What States are full auto legal states?


New member
Whoever is reading this.. if you know of any state where you can legally own a full auto weapon, registered or not... please list below .. i need to know where the closest full auto legal state is .. so i can move there .. i'm getting real sick of NY gun laws lately .. thanks in advance..
Looking at the NRA site I'd say there might be an island of sanity to the northeast, ie Vermont, NH and Maine.

I wonder how it is that corporations are able to skirt the NY law and have MGs for their security forces?

georgia is a good state that knows that only legal people will have guns...it is our right....guns are not the problem...some people are. you may own guns here. I WOULD RUN FROM A STATE THAT HAD A CLINTON AS A SENTOR (or anything else)!!!:confused:
i was born and bred here .. its tough to pack up and leave your family and a 25 dollar an hour job just to go to a full auto state.. .or a firearms 'neutral' state .. trust me .. if i ever come across any large sum of money that allows me to break free from my financial obligations .. im movin .. without a second thought .. vermont is a beautiful state, and the gun laws are some of the most sensable of all firearms neutral states ... ahh.. to bad money is so important in life ...
Northern New England may be an island of sanity, but down here...

Properly registered, full-auto only guns are allowed. But if they have selective fire capabilities (Full and Burst and/or Semi) they're "assault weapons," and therefore illegal. :confused:
vermont is a beautiful state, and the gun laws are some of the most sensable of all firearms neutral states .

In the FFL packet is a booklet with the gun laws of all 50 states.

Those of IL, CA, NJ, MA and NY are chapters unto themselves.

Tennessee's take up several pages, as do those of Texas.

Even Georgia's and Arizona's are 2 or 3 pages long.

Vermont's is not quite one page.

Why does it have to be so cold up there? :(
Yes, but FL doesn't have permit-free CCW and VT does. The only state left that treats you like an adult with respect to guns and it's a friggin' icebox for half of the year... :(
One can't have everything.

Either you get liberal gun laws, or you don't. They don't come cheap, however. I'd love Vermont since I like skiing.
The state of Kansas does not allow the private ownership of fully auto weapons. The last I heard there are seven states that do not allow us to own them, KS being one. I understand or have been told you may make an application for a variant to the state attorney general and might get to own one. A close friend of mine that I have know for a long time says that he knows someone that has done this.

If you are passing through the state and fill out all of the paper work as you should then you may be in the state for eight hours with the fully auto weapon. We are short North & South, but long East & West. Just hope someone does not have to stay overnight. The eight hour part was told to me by a person from out of state that has full autos and I have to go with their knowledge of the subject.
and it's a friggin' icebox for half of the year...

You think that's cold? I've been in Vermont and it looked like a very nice place. The more I hear about the laws there, the nicer it seems. And it's 15 or so degrees of latitude to the south of here. I just saw that the lowest temperature registered in Norway in November was -32C, that's -26F. Not that I'm complaining, I don't expect temperatures like that in my part of the country for at least another couple of weeks :)

If there is a point to this post, I guess it is that we have some of the best gun-laws in Europe, along with Switzerland and Finland. More snow - better laws? Doesn't Alaska have a decent climate (for guns, that is)?
QUESTION .. i havent done a search yet because of the search being disabled, but FOR ALL HERE WHO ARE IN EUROPE OR OUTSIDE OF THE US ...
how are your gun laws ?...
hey ultimathule, your from norway ..
can you give a brief detailed example of your country's gun laws ?.. also maybe some other countrys gun laws you are very familiar with ?.. anyone else ?..
VT, NH and ME are good as stated. Mass. totally depends on your local police chiefs discretion. Whereas anyone living near a city will have trouble getting a CCW, the guys out in the sticks can get class 3's easily. It all depends on the town.

You Florida folk call anything above 70 hot! LOL It was 80 today in south Louisiana, and that's a nice muggy 80, feels like September not December! :D
You Florida folk call anything above 70 hot! LOL It was 80 today in south Louisiana, and that's a nice muggy 80, feels like September not December!

Not saying we are the hottest, just making the statement that I don't own much winter clothing! It was high 70s/low 80s today. Probably will have the a/c on during christmas.
I agree......

Enjoy the warm weather. It won't last long! It'll get colder than an anti's statements about the 2nd amendment!

<The state of Kansas does not allow the private ownership of fully auto weapons. The last I heard there are seven states that do not allow us to own them, KS being one. I understand or have been told you may make an application for a variant to the state attorney general and might get to own one. A close friend of mine that I have know for a long time says that he knows someone that has done this. >

Hell! Here in Kansas, we don't even have CCW. We're one of the few left. OTOH, I'm a rangemaster at one of the local clubs, and I've seen a few guns that are normally full auto that have been reworked to semi. They look like fun guns either way. One guy had a Mac 10 and what looked like an Uzi the other day, both firing semi auto.
