What States are full auto legal states?

Montana is a good state for ownership. We have a good select fire clause.

"A machine gun is defined as a weapon of any description by whatever name known, loaded or unloaded, from which more than six shots or bullets may be rapidly, automatically, or semiautomatically discharged from a magazine by a single function of the firing device."


I love it here!
If there is a point to this post, I guess it is that we have some of the best gun-laws in Europe, along with Switzerland and Finland. More snow - better laws? Doesn't Alaska have a decent climate (for guns, that is)?

Finland - some of the best gunlaws ? This may be true, but only for the experienced. Starting isn't easy.

There are over 2 million private guns for the population of 5 million. There are about 400000 persons who own guns.

Permit to buy must be asked for each gun separately. Purchase of a gun part (the one holding the pressure) must be notified.
One has to prove the need for the gun. Usually it is hunting or shooting, in rare cases job or collecting. Full-auto guns are for collectors only.

A self-defense isn't a legitimate reason, as usual in Europe, to get a firearm. One may apply for a permit to carry tear gas/OC if necessary for self-defense. In practice, armed self-defense will cause some jail time (1-3 years) and lose of all gun permits. It's cheaper to let someone mug or rob you.

Pistols or revolvers that fit in the box of 130mmX180 mm (140X190 for revolvers) are considered as pocket guns and therefore possible to get only for job or collecting.

Positive thing is that guns are not (supposed to be) treated by their looks. No restrictions on airguns, magazine sizes, suppressors, bayonets, stocks (except legal length), forward handles or countries of origin.

Some time ago, I read from steps required to get a class 3 license. Somehow it didn't feel very difficult.

For every permit you have to through the following

- get the permit form from the police (possible through the net too)
- fill it and get the papers to proof the need
- take these to the police, pay 160 FIM (~ 25USD)
- wait from 1 day to 2 weeks
- get the permit to buy (3 parts), valid for 6 months
- buy the gun (1 part for the seller to send to the police, 2 for you)
- go to the police station to show your gun, they check the type and serial number (1 part for police, 1 for you as temporary license)
- wait 4 weeks
- go and get your final plastic permit, same size as a credit card

In Sweden laws are more or less similar. I remember that there a hunter could get 6 guns with his first permit. After six it was more difficult.

I could use some more freedom...
You mean select-fire is not allowed. Why ?

Is there some reason for it ? Or just because the state says it's so.

I could live with full-auto only. :D

Florida may not have a FREE CCW, but for less than $100 for a 5 year license, I'll waste the money and stay SNOW FREE.

P.S. Floridian's don't call >70 hot, we call anything <90 COLD.
Connecticuy is Full Auto Only

Possibly full auto only is because a whole lot less weapons are made full auto only. Most are semi or 3 shot burst combined with full auto.
Referencing my post above-

I'm pretty sure that CT's "rationale" for full-auto-only is that under CT law, selective fire guns are assault weapons, and under CT law, assault weapons are BAD.
Under any law assult weapons are bad. Don't you know that assult weapons kill people? Guns kill people, thats why they should all be banned. Taking the guns from law abiding citizens makes for a safer community. Don't you understand that? ROFLMAO :rolleyes:
Hmm...while California is miserable as far as gun rights go, all the states bordering it are far more reasonable -- unlicensed purchase of any firearm, and "shall issue" for concealed carry. No mention of assault weapons, either, so if the Feds say it's OK then it's OK.