What to use for Snakes on a Plane?

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A new movie coming out this year (amazingly called Snakes on a Plane) is about a plot to kill someone by letting snakes loose on a plane. Samuel L. Jackson stars in it and appears to use a Beretta to fight the snakes. My question is since Hollywood just reflects real life :rolleyes: what handgun and tactics (since you can't take a rifle,shotgun,or crossbow on a plane) would be needed to save the plane?

here is a pic of said gun
Well you can't really take a handgun on a plane either, but...

.38 spl Revolver loaded with ratshot or a 9-shot .22 lr revolver loaded with CB caps... although I'd prefer a high-cap mongoose launcher, personally.

The real question is, does Hollywood actually expect people to pay money to see this movie??
Can't reply with a choice of handguns...to me it is just not practical using a handgun on snakes in an enclosed area like an airplane, especially with seats in the way and other passengers on board, it actually sounds pretty dangerous and stupid. My choice would be to locate (if there is such a thing) a longish stick to bash em with or better yet corral them in a certain area or a few locations in the airplane and "detain" them there with closed doors or makeshift walls. A fire extinguisher might be used to herd the snakes in whatever direction you want them to move...or maybe you could feed the snakes some of that crappy food that they serve on airplanes these days...that should actually do em in!!
It kind of looks like the guy next to him is an inmate or just a gangster (same thing just at different stages in their crimminal life) if its an inmate and its like con-air just use a shotgun if youre actually on a plane its bogus they would: a) let anybody on with snakes in their bag
2) let anybody on with a gun
so if you could just do whatever you wanted, then yes a shotgun still like a 12 guage with 8shot
and c) you dont need a gun to deal with snakes, does the croc hunter have a gun? No, so Im not sure what kind of snake you would be "fighting" on a plane but you most likely would not need a gun. This movie seems bogus what is the title? Anaconda 3:rolleyes:
I dont know what kind of gun I would use to fight off snakes but that sounds like a terrible terrible idea for a movie.
Not far from reality, coming back to Anchorage last year from NY, some joker got his Boa on the plane in his carry on and it escaped...

You should have seen fols scramblin lookin for this 4 foot fat snake under their feet....

SWMBO thought it was hysterical, especially since she was in 1st class (I was in coach) and the snake was loose back there

The snakes owner didnt think it was funny when the cops were waitign for him at the gate

great question

You point the pistol at the other passengers and tell them to get out of the way while you retreat through the airplane. Then, at gun point, you have the other passengers pile up in a forbidable blocking pile between you and the snakes.

Conversely, you issue a verbal warning in English, Chinese and Russian and shoot only to wound with snake loads.
yeah this thread is pretty tongue in cheek. i just saw the premise of the movie and some pics of him holding a gun in a plane and figured this is going to be one of the worst movies ever.
Whatever pistol you want, loaded with snake shot...honestly I can do better with a rake and a shovel. I find a snake in my yard that might be poisonous (we get copperheads, water mocs around here), I hold it down with a rake and chop its head off with a shovel. Man that sounds like a lame idea for a movie...I got to take some writing lessons and write a movie script, they are running out of ideas in la-la land.
uh, a can of hair spray and a lighter should do:rolleyes: Snakes will run from people so you really don't need to do anything except raise your feet:D
James Bond did that, except he used his cigar.

Snakes tend not to actively seek out people to bite, but seriously, you should be able to crunch 'em pretty good with a well thrown suitcase.

Of course, that would make a short movie.
Reminds me of the time I was fishing in my open boat, a rat snake about 4 feet long slithered out of one of the compartments across the cockpit and out of sight into another. I had a .357 onboard but figured I'd better hold my fire.
As my wife was onboard it was pretty funny, say do you think some one out in Hollywood would like to buy the movie rights?
When I first heard about this technique, I didn't beleive it. Then I got my chance to try it out. Turns out it works, no matter how unbeleivable.

If its a rattlesnake (Was a rattlesnake for me, I can't vouch for the other slitherin critters of the world) you point the gun at it and move the barrel side to side real slow. Within a few seconds the snake will start to follow the barrel with its head. Now shoot. A snake's vision is based on heat. When you shoot, it will strike the bullet and (ideally) be killed. If its not killed, you've got one pissed off rattlesnake on your hands.
357 Mag 125gr SJHP

Mozambique drill--two COM, one in the head.


Problem solved:) .

Alternate solution--don't watch movies. I figured this out about twenty years ago (twenty years too late).:rolleyes:
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