What to carry when you can't Carry?

Carry the best brand of pepper spray you can, a knife like the one you are carrying, plus a Mini Mag Light.

With the pepper spray, you are not likely to do any permenant damage with it and it just may end an altercation. If you looked at the previous thread, it is not suggested you use that against a lethal weapon.

I ALWAYS have a knife on me even though I don't ever expect to use it for self defense. You'd be surprised how handy having one can be. If you are going to carry a knife, learn how to use it. Escrima is Philipino knife fighting and VERY effective. Make sure you check out the maximum length blade you are allowed to carry legally.

The Mini Mag Light can be carried just about anywhere. I prefer to carry it in my back pocket on the strong side with the light portion facing upwards. It is handy in the dark and makes an excellent kubaton. Again, you should consider getting training with it.

I would also consider enrolling in a self defense school of some sort. It is a great way to stay in shape, builds confidence (making you less of a target my the way you carry yourself) and you can defend yourself with it in unarmed combat.

I'm not sure if this applies but in Florida, you are allowed to legally carry in your car's glovebox if it is in a snap holster or zippered pouch even WITHOUT a carry permit. I was carrying before I was 21 and was stopped by the police for a speeding ticket. He merely ran the serial number to check if it was a stolen gun and returned it to me with my ticket.

Just make sure you check the laws and avoid trouble like the plague. That goes for everyone on this forum... especially the crazy yahoos that are dying to shoot someone.
*sorry for the rant, but if 18 to 20 year olds keep on asking what they should do, yet do nothing to get "adult" Rights, then I really can't help them out.

I agree 100%. Young adults will never be taken seriously until they vote. Quit getting your news from Mtv and start taking things seriously. As was pointed out, you can fight and die for your country--you need to start wielding the power you have to make yourselves heard. This is not directed at you specifically, because you seem to be a bright kid. Just remind your friends how important it is.
Six-cell Maglite. But please remember that it is far more lethal than an Asp. You should probably get formal Asp training, if you haven't already.
I am a shift supervisor of security at the local hospital. My employer is supposed to offer periodical ASP classes. However there has not been one held in the ten months I have been with the company. Is there anybody that offers ASP training to the public?

Also, rather than carrying a mini-mag I carry my polystinger or a compact streamlight.
I'm not sure if this applies but in Florida, you are allowed to legally carry in your car's glovebox if it is in a snap holster or zippered pouch even WITHOUT a carry permit. I was carrying before I was 21 and was stopped by the police for a speeding ticket. He merely ran the serial number to check if it was a stolen gun and returned it to me with my ticket.

Florida Statutes say it must be securely encased, not in a snap holster. The good thing is that securely encased is very loosely defined, therefore it can simply be in a glove compartment, period. It can be on the dash, on the seat, between the seat, under the seat, under the dash, wherever, as long as it is securely encased and not on your person (if you don't have a ccw). When I drive, my Glock is between my seat and center console in an Uncle Mike's snap holster that is stictched into my seat (custom :D ). Since I'm not able to have a CCW yet, being 19 sucks doesn't it. I have repeatedly sent letters to my representatives (not the premade ones that you just send you address and go), and never received one response. But since Senator Martinez sponsored the new law that goes into effect October 1 (removing the duty to retreat, and protecting you from criminal prosecution and private suit), I think he may be interested in working the age minimum to 18, at least 19.

Even at my young age, I beleive in activism within the government, I see too many people complaining, yet not enough action. So when I gripe about my state, I've at least sent a letter to my Congressman/Senator/Representative.

As far as what to carry... I'd say anything you are comfortably and legally able to carry, I think having confidence in yourself and defensive measures is one concealed weapon that the government can't take away.

(5) POSSESSION IN PRIVATE CONVEYANCE.--Notwithstanding subsection (2), it is lawful and is not a violation of s. 790.01 for a person 18 years of age or older to possess a concealed firearm or other weapon for self-defense or other lawful purpose within the interior of a private conveyance, without a license, if the firearm or other weapon is securely encased or is otherwise not readily accessible for immediate use. Nothing herein contained prohibits the carrying of a legal firearm other than a handgun anywhere in a private conveyance when such firearm is being carried for a lawful use. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to authorize the carrying of a concealed firearm or other weapon on the person. This subsection shall be liberally construed in favor of the lawful use, ownership, and possession of firearms and other weapons, including lawful self-defense as provided in s. 776.012.
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I thought this was a "what to carry when you can't carry" thread. How the heck are you going to conceal a 6D cell Maglight? Lets get back on topic.

