What stuff works most often?

Don, great point. The one aspect I feel is most important is physical conditioning. Most of us as we age, get complacent and frankly don't exercise. Oh we talk a big mouthful, but when it comes down to it our bellys are huge, backs creeky and arms flabby. For example, at 6'1 210, I was about 30lbs overweight. Yet, I by no means looked obese. So, my guess is you should aim for enough cardiovascular reserve to flat get it on full tilt for 15 minutes. Be able to at least bench press your bodyweight, and be flexible. A martial art in my opinion offers several advantages: The first is it offers both conditioning and technique. Secondly, as you progress in the arts your head gets smaller-a good thing. In that I mean you become wiser, more tolerant, etc. Oh, If you haven't exercised in quite a while, it would be worthwhile to be evaluated by a cardiologist before beginning in any strenuous exercise. Goodluck.

It's kept me out of more scrapes than ANYTHING else.

I have a "don't mess with me" attitude evident on my face from my stare to my body posture to my command presence and voice. It says "I don't want trouble, but I'm not going to put up with any from you either."

When you combine that with good humor and respect for others, people just don't mess with you. You're likely to suddenly be their best friend.