What style bullets [or caliber] create the best blood trails?

Hey Glamdring, OK, OK, you got me with the original question. I thought you had not thought this through all that far.

Now, let me say I see no problem at all with what you are considering. One thing to keep in mind is if you did happen to decide to try the 7mmSTW, it takes a real l-o-n-g barrel (28" is not too long) to get a "significant" advantage over the good old 7mmRemMag in a 24" barrel. That does not seem to be the situation with the other rounds you mentioned.

As a follow-up on the kinds of "used Big Bores" I've seen at some of the Gun Shows, here is one example that still sticks in my mind:

I was at a Gun Show in Charlotte, NC about 8-10 years ago that had 5000 tables of rifles and goodies for us to drool over. Went cutting around the end of a table and there was one of those HIGH $,$$$.oo Weatherby's. It had the Myrtle wood stock with all the fancy inlays and the blueing on it looked so deep that it looked like you could "reach into" the blueing.

I almost kept going, but all of a sudden it finally sunk in that it had a HUGE barrel on it with a muzzle brake that was so well fit, that it did not appear to be removeable (but it was removeable). Backed up just to see what the caliber was and the guy who owned it told me to pick it up. Well, come to find out it was a 460Wby.

It caught me a bit off guard and I said something about it being so beautiful. I was thinking about the Ballistics on this thing and asked if it was new. He said no, it was used and he only wanted $900 for it. I could not see a single wear indication, no scratches in the stock finish, no stain in the blueing nor a speck of rust on it anywhere. He then told me it looked so new because it had only been fired 3 times and handed me a box of cartridges with only 3 spent rounds. Then I asked why he was selling it at such an apparently low price. He said, he never intended to fire it again since the 3rd shot had broken his collar bone.

So, there are some real bargains out there occasionally.

I completely agree with your idea of getting both rifles from the same manufacturer. Especially if you do intend to hunt some dangerous Game.

Looks like you are on the right track to me. I do like the list of "Custom Options" you have listed.

Good luck with the project, Hot Core
Hot Core: Which question got you? The thread starting one? Sorry, I wasn't trying to fool anyone. I have done a lot of research but because till just recently I have lived in Shotgun zone for hunting here in MN there was no practical way for me to try rifle bullets on deer. And like I was going to say [before computer ate one post] I don't think the performance of a bullet on a deer is worth much even for testing an elk bullet.

Huntschool: I agree about the 338. I think you can hunt anything short of Elephant with the proper bullet and a 338 Win [I just wish I would have got some of the Speer 275 Solids before they stopped making them! Woodleighs will work but I prefer the blunt tips to the FMJ's].
Hey BadMedicine, Didn't mean to leave you hanging there, I got to drifting off thinking about that great blueing job. (And I'm a Stainless and Synthetic kind of guy!)

Didn't have that much extra money on me at that time so I had to hand it back with the drool running into everything. Not sure I would have had a real use for it, but at that price, it sure would have made some great "Tradin' Bait".

By the way, I completely agree with your post about not being able to out run the Bear. Also agree it would be a good idea to have something capable of sending large chunks of Lead, accurately, in the Bears direction.

Our Carolina Black Bears seem to respond well to good old 358Wins and 200gr Hornadys. And, I do have a 350RemMag along with some old Fred Barnes copper tubing bullets I'd be happy to poke holes in one of those HUGE Brown Bears with. But, the 350 sure is loud. Absolutely, positively, for sure, have to wear Sonic Ear Valves when toting it. I know a fellow who screwed up and shot it twice, in a dense woods, a long time ago without the Sonics and his ears still ring today. (Don't bother to ask who, cause I don't want to embarrass myself. HA)

Hey Glamdring, Yes the thread start. I just did not understand your experience level. Nothing at all wrong with your question, just a wrong assumption on my part.

I do agree with your idea that testing Big Game bullets on Deer could lead a person to a wrong conclusion about the bullets performance. Plus, it would take too many years to get enough data for it to be statistically relevant.

As a recommendation, let me suggest you locate someone with a June 1998 "Handloader" magazine. If you don't know anyone with one, backorder it directly from "Handloader". In it is an article called "The Best Hunting Bullet" by Gary Sciuchetti. It is the very best comparative article I've ever seen on the subject. He compares the impact performance of 38 different kinds of 180gr 30cal bullets.

That in itself would be enough, but he tests each type 3 times at Impact velocities from 1400fps - 3100fps in 100fps increases. The report shows pictures of the 3 bullets after Impact at each speed level increase. Basically, 1600 bullets are shown after impacting the test medium which is wet phone books. (Some did not exhibit any expansion at all at the lower velocities, so he only shows them where they first begin to open.) He also gives the average depth of penetration and average retained weight for the bullets at each speed.

A whole lot of work and a whole lot of excellent comparative info. It would be a big step in giving you solid information for your original question.

Good hunting and clean 1-shot kills, Hot Core
Hot Core: I will check thru my pile of Handloader to see if I have that issue. I didn't start buying it regular till about 99. With the initial post I was trying to leave the question open enough to get responses. I don't know anyone personally [yet] that has shot enough "big" big game to have seen a statistically significant number of cases with any bullet.

BTW if you read Handloader & Rifle then you have probably seen Ross Seyfreid's work. I would say for the most part I am more or less a follower of Ross's philosophy when it comes to hunting calibers and such. I disagree with him on some stuff, like the difference between a 44 mag and a 45 LC when loaded with similar bullets. I think he hasn't ever used a 44 mag that has similar power level & heavy wt LBT bullet as his 5 shot 45 LC's. I have noticed that JD Jones shoots 44 mags in a modified Super Redhawk to similar ballistics as the 454 CAsul/5 shot Long colts and claims to see about same performance improvement on game over the standard 44 mag.