What to carry for dangerous game

got an old Dan Wesson 44 mag that I had converted just for that purpose... got a 2" barrel & a custom ( no, not the stupid old Dan Wesson ) single chamber compensator, that replaces the barrel nut... a set of Houge rubber finger groove grips, & the gun pops off 6 rounds without raising off target...

also got a nice custom 50... ( 50 AE barreled blackhawk ) chambered for 5 rounds of slightly shortened 50 AE brass ( headspaces on the case mouth similarly to the 30 carbine ) the shorter brass allows the use of huge heavy cast bullets stuffed in far enough to clear the forcing cone on the barrel...

either of these guns I'd trust... as long as my guide was crippled... I personally feel that I've seen enough footage of dead bears charging 1/2 way to a rifle hunters position before dropping, that for close range, it may be best to try to cripple the beast so it can't walk, or blow it's lower jaw off, so it can't bite, cause the wrong place at the wrong time with a bear, it likely going to be ugly, no mtter what you're packing... ( that said, an accurate 357 that ypou are used to shooting accurately, & the right bullets, may be better off than a huge recoil machine, that you get one good shot off, & one bad shot, & the gun is pointing into the sky for any follow up shots...
I'm not sure just how far "up north" is to you... but coincedentally I just got an e-mail from one of my northern e-friends, with a full set of pics of a polar bear who attacked a camper while he was sleeping in his wall tent ( he must have been snoreing like a bear ( sorry I couldn't resist the pun )... but I think the guy was by himself, & fought off the bear long enough to get his gun & shoot it, but it's really a miracle that he is still alive as badly as he is ripped up... I'd be happy to forward on the e-mail to anyone interested in sending me their e-mail addy... unfortunately they didn't say what the gun was... the pics were so bloody & graphic I wouldn't want to post them here, but I'll look over the e-mail again & ask my buddy if he heard what the gun was ???
the tent is scary, but not to bloody... so I'll post that...

BTW... is there a way the insert a pic into the text on this forum... ( I'm not finding that option...)


  • bear attack tent.JPG
    bear attack tent.JPG
    36.8 KB · Views: 48
it's not an artical but scene & hospital pics taken while they were trying to put the guy back together... along with a few written details in the e-mail... I have e-mailed him back asking for more details, particularly pertaining to the gun

it was listed as the "Off the Hook" bear attack, so there may be some other detail on the internet... been to busy this morning to look yet...
If you're carrying it as backup to a rifle, then I'd think that a .357Mag is not a bad choice. If it's your primary hunting firearm, I think that most would advise you to pick something with a bit more oomph.