What state has the "best" gun laws?

Vermont is usually cited, because it has no laws restricting CCW. But, everytime you buy a gun there I believe you have to be background checked by the ATF, since they have no pre-emption.
Indiana is pretty good...


No waiting period or registration on purchases (I bought a gun over a lunch break once).

Shall issue state that offers lifetime carry licenses. All you have to do is go to the local LEA, get fingerprinted and then send them in with a check to the state police.

Open carry is technically legal however it is disputed in various areas.

Castle Doctrine state

Indiana Constitution, Section 32. The people shall have a right to bear arms, for the defense of themselves and the State.


Local towns/counties can have restrictions on carry (although I don't know if anyone enforces these).

Restricted carry locations (schools, riverboats, dnr property, etc.)

You must have a license to transport a handgun in any way unless taking it to/from a gunsmith or to/from the store you purchased it from (its the same license you use for concealed carry).

I'm sure I'm leaving stuff out, but thats a decent overview.
Florida is alright if they only allow open carry and less restrictions on carrying then it would be perfect.And if they lighten up on handgun ccw age restriction I hate when they refer any one under 21 as a "kid" or minor because they are definitely not a minor or child when 18 is considered a adult in much of the USA.Can I say oxymoron or major contradiction in itself calling a Adult a minor or a child.
If I had it my way I would support the issue of ccw permits to anyone old enough to drive a car without parent supervision and a valid Driver license [16+ and up].Because if they can be trusted to drive a 3000 pound hunk of steel that can cause massive destruction more than any gun can do why not?
I live in South Dakota, and I would definitely say that the gun laws are very lax here. Open carry is legal, although you rarely see it. A CCW permit costs $10 and is valid for 4 years, with no training requirement. You can't carry in bars, courthouses, or elemtary and secondary schools, but you can carry pretty much everywhere else. There's full preemption at the state level, so cities can't enact more restrictive laws than the state. You can also carry a loaded handgun in your vehicle without a permit, as long as it's visible.

Oh, and we honor a valid permit from any other state.

I'm sure you'll all be moving here really soon. ;)

CCW is $10. Everything is legal. Unlimited mags, evil features, silencers, class III, whatever you want.

Open carry is perfectly legal as well. Plus crime is low.
Viginia is great. Open-carry, shall-issue, class III friendly, just wish they had a Castle Doctrine on the books.
But dang, I do miss Montana!
I live in PA and we have very lax gun laws.

Not if "Fast" Eddie Rendell and the corrupt political machine of Philadelphia have their way.

Curiosity yields evolution...satiety yields extinction.
I think 21 is a good age for gun ownership. When you are 18 you can be hot-tempered in a childish way. Most people become more mentally stable with age. I see many young drivers that behave dangerous in traffic. I do not want people of that maturity level to carry a concealed handgun. I wish the troopers revoked driver licenses more often.
Three years aint going to make a difference if the 18 year old is an idiot he will always be one and besides if he really wants a gun he will get one anyway with not much difficulty at all.
That type of law will only affect the law abiders who follow the rules yet again.

Denying normal responsible 18 year olds their right to gun ownership just because a few morons mess around is not right this is something an Anti would say.There are plenty of stupid 21 year olds out there why not ban them too.In my opinion its stupid to deny someones right to a gun just because of their age and because a few idiots ruin it for everyone this is like a kindergarten class.

21 is a false security age because you only hinder the 18 year olds responsibility and development into the real world its like treating them like they are handicapped or something.Its an excuse to treat them like kids still when they really are not.Does not make sense to me at all its a complete contradiction sw_florida its your opinion but to me it does not make any sense.
All it is telling me is that you would want all the people under 21 to be stigmatized and denied of their right to gun ownership and self protection with ccw because of a few idiots that do stupid things.
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Ummm... This thread is about which State has the best guns laws, isn't it?

Now I could be entirely wrong, but I didn't think the thread was about how old you think someone should be to own a gun... Or am I wrong?
Just curious is there one state that is the most lax with gun laws? I live in PA and we have very lax gun laws.
Why are you using the lingo of the anti gunners and saying that the "gun laws" in your state are "lax?"

So if a state actually respects your rights (as opposed to ending them and/or turning them into privileges), then said state is being "lax?"

The term "lax" is always an insult (as opposed to the term relaxed, which has a good connotation), and has become synonymous with not paying attention.

In the gun banners' world (the media also uses the term this way), lax=not strict=careless=dangerous, and banning guns="being safety conscious."
I believe that 21 is a terrible age for the introduction to Arms. That however is Texas law for purchase of a handgun. I am not sure exactly how strictly that is enforced though. I don't remember a time when I didn't have guns around. Even at school, we had shotguns and rifles and yes- the occasional pistol for target shooting after school (in our cars). I don't think anybody would have cared about the rifles or shotguns, but the pistols would have gotten us in a lot of trouble (this was pre-Columbine). Still- they'd have only called our parents who would have said- yeah- they're going to the range after school. Then they'd have to come pick up the guns. Nobody would have gone to jail.

I reflect back on how awkward it was to return from the first Persian Gulf War only 20 years old and having to have my mom (who flew out to NC for my return) to buy my beer for me. I believe if you're old enough to handle howitzers, high explosives, and yes- machine guns as a daily part of your life, then you are old enough to handle them at home. When somebody does something stupid, you punish the stupid-doer, not the whole society.

That's another thread. Back on topic, I have never felt too restricted by the Texas laws, but then, I am white. I sat in a gunsmith shop and heard with my own ears that it was OK for me to carry because the unspoken rule is: "If you're white and polite, it's alright." That is a quote. Perhaps our laws are very restrictive and selectively enforced which is the essence of all gun control laws.