What stage of Deer Hunting madness are you in?

Aw, I've sorta gotten where the heighth of ambition is to sit in my truck in the back country, looking to see if anything wanders close to the jeep trail. Otherwise, I tend to hunt real hard around the campfire.

The trouble with aging is that you don't get all that hungry. Hard for me to eat a whole deer, anymore...

:D, Art
I am in the depression stage - season done, nothing to show for it, 11 1/2 months to wait for my next try...

sobbing at my desk....
Well, I accomplished my one major goal for this year, which was to take my first deer with a bow. Bagged a nice 8 pointer with the old bow, so the pressure is off for me. BP has been in here for a week now, but I don't BP hunt so it hasn't changed anything for me.

I don't care much for general gun (shotgun) season around here, since all of those darned hunt clubs (actually it's mainly just one, but I won't name) run their dogs 24/7 and trespass on to our land, scaring the deer and making them run in every known direction. They turn hunting in to a turkey-shoot, takes all the skill and enjoyment out of it IMO. :(

I'll probably take one or two during shotgun, but it'll just be to finish filling up the freezer to hold us 'till next year.
I am in the depression stage - season done, nothing to show for it, 11 1/2 months to wait for my next try...

No memories? No pictures? No time spent with family or friends?

Sir, that is depressing.
I have already had my hands in a gut pile this year, so I no longer have the fever. The rut is in full swing, though, so I get a tingle every now and then.
Just send me those backstraps and I will take care of that cut of nasty meat for you Art :D

Pssst.... dont tell the wife but the reason we got the lease was a quite place to escape to...lol
Just went and picked up some VS1 Deer Scent Lure. Ran me about $45 :eek: so I really hope it will bring in a big one. I am ready to go out now!
Sitting in my living room practicing grunting and using my Doe estreus can.

I have to be honest, I feel like a kid before Christmas. I don't think I'll catch any Zzz the night before the first day of the hunt. No chance of falling asleep and falling out of my stand. I'll be to excited.

I don't know why I am so excited this season.
No memories? No pictures? No time spent with family or friends?

Your right, of course. We had a great run of weather during bow season and I saw more bulls this year than in the last several years combined.

Deer season was a long struggle of trying to juggle work, kids (and sports) and other responsiblilities with hunting time.

I figured out that I have to take a week off and coordinate Grandma to come help with the kids during that week and go camp to really get some enjoyment out of it.
I am on the downhill side of a slippery slope chompin' at the bit awaiting gen gun... You can only clean a clean weapon so many times before the blue falls off!:mad:
I have been bow hunting 1-2 times a week since october - got a doe early on. Have not been hunting that long but have gotten a good share of smaller deer. But I am a slobbering maniac for a larger buck! Nothing outrageous - decent 8 or 10 - keep seeing them, nothing close. I feel I will have graduated to be a better hunter when/if it happens. HOT FOR A BUCK!:eek:
Hound hunting is coming up this Saturday, treat for most of us hear in VA after bow & muzzleloader season and last untlil the first Saturday in January. Of course we can still hunt any of the other methods during that time frame.
I'm at full speed here. Rifle season has been in a few weeks now and I am working most days. I have cut my hunting days in half this year because of working. Got lucky and have taking two deer so far a spike and a doe, but I am only half way there, Average 4 a year (keeps me in deer year around). Looking at the calender, I only have 5 more hunting days this season:( Well I will make the most of it, might see my wife after Thanksgiving.
I go into withdrawal within 3 days after the end of season. Its a sickness! Dont care what season it is. It gets really bad after waterfoul season ends because by that time nothing else is open.

I try to kill the time by reloading, shooting, and rifle projects. Seems to make me want to get out in the field even more.

No help in sight! Doomed.
I'm all done with deer madness. Already ate some of the summer sausage and hamburger. Now elk madness, oboy. Went at noon today because a storm is coming in. Kept bumping into deer. Some nice lookin bucks, but no elk. I'll go back out tomarrow morning probably for the last time this year, Aarrgg!
Hey Perley this weekend for the rut at least thats what the the scrapes I've been seeing and the does I've been talking to say. Saw a crotch horn right at Old Town Lumber last saturday on my way back from Bowerbank. I was talking with those guys in the morning little do we know. Put that new equipment to good use and good luck. Aloha from Newburgh.
Chasing is going on now here in CT.
As an archer I have been killing since Sept 15 and will keep going until Jan 30. .
We get unlimited tags while archery hunting. for every 2 doe's you get another buck tag. Personally I could care less about head gear. I like baby Bambi skippers. Walking veal as I call them. I used to go for bragging rights with the biggest racks I could find. Over that stage now.
Can't grill um why kill um.

nothing better than a one handed drag out.
I've been in the fever since June or so... like usual. I hunt in an area with a very small deer herd and, not to mention, in the big woods in public land. If I SEE a deer I'm doing well. I'm leaving tomorrow after work to drive down to the deer woods for a full week of hunting.

I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!! :) :D
Heh heh, I'm in the "bought a slug gun just cuz I wanted one now I havta go deer huntin to justify the purchase" stage.

I was an avid bow hunter for many years but a spine injury at work kinda took the fun out of it and I haven't been in the woods for a while. I'm really looking forward to "the hunt" part but I am honestly dreading actually getting a deer. It's gonna take some fancy strategy to avoid a long drag. Eight years of disability retirement has left me a tad "out of shape". I'm worried the dead deer might "kill me back", if you know what I mean.