What To Do? Neighbor Calls the Sheriff on me for everything!!!

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IF you go to talk to the neighbor, do it on neutral ground, in a public place with plenty of witnesses.

Example: Buy him lunch at your favorite restaurant.

Do not go to his property. He could try harassment / trespass charges on you (it can flow both ways.)

Make sure not to shoot when his son is around. (In case it might be a violation of his parole. No need to cause trouble.)

And do what 44 AMP and others have stated.

Be careful how you handle this, it can move on to a full on neighbor feud. Something you really do not want.
Go in and talk to the CLEO.
Not a phone call but in person. I promise he knows what's going on.

Ask him to tell his deputies to stop comong to your house.

Final resort, tell the CLEO you'll seek a restraining order against your neighbor.

Do NOT confront the neighbor.

I do not think you should confrint the neighbor in any way. This is an old guy, set in his ways, he's been in the neighborhood for longer than you have. So he prolly feels rightious and if you start confronting him then he's going to not want to "lose" and could embellish and up the ante on you, not a good thing.

I also think that you should continue to shoot, you are not doing anything wrong. You can deal with this over time and with zero confrontation. The deputy's have to act on what the man says, like they say. If he says you took a shot at his house...you're going downtown.

Maybe you should do a restraining order on him so it gets down on paper now that HE is a problem, and anything he says then can be shot down easier.
Brew coffee when you go out to shoot. That way you can offer a fresh cup when the deputy comes over. Your right to shoot. His right to call. The county needs to figure out what to do with these false calls.

There ya go. The only thing I'd change is substitute lemonade for coffee when it's warm.
Now ... every time I discharge a firearm or let off firecrackers he calls the sheriff on me! They have been out here 8 times in the past month, and I don't know what to do. The visit from the Deputy always ends in ... "We know it's legal, but we have to answer every call!"
Call the Sheriff ahead of time and let him know what you're going to be doing. If they WANT to respond this won't stop them, but if they don't want to respond, this gives them an out. "Thank you for your concern, but we are already aware that Mr. riverwalker76 is shooting/discharging fireworks on his property this afternoon, he called to let us know ahead of time."

If they keep sending someone out make the responder's visits very pleasant for him. Always have some coffee, a cold drink or snack for him and maybe offer him a chance to shoot a little if he seems interested. If they're gonna keep coming out, they might as well get to like you.
Yeah, I'd have to agree about the whole coffee thing. It's amazing how just treating them with a little respect, along with humanity (not all cops want to be "feared", they're people just like you and me) works for getting them on your side.

Hell, maybe next time he calls, you'll already have a few deputies sipping coffee and letting off a few rounds with you!
So, I guess I will continue to fire at will, and ignore his complaints. I can't think of anything else to do.

Well, gee, I don't know.....how about NOT discharging your firearm so regularly? If you want it to stop badly enough, then this is the best option to take at this time. Like another member stated, he's probably not going to change. You're the new kid on the block. I'd refrain from the black & white world thought of just because it's legal doesn't mean to damn others around you. I'm actually surprised that the neighbor hasn't filed a complaint of disturbing the peace based on the observation of your post.

If you do continue to shoot on your property, log the time you do and be sure to call the Sheriff's office ahead of time.
Depending on how close the properties are, it shouldn't matter. Sure, it might be disturbing to these neighbors. But if they're the only ones complaining, it sounds to me like more of a crotchety neighbor issue as opposed to the OP being inconsiderate. It's his property, he has the right to do on it what he wishes (within confines of the law).
I would use something larger than a .22 rim-fire.

At least up into the .45 ACP class.

Maybe with a .44 Mag or a rifle thrown in for good loudness.

A .30-06 class rifle is liable to get him suitably unhinged.
Had a similar situation to 44AMP's only mine was with an elderly dog. Multiple calls to the animal control folks who came out and said the same thing. He's being taken care of, but we have to respond to every call. At a certain point the nosy neighbor wasn't getting what she wanted so she actually stopped calling the animal control line and called 911 to report my dog had a cough. Needless to say the deputy who responded to that particular call wasn't happy with her. He came while I was away at work and left his card stuck in my door to call him. When I did he assured me that I wouldn't be hearing from them again by that particular neighbor. They apparently explained "false complaint" law to her.
screw a cup of coffee, keep an extra box of ammo ready for them to shoot.

Angry neighbor:
I called the god damn sheriffs department to tell that redneck to stop shooting and now they are over there shooting WITH the son of a bitch!!!
Well, gee, I don't know.....how about NOT discharging your firearm so regularly? If you want it to stop badly enough, then this is the best option to take at this time. Like another member stated, he's probably not going to change. You're the new kid on the block. I'd refrain from the black & white world thought of just because it's legal doesn't mean to damn others around you. I'm actually surprised that the neighbor hasn't filed a complaint of disturbing the peace based on the observation of your post.

If you do continue to shoot on your property, log the time you do and be sure to call the Sheriff's office ahead of time.

Something that I have failed to tell you all in this post is that the neighbor next to me fires his pistols and rifles on a regular basis as well. The guy I'm having trouble with comes outside when he hears gunfire. If it's coming from my house ... here comes the sheriff. If it's coming from my neighbor, whom he gets along with, the sheriff doesn't get called.

I'd say he is definitely doing it to get on my nerves. After all ... it's not like gunfire is new to him. My neighbor next to me says that he has been shooting for years without any complaints from the guy. :rolleyes:

Also, I moved out to the country just so I COULD have more freedoms. I can burn my brush, shoot my guns, and my German SHepherds have a lot more room to run than if I was in the city. I'm not trading my idea of nice place to live just because he thinks I shouldn't do something on my own property. That's not an option.
If it's coming from my house ... here comes the sheriff. If it's coming from my neighbor, whom he gets along with, the sheriff doesn't get called.
Sounds like some videotaping might help you support a harrassment complaint.
Also, I moved out to the country just so I COULD have more freedoms.

Granted, you should feel this way. I'm in the same boat. Can't stand having neighbors being able to peek through their window and into mine and know exactly how much Tabasco I like on my eggs. So we found a place away from the city life. If you log every time your neighbor shoots with no calls to the Sheriff, but does come knocking on your door when you do as JohnKsa suggests, you can mount evidence. With all due respect to others' opinions on the subject, the last thing you want to do is purposefully fire your guns just to get him riled up. Continue to shoot on your property, but do it with purpose other than to exacerbate the situation. It doesn't prove anything and it will not help to resolve the situation.

If anything, I'd head over to the neighbor that shoots as well and join him from time to time if he so chooses.
I wouldn't confront him, just do what ever, oh, you drink the coffee and eat the donuts, I would think police would have better things to do than showing up at your place when he calls, but this kind of stuff makes the world go round. Just make sure your 100% legal and safely discharging your firing arms, he'll get tired one way or the other. :D
Definitely don't go over there. Crazy old coots like that have been known to shoot a nieghbor that shows up at their house because they figure they can justify since you're on their land.
1. Inviting a 54 yr old felon (who has a thirty year criminal history) into your home? :eek: I understand youthful "mistakes", second chances, and helping out the poor downtrodden ex con, but he been getting CONVICTED since he was 24 yrs old. Maybe the father knows best.

2. Pay a lawyer to write a "cease & desist" letter. Coming from you such a letter carries little weight, coming from a lawyer hungry for litigation may end this foolishness. said attorney could also let you know other legal avenues to stop the harrassment (if any).

3. Do not, under any circumstances go visit the neighbor to try and talk, settle your differences, have a cup of coffee, etc. All it takes is another phone call from your neighbor to the police that during your visit you threatened him. Stay home.
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