What to buy next?


New member
I have bought a G19 and am looking to buy another 9mm. I am not a huge gun guy but am buying these to pass down to my sons when they get older for home defense. With everything going on I am not sure they will be able to buy anything when they are adults. I will be taking them to the range and using them for my own home defense. Looking for a full size. Kind of like the smith and Wesson M&P. or do I just buy another glock??
Buying them for your boys?
Haw, some excuse.
We know who they're really for.
Have you checked out the Ruger SR9s?
Very nice and not expensive, either.
No, I wouldn't buy another Glock ( or any Glock for that matter :D) ....but it isn't about us telling you what to buy ....

Its about what fits your hands the best, what controls you like, what grip angle you like, what sights you like, ergonomics, etc...../ I can tell you to buy a Sig 226 ( good solid full sized gun, good investment in my view --- but they make about 20 different versions of the 226 ...with 3 or 4 different trigger systems...)....

I don't have any idea what you like ....get to a range that rents guns / and rent every 9mm in the case, even the glocks, and figure out what you like - and what you don't like.....
and don't exclude revolvers necessarily ..../ and have fun with the process and figuring this stuff out :D
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Unless you're really hung up on polymer striker guns take a look at the metal CZ offerings. Many to choose from and very reasonable prices for what they deliver.
Looking for a full size. Kind of like the smith and Wesson M&P. or do I just buy another glock??

Just my two cents...

You already have a Glock, so you know what they're like. And a good choice. If it were me, I'd get the M&P next. Variety is the spice of life, they say. And I've had nothing but excellent service from my own M&P. With both firearms, you can compare and contrast to see which you prefer. And it could be that won't have a preference. They'll just have slight differences.
I would buy another glock but the g34 . Makes for a good match gun or simply an accurate pistol with a match grade barrel added and a little trigger work.
I'd say see if there's a range nearby that has a good rental selection. That way you get to hold and shoot a bunch of different pistols so you can have a physical notion of how certain guns feel over others. Personally, I love the feel of a Sig P226 in my hand, but I don't shoot it anywhere near as well as my CZ-75B.

If you're really looking for something different and decide to drop the 9mm requirement, revolvers would be an excellent way to go. There's a lot to choose from there as well, but S&W and Ruger both have affordable quality offerings.
Since they are for the kids, Id probably go with either another 19, or a 17. The 19's can use the 17 mags, and it keeps things simple. If youre going that route, get one for yourself too. :)

I gave each of our boys a High Power for their first handguns, and I had one as well (still have it). HP's are great guns and good shooters, and have one of the most comfortable grips for a wide body, especially for smaller hands. Again, its also a plus when everyones guns take the same mags.

SIG's are also great guns, and the P226 is one of my favorites.
I'm going to respectfully disagree with the two suggestions about a Beretta 92. That is a really BIG gripped, double stack magazine, long dbl action first trigger movement pistol. I think they're the cadillac of pistols. I wouldn't trade mine for the world. But mine is really too big for even my large adult sized mitts. For a youngster, it just might not be a great fit. I can't reach the magazine ejector button without rotating the gun in my hand, for example. The decocker is not intuitive and reachable like a 1911 safety lever. In other words, for me at least, once it's on target and ready to shoot, it's great. But working all the levers and buttons is not at all convenient.

Again, that's just how I see that pistol 2lb 9oz loaded, 1lb 15 oz unloaded if that helps you or anyone compare.

Sgt Lumpy
Sgtlumpy, I suggested the 92 because the op said he wanted to hand down a full size pistol to his kids later in life as adults. Now having said that I will agree that is has a wide grip and for some, the controls can be hard to get used to. Once you do get used to the controls however it is a very nice firearm and is very easy to shoot well. I will also admit that it is a heavy firearm when compared to most other popular 9mm, but easy to get used to. In the end I am going to stand by my original recommendation, but that's just cause I love mine so much:D
I have bought a G19 and am looking to buy another 9mm. I am not a huge gun guy but am buying these to pass down to my sons when they get older for home defense. With everything going on I am not sure they will be able to buy anything when they are adults.

You never tell us the age of your boys or how much they have shot firearms already. If the guns truly are for your boys, outta fear that they may not be able to get what they really want later on in life, wouldn't askin' them what they may like make more sense than askin' strangers on the internet? Guns that I envision are to be passed down to my kids and grandkids are generally quality type firearms that will not go outta style or be unfix-able in 20 years or so. They are firearms that come from major reputable manufacturers and are proven models that are popular enough that there will be parts available for them in the future. If your boys are that young that adult size firearms are not appropriate, I suggest getting them something for now that is so they can have fun and success at the range with you. So many folks, because of the scarcity of available firearms right now are grabbin' anything they can get outta fear there will never be anymore. Be patient, guns are gonna be around for quite a while yet. The frenzy has already started to slow down. Take your time, do your research and make good choices on what suits you and your boys the best.
I don't care for the 92. Too many parts.

I'd also consider when the son grows to manhood and take a wife. It should fit her too. CZ-75.
If your getting something to pass down a Colt 1911 in 9mm would be a good choice.
You have a plastic gun (I like Glocks) now go with one that will hold some value and can be infinitely customized to suite your taste. There are more companies making parts and accessories for the 1911 than all the other models combined.
In terms of the "pass down to my son" factor - Perhaps browse this and other forums for posts like "Here's a gun my dad (or grandad) passed down to me. Also consider that there are some individual guns from some makers that have been in service, working, and still doing their jobs, longer than some other gun companies have even been in business.

Sgt Lumpy