As for Whisky Tango, You had better find out the specific law before you get yourself in a whole heap of trouble. I feel for you as I also wanted to carry before the age of 21. From the many law enforcement officers I have spoken with (not always the best source of information I know), it has to be in a seperate compartment in a zippered pouch or snap holster. I think a holster under the seat would not qualify. Please find out for sure as I would hate to see you lose your right to EVER carry for something stupid such as a firearms violation. The most important thing is to watch your attitude with the cops as this will determine how loosely or strictly they interpret the laws. I suggest you err on the side of caution. Good luck!
Florida Law

I am not commenting on the issue of carrying while under 21 and I am certainly not advocating it.

But, I just wanted to point out one problem with the above-mentioned interpretation of Florida law. While it's true that you can carry in your car without a permit as long as the firearm is "securely encased" and not on your person, it still has to be concealed to be legal. A firearm that is "securely encased" but still in plain view would trigger an open carry violation.

Here in Florida, I stay away from the outer limits of the law, and I stick with keeping my gun inside either a glove box or a center console. While I may win in court, I'd rather not test a police officer's interpretation of the law.
I find it strange , as some one already posted, that an 18 yo can fight in the military, and carry a full auto weapon, but can't carry a handgun on the street for his own protection.
On the other hand, most 18 yo's I know dont have any business with a handgun, concealed or not.
I know I'm probably going to get flamed for this but thats how I feel....
How about a Fist?

Dosen't anyone know how to defend themselves with their bare hands anymore?
I've seen everyone comment on a lot of stuff that most of us won't carry every day, like a roll of quarters in a sock, or half a baseball bat and what-not. But I'm thinking that quite simply one should be at least capable of a modicum of unarmed self defense, given that life puts us in so many situations where we don't or can't have anything other than our wits and our unarmed skills. Not to mention that basic proficiency in unarmed combat makes one more proficent and confident when armed as well.
I have a CCW, with it I carry a .45 in 1911, and am never without my folding knife, but I think the first tool of any well-armed or un-armed citizen is his head and a basic set of unarmed skills to give him confidence, rather than resort to some kind of technological doo-dad to enable one to go walking unmolestable through the Valley of the Shadow of Death.
Not talking about walking on rice paper and getting those nasty dragon burns on your forearms, just about knowing how to defend yourself without having to whip out that asp and worry about defending yourself from the bad guy, the prosecutor and your assailant's family's lawyer.
18 year old child?

When living in Sydney Australia in the 60s, 65 to be exact, I had the steward in an RSL club ask the question, can these young officers dance with your Wives?
My mate and I looked at him in amazement "Ask my Wife" I said "not me"

Both of them could not have been much more than 19, on coming back to our table, we had them join us for a beer, and was amazed to find they could not buy a beer in America? Not old enough?

Something is wrong with the rational that we can teach an 18 year old to kill a man with all manner of weapons, firearm, claymore, any and all manner of explosives, but a gang of youths in a city can deride the uniform, and if the mood suits them, kick a young man to death! And no CCW till 21?
And the thought that an 18 year old with a 9mm is more likely to go nuts and shoot up the street than a twenty one year old is a joke, it is not normally you’re 18 year old in road rage incidents either!
But they have tire irons as well!

Back to the thread! Forget weapons, till legal, keep fit, be aware all the time you are awake, take a defensive driving course, wear non slip soled shoes, always! Learn to box!! And you will get to be 21!!
Use your head, then get some good martial arts or self-defense training. Remember too that, 90% of incidents involve persons under the influence of alcohol. Make sure you control your alcohol intake, without wits and coordination you will lose any battle. You can usually talk most conflicts down, if not, you have a basic understand of fighting and how to defend yourself.