What to do in carjack

I worked with a guy who was car jacked in Detroit twice. The first time he gave up the car and was left stranded in a "bad area". The second time he rolled up the window on the perp's arm and hit the gas, smacking him into a utility pole and the jackster's arm came off. When the Detroit police arrived to take their report, they acted angry like my friend had done something inhumane or wrong. He simply had had enough and decided to take action.
Personal Carjacking Lesson Learned

It IS in fact true that when people are faced with impending doom, they revert to their lowest level of training instead of using their brains.

At about 0400 one morning, I was by myself in my Avalanche sitting in an intersection downtown waiting for the red light to turn green. From my 10:00 position, an intimidating street type started to approach my vehicle.

I should have FLOORED it and gotten the hell out of there. But no, I'm a law-abiding citizen and I dutifully was waiting for the light to turn Green. But as I spied this guy headed my way, I couldn't help but notice what looked just like a tire iron in his right hand, and I drew my 1911 from my strong side Fobus holster and got a good sight picture. Through the closed window I shouted as loud as I could "Don't come any closer!!".

It was ony then that the light turned Green and I suddenly realized what an idiot I had been in sitting there that whole time when I could have easily floored it and sped off safey before he got as close as he did. The good news was that the BG saw my sidearm pointed at him, and he turned and ran like the wind. My lessons learned that morning included the following pearls of wisdom:

1. Use Situational Awareness ('SA') at all times.
2. Be willing to 'break the law' (run the red light) if your life is in danger.
3. Don't hesitate to go to low-ready if you're "not sure" about a situation that may be developing.
4. Don't let a street thug get within your Zone of Danger before drawing down on him if your Gut Instict (a very useful tool) says "Danger Will Robinson".
5. Be in Condition ONE when carrying your defensive firearm.

The mistake I made was in not phoning in the the incident to the police. For all I know the BG could have sprinted away to a phone booth where he might have called in a "Man with a Gun" call.

If you have an opportunity to take an Evasive Driving course, take it.
If you have an opportunity to take a Vehicle Defense tactics course, do it.
When the Detroit police arrived to take their report, they acted angry like my friend had done something inhumane or wrong. He simply had had enough and decided to take action.

There's a reason why Detroit routinely tops the list of the most crime-ridden cities in the country. The city government is corrupt from top to bottom.
Im sure that if any cop pulled you over for running a light for that reason, nothing bad would come (the worst would be a ticket). That's my first action when it comes to that debacle, as it presents the lowest probablity of a legal action being thrown my way.
My thoughts...

Since with a CCW, you have to exhaust all forms of escape before you can justifiably shoot someone, if a perp was trying to jack my car, I'd slam the gas, nail the person in front of me, reverse into the person in back of me... then get out an shoot him :D , all joking aside, I'd let him have my car, my crown vic isn't worth the hassle to justify shooting someone.
What if the BG didn't happen to like the way you surrendered your Crown Vic and decided to take the car and shoot you in the head? You're gonna depend upon the generosity of an armed car thief to let you walk away from the scene with a mental picture of what he looks like. Grand theft auto is a felony with major jail time last I looked. Just wondering. A lot of people who decide to "let him have my car" get killed for their trouble.

I must say. This post made me think for a week or so. I install stereo systems and alarms in cars for a living. All the alarms I put in automatically lock the doors when the ignition is turned on. I just got a new car last summer. I havent put a remote start on it yet which has this auto door lock feature, until last night after thinking about this post.

I always thought, man if you need your doors locked when driving through the city you are a wuss. Now I dont think that. I want my doors to lock when I get into the car. Why? Because really, there is no way for the car jacker to force you out of the car unless he comes up from behind and grabs the door handle. At that point, you cant draw. The only way I am giving up my car is if he has a gun, so I am screwed if the door is opened.

Now I know my doors will always be locked, and I can just floor it if some guy comes up to my window.
The second time he rolled up the window on the perp's arm and hit the gas, smacking him into a utility pole and the jackster's arm came off.

Guess you dont have to worry bout that guy jacking any more cars :D

Yeah driving off and wrecking the car would be what I would do before I ever got out unless I had the chance to get my gun drawn long before the BG got there and even then if I had a clear shot out with minimal damage to my vehicle or anyone elses I would probably take it. And beings were on this subject check this link out happened here in Anchorage.
Seems to me she had ample oppurtunitys to escape but was so unprepared for this that she just followed this guys instructions. She is very lucky to have survived IMO. We have had several Kidnapping/Murders of young women up here that have gone unsolved for years and years. One case in particular which happened about 10 yrs. ago still hasnt been solved. For a city with the relatively small population that Anchorage has we sure do have some strange criminal occurences, must be the long winters or something.