What to buy? What to buy??

I really liked my P10-C and am in the process of buying another. If you wanted something closer to the SR9-C, there is also the P10-S.

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The "S" is "one pinky finger" too small. The SR9C 's 10 rd with the extra finger lip on the mag makes it a comfortable shooter for me. The P10-C is definitely a top contender.
Here’s another vote for Sig’s P365. I’ve had mine since February of last year, and now have 1200+ rounds through it. It’s been virtually 100% reliable to date.
The gun fits me to a T, and I really like the sights. That green dot really shows up in Daylight, and like other Sigs, the tritium night sites work just fine. The gun is more accurate, I think, then I can hold. I’ve posted here, a picture of a 1 inch 10 shot group, slow fire, shot from a weaver stance at 10 yards. That’s pretty much the limit of my eyes ability to discern the sights. It’s a heck of a gun, and my daily carry piec when heading into town. Hope this helps, Rod
I have 2 handguns and one rifle where I have another that is similar in size and weight. Like when I had two very similar motorcycles, I have found that one gets used and the similar one gets neglected. Whether you know it or not, you will choose a favorite and use it more than the other one. I think it would be better to get something more different.
Went to my LGS today and looked at the M&P 2.0 compact 3.6" and 4". Liked the 3.6" better , but the 4" had a nicer trigger. Both are priced at $409. The price of the CZ P10-C is $419. Tomorrow I will purchase one of the three.
Rural King had the M&P compact with 3 mags, safety, and night sights for around $309 in their ad. May have been online only but still a good deal. Wish I had the money right now.
GarandTd said:
Rural King had the M&P compact with 3 mags, safety, and night sights for around $309 in their ad. May have been online only but still a good deal. Wish I had the money right now.

Holy cow that seems like a great deal! I am amazed at how gun manufacturers can charge so little for quality firearms and how much some knife makers can charge for a sharpened piece of steel!
Holy cow that seems like a great deal!
I know it does. And if things were different for me right now, I would have jumped on that. I think my next handgun purchase will be a compact 9mm. My current carry is a Remington rm380. I really like the pistol and have no qualms about the effectiveness of the caliber, but I'd like to simplify. I would definately train more with a 9mm carry gun than I do with the 380.
I would definitely take a look at the HK VP9sk. They can be found within your budget, and with a 13-round mag, are the most ergonomically comfortable pistols I've ever shot.

And I have two SR9c's.

I got one from CDNN for $539, and, IMO, it's worth every penny.

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