What to do with a pistol during a stop in Illinois?

DiscoRacing said:
I guess im lucky ....since i have a hatchback honda civic....if i were to have a gun not cased in illinois...and noticed a stop would take place...wouldnt take too much time to case the weapon,,and toss it in the very back which would be considered out of reach,,,since I have no trunk.

Ummm.... yeah.... and the cop sees you doing this through your rear window. I would feel safer myself, by simply complying with the law to begin with.

Well, safer from a prosecution standpoint, not safer from a self defense standpoint.
Please note that Cook County still has an AWB with a 10 round limit for magazines. It is not in effect in all of Cook County some cities have an "exemption" (wrong word I know but I'v got to get on the road) so it is not in effect in some cities.

Truth is if you don't look like a gang banger, dope dealing terrorist,
then you won't have a problem even if you are pulled over.

You are not from Illinois are you? Cause that is in my experience NOT an accurate statement. I'v lived in Ill for over 30 years now.

Some Ill LEOs are very reasonable, others have told me that they would arrest me if the gun and ammo were in the same compartment of the vehicle (this was AFTER Illinois changed the law to require only that the gun be unloaded and complety enclosed by a case/container made for a gun). When I pointed out to him that the law had changed and showed him a ISP brochur on the new law his response was "I'll arrest you and let the judge sort it out I don't care":barf:

I am not implying that this is typical Ill LEO behavoir but it is not the first or last time I have run into this type of attitude among Ill LEOs

Best wishes

PS if you are really concerned dissasemble the gun prior to going into Ill, only have 10 roung mags with you and ship the Normal Capacity mags to your Mich address or have a friend do it. NJ
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You will be fine if as other posters have indicated - you keep your gun unloaded and encased and in your trunk. Outside of Chicago/Cook there are no AW provisions in Illinois nor any high capacity magazine bans.

Now if it was soley up to Daley and Chicago - then we would be talking about buying a large tub of vasaline and some loose boxer shorts - but it's not.

Be safe.
The advice given in the above post will protect you legally for traveling in ALL States. In a nutshell, the firearm must be unloaded and in a case--preferably locked--in a part of the vehicle not easily accessible to the driver while the car is in motion. Ammunition must be stored separately. To keep it even more legal, I would not store the ammunition in loaded magazines, but by itself, preferably in boxes that are packed in their own separate case.

This is the "Peaceable Journey Law." You're legal to move through a state where the gun is unlawful so long as your destination and departure states are lawful for the possession of the firearm.

The gun must be unloaded and stored in the trunk or otherwise in a locked container -- NOT the glovebox or vehicle console.

BUT -- the other stipulation in this "Peaceable Journey Law" is that you must travel directly through the state. NO STOPS. You can stop for meals, restroom, gas, groceries, but you can't "stay over."

So, no "visits."

This seems like a fundamental infringement of RKBA. Nonetheless, it's the law.

NRA has links and some discussion.



A provision of federal law serves as a defense to state or local laws which would prohibit the passage of persons with firearms in interstate travel.

Notwithstanding any state or local law, a person shall be entitled to transport a firearm from any place where he may lawfully possess it to any other place where he may lawfully possess such firearm if the firearm is unloaded and in the trunk. In vehicles without a trunk, the unloaded firearm shall be in a locked container other than the glove compartment or console. Necessary stops, like gasoline and rest, seem permissible.