what to do about brother in law?

I'm late to this thread but wanted to add some advice, if you are open to such. Wills are great, and having an understanding with whoever is named as the Executor of the will is a very good idea, but think about what might actually happen when your dad dies. I've known of families where within seconds of the person stopping breathing, some relative rushes into their home and takes what they believe, or want to believe is intended for them.

From the comments you made about this brother-in-law, I would not be surprised if he is the type of person to just take what he wants regardless of the will, and might not even wait until your Dad has died. And once he has the gun or guns, to some degree the law will be on his side and you will have to sue to get them back. That kind of lawsuit can be costly, take forever, and with no guarantee that you would win. He could well tell some judge that yes, he was named in the will, but that orally, just before his death, he told your BIL that the gun is for him. He might be lying through his teeth but there is no guarantee that you would win in court.

Your Dad is only 60, pretty young from my point of view. He well could be around for another 25 or 30 years. But if he starts to be failing, that would be the best time to approach him and offer to take the guns for "safekeeping" or whatever words you want to use.
Vito he would go around the will.

They were seized in early December. Father had Daughter (my sister) get a lawyer. He supposedly told her to get them back whether i die or not. As far as i know the pd still has them