What was your first handgun and when?Do you still remember the thrill?

My first was a second generation Colt SAA .357. Bought it off a friend in service in 1969. I didn't like it because of the fixed sights and erratic accuracy. Traded it off for a S&W M19 which I tried to wear out before my ex-wife claimed it ( you don't want to know). Just recently checked the value of that SAA and have been teary-eyed since. The first of many buy/sell/trade/mistakes.

My first "handgun" was a miniature (zinc?) Colt SAA carried in a tiny leather holster attached to a diaper pin. Really. :cool: I still have it. :D
My first handgun was a High Standard Double Nine .22 LR/.22 Mag bought when I was 18 years old. Great gun. Still have it and am passing it on to my 9 year old son who is a pretty good shot with it.
My first was a Heckler & Koch P7M8, bought in 1985. I still have it, it's still the most accurate and precise gun I own, and I still have it with me daily.
I remember well the enjoyment of researching the "best overall" handgun available at the time, and the thrill of picking up the gun at my friendly local FFL dealer (it had to be ordered), shooting it, and disassembling it to clean it and to admire its engineering and execution. I have had dozens of guns since, and most of them have excellent characteristics of various sorts, but the P7M8 is still at the top of the list.

"Potius sero quam nunquam."
My first handgun was an original Lew Horton 3" S&W 629 round butt. I was 16 and after a trigger job I shot that gun allot until I got others. Still got that 629, I don't shoot it as much as I used to but it still gets used. Here is a pic of it and a Detonics MKVI in 45 ACP.


my first handgun was a high standard sharpshooter... wish i had it now and just one out of five that i have traded over the last twenty years...hind sight is always better
My first handgun was a Ruger Blackhawk in .357 Mag. The first thing my (then) new bride said was " ooooooooh, a .357? For me?". I knew then that I had to go and buy another gun. That one was lost. The sad thing was that the B!tch got it in the divorce. :mad:

Just as there is no such thing as too much fun,
there is no such thing as owning just one gun!!!

Now, go do the right thing, and buy that Walther!!
My first one was a gift under the christmas tree too. In 1984 dad had made a special trip to a local gun shop for a Ruger Mk2 5.5 inch bull barrel target .22 pistol. He packaged it up in a box with two bricks on each end so I'd have NO idea what I was getting. Boy was I suprised, and its hard to suprise a 17 year old kid.

Dad's first pistol was a mark1 target with a 6 7/8 barrel and custom grips, and I loved to shoot it when we'd head out to the woods, which we did often. I'd shoot that pistol over the rifles we had time and time again to the point where my brother and I would "deul" at popcans, me with the Ruger and my brother with a marlin golden 39A. So dad knew I had a thing for pistols. So he got me one of my very own so I'd stop shooting HIS. ;)

I've probably fired 5000 rounds or so out of my pistol (if not more) and the ONLY thing that keeps me from shooting it MORE is the number of pistols I've acquired over the years. (its wierd how "easy" it is to shoot 22.. no hassle, no realoading.. no real expense.. 500 rounds for ten bucks is NO big deal comapred to factory 44 magnums at $17 for 50 rounds) I carried it on many a hunting and backpacking trip through colorado and arizona and new mexico. Its been used to zap grouse, jackrabbits, squirrels, prarie dogs and even to give an antelope a coup de grace. Its still the one i shoot best and don't think I'd ever sell it.

My first handgun was a Colt .25 auto that was my Dads carry gun while he was stationed at Pearl Harbor during the war. He carried it anytime he was off base and told me he could have gotten into a world of hurt had he been caught with it. Being the dumb 18 year old I was at the time I traded it and about $20 for a Ruger MK I at a trades days. I wish with every ounce of my soul I had that gun back now. I shot that MK I for several years until someone decided they needed it more than I did as it disappeared from my car one day. I truly wish I had that little .25 back.
Well, I'm 49 years old and I still have my first handgun. It's a Colt Frontier Scout in .22LR that my father gave me when I was 17. Chrome with bone handles, I wouldn't take a million dollars for it. Even have the original holster.


Mendacity is the system we live in.
I'm glad to hear that so many of you still have your first handgun;don't let them go for anything.If it has'nt already,there will come a point in your life that you will be able to place it your hand and use it as a mental time machine to transport yourself to times you enjoyed and people you will want to remember.Thanks for the stories so far,I've really enjoyed them!
My first handgun was an Iver Johnson
Supersealed Eight .22 revolver given to
me for my 12th birthday in 1968 by my
favorite uncle. I kept the gun until 1988
when I lost it in a divorce. The ex sold
it, along with the rest of my collection at
that time. I miss the gun, but I miss my
late uncle far more than I ever believed
possible. Kinda' like the old Randy Travis
track," I thought that he walked on water".

Never do an enemy a minor
injury. Machiavelli