What state to move to for Sheep hunting?


New member
I am looking at moving west in a few years [I live in MN now]. I am wondering what state(s) offers the best opportunity for a resident to draw a tag for Mt. Sheep and/or Goat?

And what are the conditions like for other big game (Elk, Mule Deer, etc) in that state?

Here in the Midwest White tail are basically it for big game. Though we are all but over run with them (most years I have to work at not getting a deer or three with my car).

Dall Sheep - Buy a licence/tag!

Other Hunts - Bear (Griz or Black), Moose, Caribu, Black Tail Deer - Buy a licence/tag.

Fish - Salmon, Halibut, Salmon, Snapper, Salmon - buy a licence/tag.

[This message has been edited by Schmit (edited May 14, 2000).]
I would like to move to Alaska :) But I will have to stay in the lower 48 for a while.

No lottery in Alaska at all yet for residents? What about for bears (Brownies that is) in Alaska?

I only have two passions for hunting. Dangerous game--which for me is BIG bears, African lions, and tigers (which I don't think one can hunt anymore)--and Mt game (ie Sheep or Goats).

I would welcome any comments from Alaskan residents or people who have hunted/fished Alaska.

Pehaps if I start wanting it bad enough I might find the money that would allow me to move there in less than 20 years. :D
GlamDring, Schmit is correct, if you want to hunt sheep/goats a lot! Idaho has a permit system for residents on Rocky Mtn. Sheep, Calif. Bighorns, and Rocky Mtn. Goats. But it is a once-per-lifetime ticket, same as moose. So, if a resident of Idaho, you could only hunt, at the most, four times for those species. On the other hand, Idaho is fantastic for black bear, elk, mule and whitetail deer... and other game.

We also have grizzlies, but woe to the person who kills one. Protected species in these parts. Same with wolves.
Best of luck. J.B.
You'll find plenty of BIG bears in Alaska, though Schmit can tell you more about the regulations than I can.

The fishing is great there, too. I went back in '94 during the silver run up the Russian River. You could literally walk across the river on the backs of the salmon, and there were some large rainbow trout gorging themselves on the eggs and flesh chunks of the salmon as they spawned and died. If I'm not mistaken, the minimum size limit for the rainbows was 25" that year. Makes the 16" I caught two weeks ago look like a minnow.

Trouble is, I think Anchorage only has about 4 hours of sunlight at the winter solstice. I lived in Minnesota also (1973-87) and the eight-hour sun days drove me nuts some years.
Catch some walleye for me--wasn't the opener this weekend?
Well I have lived in MN my whole life...I think Anchorage is often warmer than MN during the winter :)

Though we don't get bears downtown in most towns.

So what is second choice after Alaska?
Glamdring, as I said, Idaho. Aside from great hunting, you can easily get a CCW, or in most places, you can carry OPENLY if you want. This a Second Article friendly state. J.B.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jay Baker:
Glamdring, as I said, Idaho. Aside from great hunting, you can easily get a CCW, or in most places, you can carry OPENLY if you want. This a Second Article friendly state. J.B.[/quote]

Alaska 1st by a wide margin? And everything after Idaho is a distant 3rd?

A 2nd amendment friendly state...that is part of the reason I want to move out of the Socialist Republic of MN.

Go ahead twist my arm :) With enough encouragement I might just throw the "essentials" in my car and drive towards the setting sun :D
Are in in Mpls/St.P metro in MN (where CHLs are not common) or in the "greater" Minnesota where deer hunters berate you for owning "assault pistols"?

Colorado has a permit system for sheep and mountain goats, and is open to both residents and non-residents. Basically, you have to apply for three years before you are entered into the drawing. You can hunt either Rocky Mtn Bighorns (a fair amount of permits), or desert bighorns( very few permits). As for mountainous, I've seen goats at almost fourteen thousand feet.

For other game, we've gots lots of elk, mulie and whitetailed deer, antelopes and turkeys. Lots of waterfowl, upland game birds and pheasants on the eastern plains (and in neighboring Nebraska and Kansas). Numerous varmints (coyotes, prarie dogs, etc.) to plink at if you are so inclined. Good fishing for both cold and warm water species, although not in the Alaska league.

As for 2nd amendment friendly, CHLs are at the discretion of the local county sheriff. Some counties issue to all qualified applicants like where I live in El Paso county (Colorado Springs). Some don't issue at all - like in Denver. We do have open carry, and state law lets us carry a gun in our car if we are "traveling", except in Denver of course. And we do have a lot of job opportunities, especially if you are into high tech.

Here is a link to the Division of Wildlife - they have all their game brouchures on-line. http://www.dnr.state.co.us/wildlife/

Have Fun - JohnDog
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Coinneach:
JohnDog - you're a WorldCommie?! :D[/quote]

(clearing throat noise) Ahem. Commie? I think me and DC have the same feelings toward (Vis a Vie) squirrels/commies,,,,


Sorry, haven't checked this topic in a few days. I'm sure since I've been up there a few things have change IRT hunting. But probably not much.

For full info go to Alaska Fish & Game

If, after reading what they have, doesn't convince you... nothing will. ;)

GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
Sorry, Giz, didn't mean to spike yer pacemaker. ;)

When JohnDog mentioned El Paso County, I checked his profile. Looks like he and I both slave away for Da Man at Worldcom (formerly MCI).
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Oleg Volk:
Are in in Mpls/St.P metro in MN (where CHLs are not common) or in the "greater" Minnesota where deer hunters berate you for owning "assault pistols"?[/quote]

Me? I live in in the south eastern part of the Socialist Republic of MN :D :D :D

I avoid "hunters" though I do hang out with several gun nuts. Though they do tend to make fun of my plastic guns though :rolleyes:

LOL!!! Actually, as of 2/1, I works for ED's compuders (EDS). Bernie Ebbers (Worldcom Ceo) out-sourced me and my 'services' to them as of that date!! I sit in the same cubey as before (with primo views of Pikes Peak) and do the same job (hack computer software). Check just comes from a differnet place!

Support JohnDog - Make a Long Distance call via WorldCarp!!
Jeez, must be nice... I get primo views of Garden of the Gods Road and the new Intel plant. When I leave my cave, that is.

I'll never understand Worldcom's personnel policies. My co-BOFH just got converted, while elsewhere on the project, employees got axed and contractors hired in their place. Whiskey Tango Foxtroxt, over.

ANYway, BOT, if Glamdring is looking for sheep, CO isn't the place unless you're connected.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Coinneach:

ANYway, BOT, if Glamdring is looking for sheep, CO isn't the place unless you're connected.

So is it Alaska or bust? :(
I don't think I could afford to move to Alaska for 15 to 20 years!!

I am hoping to get out west in 5 to 8 years.

Can someone give me the pro's and con's for Colorado, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, etc.
Sheep hunting in AK is great, Its a lot of work and you need to be in shape but its still allot of fun. I can't say how it compares to anywhere else as this is the my home state and have no reason to move. Moose are easy to get if you know where to look :). As for bears, you can bait for black bears after taking a class(on how to bait bears) from Fish and Game. I've never had a desire to hunt for grizzly's so I can't comment on hunting them but I have cross trails with them when I'm out moose hunting, so the are around. If you want something more specific or want info on fishing email me and I will do what I can to answer them.
