What sort of penetration might I expect.

I wouldn't lose sleep over wounding a hog. Sure I'd try to find it but if I couldn't oh well. No different than a mouse or rat, except they don't eat very well.
Do you glue trap mice/rats? Do you eat them after you kill them? Poison them?
Rats and mice are mighty smart, and last I checked mammals as well.
Easy fellers, my hunt looks like its going to fall through anyhow. While I certainly don't advocate intentionally gut shooting critters etc. During an eradication effort if I have a shot at the south end of a north bound hog, I will put a bullet right at the base of his tail, will it be an instant clean kill, no but it will allow me to follow him up and finish him off. I don't like losing any animal I have shot whether its a squirrel or a deer, but beating this up as an ethical argument isn't going to do anything but rile some folks up.
Dremel, there are soybean fields around here where every night the hunters open up on the deer with spot lights and ar-15's. They dont recover half of them, but they save hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of soy beans. People find deer regularly a couple miles away from those fields that have traveled that far and died. Does not hurt my moral compass. Farmer has to make a living. If you feel sorry for hogs, you need to come deal with some of the damage they cause around here. Wounding the hog to die days later or letting a pack of dogs bite the hog to death over 20 minutes? I see very little difference in the two.
Thats funny because we do the same in our apple orchards. People have no idea the impact deer, hogs or any other animal can have on someones living. Our farm provides a life for four families. We have no time for wild anuimals screwing that up. Yes we have permits and all our freezers are full life is good
If you use the 55 gr. Barns. Load for the faster rounds. This week I shot at a 3/8 steel target with the barns 45 gr in my Hornet moving at about 2900 FPS The damage was half penetration. Load them hotter. My lighter loads just ding the plate. You won't like a ****** off razor tucker shredding your jeans. Make sure your clip is full. You will be on the edge of low power. I would go with a heavier slug for safety. Are you going to entertain or to kill?
Under your view, if deer become a nuisance, you could do the same to them right? All bets are off once they reach nuisance status, right? Just sling lead - spray and pray to the maximum extent possible with nuisances, correct? I mean, what's your criteria for when one shot, one kill is the ethics that the species deserves?

I've personally seen Hogs devastate whole fields of corn and soybeans in less than a week's time. They are more than just a nuisance, they are making it impossible for some farmers to make a living. While deer do cause problems, they are no where near the issue that Hogs are, simply because of a Hog's ability to quickly reproduce(a sow can begin reproducing within 6 months, and can become pregnant again 3 months giving birth). Now, i don't consider killing hogs as hunting. I consider it eradication. This is an invasive species(which is why many states in the south do not require a license to kill it, or have any sort of bag limit. The DNR doesn't consider it a "game" animal.) which is not only screwing up the balance of nature, but it is causing some farmers to lose their farms. That's unacceptable to me. While i personally haven't lost a Hog, i wouldn't lose any sleep if i did. Another animal will find it and take care of the remains. That's the circle of life. Would i prefer to kill it quickly? Of course, but i think eliminating as many as possible is a positive thing.

Your attitude makes me ill, and paints all hunters in a bad light in the eyes of the general public. Those are facts.

Actually 1 of those statements is a fact, the other is your opinion.
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I've killed pigs with the little Barnes in my AR. They work great. The only thing I would want you to do different is don't bother with taking the time for a headshot on the first one. take the first lung shot available and move to the next one. KILL THEM ALL!
My favorite hog gun is an old SKS. I bought it for $79 and beat it all to hell long before they became worth $400 in pristine condition.