What should one do?

When a person is in this state, should they lock up their safety, now a danger and should be devoid of their rights, or should they carry on as they have as long as they can before just falling down from total exhaustion.

If you lock up your gun, you are not devoid of your rights. Your rights are still in place, but you are simply choosing not to exercise them. It is sort of the same with voting. If you chose not to vote in an election, your right to vote hasn't changed to being devoid.

If you feel like you have such mental issues (lack of sleep, medication, stress, etc.) that you should not carry a gun, then chances are that you should not be operating heavy machinery such as your automobile. I believe it would be safe to say that a lot more people (relative) get into wrecks due to such mental issues more so than people unsafely discharge firearms as a result of such mental issues.

There is something else to consider. Do you feel you are less likely to get robbed or attacked in some manner while you are having these issues? My guess is that you would be more likely to be a victim because your body language will reflect your mental state and you will have the appearance of being a much easier target. The same goes for people that are sick or feeble.

I don't know how bad off you are/were, but my guess is that you probably are not as bad off for carrying than you think, but I do think you have made a good precautionary choice.

Now, had you been having troubles with anger management, not only would I have suggested you lock up your guns, but that you let somebody else you trust lock up your guns until said crisis passed. From your description, it doesn't sound like you have an anger management issues that pertain here.
USP - can you get away for a break? I had a really bad year a long time ago.
I'd worked my arse off double shifting and nights, everything was getting out of focus. Drugs didn't do much good, and I had the wife kids and mortgage to worry about. I found a place on a remote island where I went for six weeks (family came too) - after that I got together again.
It wasn't a very flash place but it was private, and the 'phone had an 'off' switch. Groceries were delivered by the daily ferry. I didn't have to talk to anyone or tell them what to do.
My cousin in Canada has a house on an island in Georgia Sound. He goes there when he needs to retreat from the World. Works for him too.
I guess it's a form of practical disengagement therapy.
Can't get away. Boss came back today and whined about him being behind and that I'm needed, yada, yada, yada.

If I didn't like him as a person I would have just told him to live with me taking a sick day. But he is ticking me off abit though being slow about getting some of the things that I need done.

Not anger, just disappointed. I gave up the anger things a couple of months ago, didn't do me or anyone else any good ;) .

This weekend, I may try to get out of the house. Been catching "cat naps" when I go home at night.

It's time for you, my friend, to hit the weight pile. Work out smoothly and in good form, but push it as far as you can. It's a panacea for stress and related symptoms. If you aren't a lifter, then swim, run, bike, kata..
Any of this will help you get your head on straight, bonchance!