What to do in carjack


New member

i found this in the news this morning, and since it happened right by where i work it got me to thinking:

what is the best way to handle this?
someone comes up to your car window and sticks a gun in your face, telling you to get out, what do you do? things to consider:

1) at a busy intersection what is your backstop? would you actually be able to fire?

2) you exit the vehicle and as the perp is entering you shoot him in a vulnerable position. is this justifiable?

3) just let the guy have the vehicle and hope for the best?

for me the biggest consideration is shooting the perp throught the window and hitting an innocent in the lane next to you. this situation seems pretty tough considering the split second you would actually have to make a decision.

what do you all think?
Since I live in an urban area, I'd be worried about killing someone by accident, so I'd let him take my truck, make sure I had my cell phone on my as I exited, and call the police. My truck has LoJack, so it's not like they'll lose him. Now, if he came to the passenger side and made me drive, I'm not sure how I'd handle that. But this is all academic, since I live in California, and we aren't allowed the tools to defend ourselves in our Great People's Republic.
The accelerator is your friend. I would use it. If I could not, I would stop the threat as I exited the car. The gross movement of my exit would conceal the micro movement of my draw. There is no guarantee that this punk will not shoot you anyway if you decide to give up the vehicle. You are in a lethal confrontation. Save your life.
I believe that once you are out of the car and he is getting in, assuming the gun is no longer pointed at you, you are now protecting property and not your life, so you'd be hard pressed to justify shooting him (depending on state)
I live in LA, and not too long ago in Hollywood, a young man probably around my age was carjacked by 3 people because he had spinners on his car. He cooperated and gave his car willingly to the jackers. After they got in, he proceeded to back away from the car, and they shot him 5 times as they sped off in his car.
Hmmm. He's already assaulted you. He is armed with a lethal weapon, still in his posession. He has every means at his disposal to dispatch you where you stand, and has indicated a willingness, if not a desire, to do so. He has made manifest his utter criminality and disrespect for you, your property, and the rule of law. If the thief didn't want a violent reaction, he shouldn't have used violence himself to effect his thievery.

Barring other reasons for restraint (like a minivan stopped in the next lane, or a crowded bus stop beyond the passenger window), I'll take my chances with Problem 2.
Sorry, folks, voice of reason or cowardice here. The guy has a pistol pointed at my face.

I am exiting the vehicle.

Maybe, if I get the chance, I'll draw on him. But if he's covering me carefully as I exit the vehicle, I'm not drawing. I think the odds of me living are better if he's worried about driving away in my vehicle than if he sees me drawing on him.

Convince me I'm wrong.
I was wondering this very same situation. In fact, this happened to the brother of one of my co workers. Where this carjack was different though, is that his brother didnt know it was a carjack until he was shot in the head. His brother's friend saw two guys he knew that needed a ride. They got in the back seat. One of them drew a .22 and shot his brother in the back of the head to rob him. Amazingly, he wasnt seriously hurt

The crazy thing is, the guy I work with, his father was shot in the head and lived too. I told the guy I work with, I hate to tell you dude, but bad things come in threes. Not a thing to joke about. But just pretty amazing both his dad and his brother both shot in the head, and both lived.

These guys must have been lousy shots. Anyway, with this type of situation I think it would almost be impossible to draw on someone. I would have to say, floor it. I definitely am not getting out of the car. I'd rather have my door to protect me than get out and have no protection. I would ram the corner of the car in front of me if I had to.

I think most on here would fantasize that they could draw without the guy seeing them, but I think that would be extremely difficult. The thing is, you would never give your car up to someone who doesnt have a gun already drawn on you, so its almost a given the gun is against the window.

By the way...how do you guys carry when you are in your car anyway? DO you take the gun out and stick it between the seats? Or jus tleave it in the holster?
If they get the drop on you, walk away. But if there's a window of opportunity, I'd shoot the guy. Depends on the opportunity. I've experienced two assaults, off duty. First was two guys, then three guys. First, I drew my weapon and came close to deadly force, but witnesses presented themselves. Second, unarmed, and got rolled for my wallet...not even a knife on me..they were unarmed, that I saw. I was visiting D.C. on leave, never felt so damned naked in my life, I kept thinking to myself, "&*(*#@..damns airlines, city codes, etc, if only I had my glock 23). I still wake up with nightmares about that time. If I had the chance, I would have drawn on them and lit them up..I had the chance, just no way to have weapon on me at the time. Lucky bastards. Guess I'll never see the "Nations Capitol" again. Good riddance.
If I were alone, I'd give up the car. I don't give a damn about 99% of my personal property.

If my wife were with me my attitude would change as to giving up the car. If she were clear of the vehicle, OK. If she were being held hostage I would probably go from defensive to offensive mode.

