What to do with my Kimber


New member
I have come to a point in which I have enough firepower, that I do not need, well want(you can never stop needing more firepower...) to buy another toy. Here is my question.
I have a stock Kimber that I love. So I would like to demonstrate some love to said object of affection. But, I am not sure where to start! What would you guys do? Or what do you recommend to make a great gun, even better? Excluding sites, I am happy with those...
Hmmm...how about ambi thumb safeties? And maybe a real nice set of wood grip panels. If you are into rust-resistance you could have it hard-chromed.
Avoid the temptation to fiddle with it. I've read reports from people who decided to "tune their extractor", and made their previously-reliable gun a jammamatic. Or the guy who fired 500 malfunction-free rounds through his new gun, then sent it off to a gunsmith for "reliability work"?!?!? Put some fancy wood stocks on it, and enjoy. Personally, I really dislike the appearance of the Kimber beavertail and forward cocking serrations, but probably wouldn't spend money remedying those shortcomings.
If you love something set it free, if it doesn't come back it was never really yours. Send it to me and then you can find out if it is true love.

I had the Kimber custom shop checker the front-strap at 30 lpi and add an ambidextrous safety to my fullsize Kimber. Mine has the plastic trigger, which I'd like to have changed to a Videcki. Other than that, if it works, don't mess with it.

All it really needs is TLC. Feed it lots and lots as they are always hungry. Mine are. Keep it clean and well oiled.
Lastly and most importantly don't ignore it or leave it at home when you go to the range.

I have gone through the ,gotta tinker with it and improve it, stage . Now I just shoot em......a lot !
LOL @ Bergie! The compassion is sooo overwhelming!
Thanks guys for the suggestions! As expected, they are excellent.
Do you shoot competitively?

If so, how about a S&A magwell, some really nice wood stocks, an ambi safety, and a fiber-optic front sight. If it runs, leave the internals alone. Go the general forum, and look at the thread about the 1911Forum being down, and you will see what I am suggesting.
I gave my Kimber a Classic Stainless to a local smith. He checkered the front strap to 30 lpi, replaced the plastic mainspring housing with a stainless steel one, and polished the flats on the slide including barrel bushing, thumb safety, slide stop and mag release button (back side too). This has made quite a difference to the feel of it in my hand and its appeal to my eye. I traded my H&K Tactical away because of my overwhelming fondness for this 45auto You could get night sights installed, an ambi thumb safety, extended mag-well and maybe a set of the thin (Chip McCormick?) grips.
...Geez...if it runs, and you're happy with it...Don't monkey with it!

I'm superstitious...:eek:

At least...don't monkey with the function!

Whatever part you take off, do not lose it!
...so you can "put it back" after you "fix" it!

What to do with a Kimber? Hmmm...I would take RikWriters advice and hard chrome the thing for rust resistance. Then I would tie a rope to it and use it for a boat anchor.

Me mad at Kimber...yeppers...forever. Not that I hold a grudge.


Yeah, you are right, the Kimber Gold Match that I had wouldn't even be suitable for a boat anchor. I hate them and you love them...so be it.


If you want a straight answer...here it is. I had a lemon Kimber that the late Brian Bilby fixed up for me. When he was finished, the pistol ran flawlessly and I really liked it, until I sold it to get a Les Baer. Mine was a Stainless Gold Match. I had the following work done:

Checkered the frontstrap.

Installed a magazine well.

Extended magazine release.

Match bushing.

Replaced all of the MIM parts.

Increased the leade into the chamber.

Installed "Burner Grips".

Installed an Awesome Dawson fiber optic front sight, but I like the Caspian Sight better.

If it wasn't stainless I would hard chrome it. I have hard chrome on my new STI race gun and it wears really well.

There ya go, a straight answer that shows a little bit of objectivity.
No Ron, the problem is, this isn't someone asking "What do you think of Kimber?" or someone saying "I have had a problem with my Kimber, anyone else have a problem like this?" This was a guy who loves his Kimber and you coming on here and badmouthing the gun he likes because you had a problem with your Kimber is a bit petty. But hey, you're a big boy, do what you want.
Oh wow, Bergie, I can FEEL the love in this room! Group hug everybody!

Chokeu2, I suspect if you sent it off to bergie, that your Kimber would suddenly decide it didn't love you anymore. Love isn't a thing to be tested, but that's just my free advice, take it for what it's worth! LOL

Seriously though, converting it over to .45 Super is kind of an interesting idea, or maybe .400 Corbon? That cartridge has kind of captured my imagination.

I'm not a big fan of "bells and whistles" so I won't recommend any "bolt on" goodies, but the caliber change might be interesting and you might just end up with a new favorite carry gun!
Trade/sell it for a Glock. Glock is "marriage material". I am a polygamous man, so I decided to pair with two...

Trade it for a john deer lawntractor?:) If you get the attatchments it will shove snow, mow the lawn and scoop the poop too.:) Or you could get a CZ or Hi-Power and not worry about getting parts to get the gun to perform as it should.:) OK. you can spank my behind now (has lots on nomex clothes).:):)