What state is best for gun owners

Bulldog, That is just an unsubstantiated rumor. I think the only place they still teach that particularly tired geologic theory is at Texas A&M. :) Jeff, contributions you made to the cause here are appreciated.
I was raised in Arizona and moved to Nevada. Both very firearm friendly.

Both have open carry allowed. Arizona is probably better about this though. When we were setting up the gathering for TFL to shoot in Carson City I was told that although open carry was the law, anyone doing so will get to personally meet the local constabulary - Due to the anticipated high volume of calls, please don't do it. (grin)

CCW is easy to achieve in both states. I only hold Nev CCW so can't speak to AZ CCW. We are only allowed 2 firearms and can't change without requalification with new pistol ($50 give or take plus $15 to get new permit issued.)

NFA firearms are allowed with proper papers.

Many varmits are open season for residents and others! Coyote, black eared rabbits, ground squirrels are on the list of open varmits here in Nev.

Wonder why so many Kali residents are moving here??? That alone will really mess with the laws and drive housing prices through the roof... If you do shop for a house or employment in Nev, you may be wise to be from somewhere else... {grin}

Kinda fun to still be able to have a drink and a SMOKE in the bars while we can...

No, I ain't moving for a while. May have to enter politics, but I don't plan on moving...

[This message has been edited by Patrick Seeber (edited November 14, 1999).]
G-Freeeman, although I spent a lot of time on the phone with Bob Macy (the DA in OKC) and some state trooper that was shot will on duty, Frank Sherdan is the one who deserves the credit. I left Oklahoma in 1991 and he kept up the fight until he won. Very little of my version was left by the time NRA got through with it. They had a bill to work from that had been passed in other states so Oklahoma used that as its base and just added some of my stuff. Bob Cullison, that was the President of the Senate. If he had not been there the legislation would have passed 10 years earlier.

A little known geologic fact: It is not Oklahoma that keeps Texas attached, but a combination of Iowa channelling through Kansas.
Have to get a plug in for Kentucky. We have shall issue permits, no local laws allowed, open carry OK, no paperwork for private transfers, National Gun Day show in Louisville, class III Ok, honor ALL other states permits (new change) and the state legislature is considering a bill to block KY cities from sueing gun manufacturers.

Even if Texas were to be underwater from all of AK's melted ice, it wouldn't last but a few days...it's too friggin' hot! :)

"Liberty or death, What we so proudly hail... Once you provoke Her, rattling of Her tail- Never begins it, NEVER- But once engaged never surrenders, showing the fangs of rage. DON'T TREAD ON ME!!
If anyone figures out what it is that's keeping the Lone Star State attached will you please cut it. I would sure like to land a few redfish in my backyard instead of having to drive 300 miles! And just think - we could let the 3 guys patroling our border go and start beefing up our coast guard.

To stay on topic - come on out, you can't do much better.
In IOWA the local sheriff in each of our 99 counties issues CCW permits. There also a "permit to aquire" for hanguns issued by the sheriff in all counties. After a background check on the subject wanting a concealed permit, is issued after this check and sheriffs discrection. In the county i live in the sheriff doe not issue very many permits to john q public, but in the county next to the one i live in; he issues many ccw permits. So i would say the mindset of who's in office as the sheriff has alot to do with whether permits are issued to the public persons. [along with mandates set by the legislature]
SC has recently started to come out of the dark ages. We recently adopted a shall issue CCW law, but it has several restrictions. Now if we could get a state lottery, legalize prostitution, and build a better public education system in the state, we would be set.
No doubt about it...VERMONT. The rest of the country, EVERY STATE, should learn from VT and throw out their tyranical gun laws...ALL OF THEM! Exclamation point.

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
PS: Every gun law on the books is a tyranical law. This is not anarchial phylosophy. This is original American thinking. I just wanted to make sure that everyone knew that I wasn't talking about a catagory of gun laws, but a totality of gun laws. Shame on every state that has CCW regulations, permits, or restrictions. They should not even exist. Just my .02c and a few pints of blood from the colonists.

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)

[This message has been edited by EQUALIZER (edited November 15, 1999).]
In all honesty, I agree with Equalizer with only 3 exceptions. I feel that convicted felons, mental patients and drug addicts should not be allowed gun ownership. If I were king that would be the only restriction. Anyone who used a gun to commit a violent crime would be punished to life without parole working 12 hour shifts 7 days a week at hard labor. All good folks would be not only allowed, but expected to defend themselves and their family. Unfortunately, I am not king.
I would narrow the range of prohibitted people to violent felons and persons judged mentally deficient or unbalanced. I would not include either nonviolent felons or drug addicts in the list of banned persons.

Nonviolent felons are often good people caught up in a bad thing who would never harm anyone. Drug addicts are sick people, just like alcoholics. They are not by nature violent nor are they less deserving of a means of protecting themselves from the cannibles. (If they become violent frlons,then they loose their guns.)