Not saying that's the best course of action, but may be likely to happen in this scenario.
If I was stopped at a crowded intersection, and for some reason, this guy got the drop on me (I either didn't see him coming, or didn't prepare for him), then it is probably to late to do anything in way of force. I would honk my horn, flash my lights, and, if necessary, back into the guy behind me. Draw as much attention to myself as possible. If the BG wants to kill me, there is not much I can do, but at least everyone should have seen what he looked like, and what he did. Hopefully, he will realize this and get out fast. If I am not in a crowded place, then I'm gone. Let him try to hit me then. Or I might try to run him over :D (not really).
I will NOT surrender the vehicle. First, I am not going to condone his crime by aiding him, and so endangering others. And second, as has been pointed out by others, I have no reason to believe that he is going to let me live. He is committing assault with a deadly weapon, after all. Why not go a little farther?
Best case scenario, I was in condition yellow, I saw him coming, and guessed his intent, and by the time he points his pistol at me, he will be on the business end of a 12 gauge. Discreetly concealed from the other motorists, of course. I do not want to get charged with brandishing a weapon. ;)
Some things that you can do to NOT get into this situation:

1. If your doors don't automatically lock when you start the car, go and get an aftermarket alarm that has this option (side point, mine also came with auto interior light when you turn off the alarm).

2. Do not stop the "normal" 1/2 foot from the back bumper of the car in front of you. I stop about 7 feet away. This allows you to turn the wheels and floor the gas if you can.

3. My pistol is placed inbetween the seat and the center consel. It not only grips the holster/gun well but when you draw the holster will stay behind as the gun is released.

4. After you stop, check your mirrors. I check review first (to see if the car behind me is going to stop) then the sides. The reason that I check the sides last is because you should have already gotten an idea of what is going on since you are coming up to the stop.

If, for some reason, they get the drop on me then I would draw (if I couldn't speed away) and fire back if they fire. My windows are tinted so they will have a hard time seeing what I am doing.

Most of your car jackings are "hit and takes". If your doors are locked they can't just open the doors and they usually go on to the next.

"Success prefers the prepared mind"..... All in all, the person shouldn't catch you off gaurd, if you know your in a bad area, your windows should be up and your CCW should be easily accessible, when I go into a bad nieghborhood and am preparing to stop at light or stop sign I always check the areas I can see clearly without taking my eyes of the road for more than a second ( be sure that the car infront of you is at least a few cars away). Also the gun stays on my lap and as I slow down my right hand grips the gun.

Now lets say i wasn't prepared like this, I would turn the car off leave the keys apologize for turning it off very truthfully :D , get out of the car let him in walk towards the rear of the car and slash a tire and take off running. keeping an eye on him to see what he's doing. Grab the cell call the cops... OR SOMETHING LIKE THIS.

I was a troubled youth growing up and have had plenty of bottom feeders that I called friends :mad: , and they did these kind of things and maybe 2, of the few that I knew were intelligent the rest of them didn't pay attention to detail because they were to nervous. And almost all of them never had bullets in the mag it was more of an intimidation factor than a do it or I'll shoot. But you do get those psychos that don't care and do carry a loaded pistol. So be aware of your surroundings.
Personally, I think Xavier hit it with the accelerator.

USP45usp and Any .45 also chimed in good with the preparedness lectures.

Think about it: this smelly, sweat bag needs a ride, . . . any ride, . . . not just your ride.

If he/she can't get the door open and gets a grip on that handle, . . . they better hang on, . . . because I just may not stop until I am out of gas (my van holds almost 30 gallons, too).

If the door is locked, and if they have any cognitive skills left at all, . . . they have to understand that the first shot will get LEO's on the way, big time. Shooting you will not unlock the door. They'll just go to the next ride, and unfortunately, these other folks may not be as prepared as you are.

Stupid, sleezy, dirt bags they are, . . . and yes they even may have assaulted me for my ride, . . . but the only way I would just up and shoot one would be something like my grandbaby still strapped in the back seat. Yeah, carjack me with my grandbaby back there, . . . probably be his last carjacking, and my first formal introduction to the local DA.

Same goes for an invalid wife or friend, . . . but just me alone, . . . he's got the drop on me, . . . he just got a free ride.

May God bless,
I would shut off the car and leave. Let him try and start a car that just was running but now it acts dead and the 'ON' button is right in his face but is almost impossible to see. Especially in such a situation where the bg is trying to make as quick an exit as possible. Besides, how can you shoot someone with a gun that is supposed to be unloaded and out of your immediate reach?
In my state it doesn't have to be unloaded or out of reach, with or without a CCW. Without a CCW, it has to be in the center console, glovebox, or in plain view, and you can have one in the chamber.