from coyotes and did whatever we could to minimize the risk.

around here we have the three S,s for yotes, shoot-shevel-shut up. here they have been seen eating a fawn as its being born and the mother to. no pity, we trap-shoot- snare them when we can. eastbank.

So why would you have to SSS for coyotes? Are you doing something illegal? SSS is the poacher's motto, because they bury their victims to hide the evidence and they keep their mouths shut to prevent the loose lips that sink ships. If everything you are doing is legal, no reason to be afraid to talk about it.

I have no problem with folks hunting/trapping coyotes, As I said, I do it myself. The problem I have is when folks claim it doesn't matter if they crawl off and suffer because they themselves cause so much suffering. That is a human emotion of retaliation, thinking that coyotes are being cruel on purpose, while as stated before, they are only doing what come natural, like any other predator. I watch the neighbor's cat indiscriminately kill birds at my bird feeder, and eat the heads off live baby rabbits in my backyard. Should I hang him up by his guts from the clothesline to make him suffer like his prey? Ever see that online video of the Bald Eagle drowning the whitetail fawn as it swims behind it's mother? In the background you can hear the fawn bleating under water as it takes it last attempts at breathing. The Eagle then drags the fawn onto dry land ad proceeds to eat it. It that cruel and mean and need to be punished by making Eagles and other mean and evil birds of prey suffer? No. Like most other animals in the wild kingdom anymore, 'yotes need to be controlled by hunting. This is to keep their numbers in check and to keep their fear of humans intact. We should still tho, take the same effort to kill them humanely as we do when we hunt anything else. Make valid attempts to kill them cleanly, and do it safely and legally. All I am saying. Anything else makes one a slob hunter. Allowing one's dog to run loose or to sic them purposely on a pack of 'yotes, is being a irresponsible dog owner and asking for a dead/injured dog.
I live in the middle of a deep woods and have killed 5 in the yard within the last 6-7 years. Plus many affield.
Have surely seen their destruction first hand in both wildlife...and particularly with livestock.
While I have always tried the best I can to kill any animal as humanely as possible, if I see a yote wherever, don't care if I have nothing but a slingshot on hand, you can bet that just as sure as God made little green apples, there is incoming in that yotes near future.

In response to a previous post referring to 'Gods creations'...here's a couple other thoughts along those lines.
First, he also created man, putting man as the rulers and 'steward' of all other beasts. 'Steward' means man keeping the population of all other predators (including coyotes) in check so the existence on His number one creation, 'man' can survive. To those familiar with the yote explosion over the years due to less trapping and the increasing destruction of the yote, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that 'man' has failed miserably in his responsibilities to keep the population of the yote down.

Second, when all this was created, obviously man was not equipped with weaponry of today and killing these predators with spears, crude traps, pits with the bottoms laced with sharpened sticks...or whatever means they had, was the way it was done. And we can be assured that the death of the animals was most likely not near as humanely as it is today.

Like most rural areas, especially areas having livestock, around these parts yotes are a real problem that is not slowing down in the least.
And I for one would challenge anyone with a different mindset.

Also, yotes are getting to be an issue in many suburban areas as well. There have been many recent reports of incidents between people walking their dogs and yotes in neighborhoods.

Lastly, it's common knowledge that purely hunting yotes will not keep their population down. And with very few trapping, the problem is not only going to continue, but at yotes yearly multiplying rate, will do nothing but increase.
Given those facts...again, I will try as best I can to kill a yote humanely. But whatever means I have at the time to kill one is what I'll use.

As far as what went wrong with the OP's shot?
I think JohnKSa has the right answer.
You need to pattern your shotgun knowing the distant your shot pattern starts breaking up badly causing a less than effective kill.
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Put up a big sheet of cardboard or paper and take a few shots at it using the same shotgun/load at the distance in question and see what the patterns look like.

Trying to keep this train on the track, the above is the correct answer.

Next time, shoot him in the head and salvage the pelt.